FMPA Weekly | Nov. 6, 2017 | Member Edition


FMPA Weekly


A weekly e-newsletter for FMPA members


Nov. 6, 2017




Stanton II Project Bond Refunding

FMPA closed Oct. 26 on approximately $72 million in refunding bonds for the Stanton II Project’s Series 2000 and 2004 bonds through BBVA bank. The transaction netted $432,000 in gross savings for the project, which was better than originally estimated. The interest rate was 2.53% for the Series 2000 bonds and 2.32% for the Series 2004 bonds. Contact: Linda Howard


Member Services Advisory Committee

Chairman Bill Conrad appointed three members to serve on the Member Services Advisory Committee last Monday: Billy Branch of Homestead, Brian Horton of Kissimmee and Dallas Lee of Newberry. The committee met last Wednesday and discussed: 1) Member Services Satisfaction Survey results, 2) update on FMPA salary survey process, 3) updates on purchasing and procurement services, and 4) overview of potential new initiatives. The full agenda package is available on the Portal. Contact: Mark McCain


Cane Island Unit 2

Cane Island Unit 2 retued to service last Thursday after a planned maintenance outage. Contact: David Schumann


Promoting Careers at Municipal Utilities

Mike McCleary and Sharon Smeenk attended the Florida School Counselor Association’s convention in Orlando last Thursday through Saturday to promote careers at municipal utilities. As exhibitors at the event, they encouraged counselors to inform students about job opportunities.


Joint Action Recruiting Program

Five job openings at municipal electric utilities were posted last week to the> style=color: windowtext;>Member Utilities Jobs section of Members can email Paige Aett with job listings to be included on the website and posted on a national energy job website for free through FMPA’s Joint Action Recruiting Program. Contact: Sharon Adams


Grant Opportunities

Sharon Smeenk emailed a list of potential grant opportunities last Monday to interested FMPA members. The Member Services Department has a subscription to> style=color: windowtext;> to assist members in identifying potential funding sources. The service was purchased after several members requested assistance with grants and the service options were discussed with the Member Services Advisory Committee. Member Services sends out periodic emails with grant opportunities. If you would like to receive the emails, contact Sharon Smeenk.





Introductory Visit

Mike McCleary travels to Mount Dora on Tuesday to continue his introductory meetings with FMPA member cities. Members who have not scheduled meetings with Mike are encouraged to do so by sending him an email.


APPA Customer Connections Conference

Jeff Grainger will be in Sacramento, Calif., through Wednesday attending the American Public Power Association’s (APPA) Customer Connections Conference. The conference is APPA’s annual meeting for professionals in customer service, energy services, key accounts and public communications.


ARP Telephonic Rate Workshop

The ARP Executive Committee meets Wednesday at 2 p.m. via conference call for the monthly All-Requirements Project Rate Workshop. The agenda includes: 1) natural gas markets update, 2) overview of October loads, 3) resource update for October, and 4) review of October ARP rate calculation. Contact: Jason Wolfe


FMEA Energy Connections Conference

Mike McCleary and Sharon Smeenk attend the Florida Municipal Electric Association’s (FMEA) Energy Connections Conference on Wednesday and Thursday in St. Augustine. Mike will give a safety presentation on switching and tagging policies.


Vero Beach Review Session

The second review session for Vero Beach’s Consents and Waivers will be held via conference call on Thursday at 2 p.m. If you missed the first session last Friday and are not able to attend this week’s session, contact Jody Finklea to schedule a session.


Excellence as a Supervisor

The second and third modules of Series II of FMPA’s Excellence as a Supervisor training will be held Monday through Thursday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at FMPA’s Orlando office. This training is designed for first-line supervisors, middle-level supervisors and prospective supervisors. Series II provides information on selection and development of employees, performance evaluations, employee motivation, leading change, as well as an overview of ensuring a harassment-free and respectful workplace. Lunch will be provided each day. Contact: Sharon Smeenk


Special Dates

Congratulations to David Schumann, who celebrates 15 years with FMPA on Saturday, Nov. 11.





Goveing Board Meetings

FMPA’s goveing boards will meet Nov. 16 in FMPA’s Orlando office. The Board of Directors meets at 9 a.m. and the Executive Committee meets at 9:30 a.m., or immediately following the Board of Directors meeting. Contact: Jacob Williams


Purchasing Roundtable

The deadline to> style=color: windowtext;>register for FMPA’s Purchasing Roundtable is Nov. 16. The roundtable will be held Dec. 7 at 10 a.m. in FMPA’s Orlando office. The roundtable is free and open to any utility staff member who has an interest in procurement-related topics, including work procedures, policies, practices, industry changes and other topics of interest. Contact: Sharon Samuels


Substation Training Series

A second session of FMPA’s Substation Training series will be held Jan. 23-24 at Orlando Utilities Commission’s Engineering Building. The topic for this session is substation print reading and troubleshooting. This hands-on course will cover: 1) reading and evaluating substation prints, 2) interpreting print symbols, and 3) using prints during electrical troubleshooting work tasks. The cost to register is $900 per person for the two-day session. Lunch will be provided.> style=color: windowtext;>Registration is available on FMPA’s website. Contact: Sharon Smeenk



INDUSTRY NEWS> style=color: windowtext;>Tax Reform Bill Leaves Muni Exemption

The U.S. House Ways and Means Committee released proposed tax-reform legislation last Thursday that would allow the current tax exemption for municipal bonds to remain largely the same. If approved, the plan would ban the issuance of private activity bonds, advance refunding bonds, tax credit bonds and tax-exempt municipal bonds for professional sports stadiums. It is estimated that the proposal would reduce personal income tax receipts and estate tax receipts by approximately $200 billion nationwide. Corporate and pass-through business receipts would also be reduced by $1 trillion over the next decade. The committee is expected to begin considering the proposal Monday. If it is approved by the committee, the full House is scheduled to consider the bill the week of Nov. 13.> style=color: windowtext;>FPL Parent Bids to Purchase Public Utility

NextEra Energy, the parent company of Florida Power & Light (FPL), bid last week to purchase Santee Cooper, a state-owned public power utility in South Carolina, making what NextEra called a “substantial offer to decision makers. South Carolina Gov. Henry McMaster has indicated that he would like to sell Santee Cooper as a result of accruing $8 billion in debt, partially due to a canceled nuclear plant expansion at the V.C. Summer plant outside of Columbia, S.C. Duke Energy Corp. and Southe Co. have submitted informal bids. Dominion Energy Inc. is expected to submit a proposal within two weeks. McMaster’s office says they hope to send an offer for Santee Cooper to the Legislature in January.



FMPA Weekly is published by FMPA for employees and goveing boards of FMPA member utilities. Questions or comments about this newsletter may be directed to Jeff Grainger or Holly Cammisa in FMPA’s Public Relations Department.


Want more background on the names and terms used in this newsletter? Check out FMPA’s Glossary, which features some of the most frequently mentioned committees, companies, places and terms, or contact the person named in each FMPA story to lea more.


Have a question, comment or story idea for the newsletter? FMPA welcomes your feedback at any time. Contact: Jeff Grainger or Holly Cammisa




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