FMPA Salary Survey

Question 4.1: If so, how are they structured?

Click on a participant name to link directly to their report.

Member Answers
Member N Pre-Apprentice: 6 Step, Apprentice: 6 Step, Journeyman: Step 6, Sr Substation/Sr Relay Technician :5 Step
Member O Multistep pay plans, progression based on time
Member M Every 6 months only for Apprenticeship Programs
Member F
Member R We have three (3) steps - Low - Mid - High. Each pay range is 11% from low to high.
Member J 1.5%
Member Q 2.5% every step. 19 step pay plan.
Member L NA
Member H see attached
Member G
Member P
Member I Each of the following four positions have apprentice programs of four years duration with 6-month steps at each level. At the completion of four years, each position lands at a job rate.
Member K Lineman have Steps A-C. Crew Leader has Step A&B only. All other positions have Steps A-F.
Member A
Member B
Member C 2% then 3% each year thereafter up to maximum of the pay range for the position.
Member D Step Plan is not in place for the Electric Department personnel, only for the Police personnel

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Questions? Comments? Send e-mail to Sharon Adams or call 321-239-1005.

This page was updated on 04/14/23

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