FMPA Salary Survey

Question 6.1: If so, how is it structured?

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Member Answers
Member N On call employees shall be credited with one-half hour, at the straight time rate, for each 8-hour period during which they are required to remain in an on call status beyond their normal work schedules. The minimum call back compensation shall be two hours at the overtime rate, beginning at the time the call is received by the employee.
Member O Guarnteed minimum hours/compensation if called.
Member M Standby is $25.00 per day
Member F
Member R The rate used per hour to calculate standby pay while officially on standby duty will be .0693 of the employee's normal hourly rate. For example: an employee who is officially on standby duty for 12 hours at a $20 hourly rate is called in for 2 hours. The employee's standby pay for that day is .0693 x 10 (12 hours normal standby hours less 2 hours actually worked) x $20, or $13.86.
Member J Add'l $100 for a 7 day period plus overtime hours worked (weekly rotation of all employees)
Member E $52.50 per weekend day or holiday that one is on-call; If there is a call-out, they get a minimum of 3 hours compensated time that can be used as leave
Member Q
Member L On call is $200 for a 7 day period
Member H Bargaining Unit employees who are on call receive 2 hours overtime pay per day of on-call standby.
Member G
Member P
Member I We have a "Call-Back" policy that pays time and one-half for all hours when called back into work, with a two-hour minimum. Also have a "Stand-By" policy where employees receive additional compensation for covering shifts outside normal schedule.
Member K On Call is regular rate of 3 hours on weekday, 4.5 hours on weekend and 5 hours for a holiday. Automatic minimum of 3 hours of OT or length of call for call out. Call out on second day off or holiday is double time.
Member A
Member B Standby is 1 hour of straight time pay or 2 hours of straight time pay on a weekend or holiday. Call out pay is a minimum of 2hours for any call out
Member C (1) hour on week days, two (2) hours on weekends, and holidays at time and one half (1 1/2) the regular rate of pay.
Member D Weekly standby (Elec=$300, 1 day = $412.50, 2 day = $525.00

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This page was updated on 04/14/23

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