FMPA Weekly | April 20, 2009 | Member Edition

FMPA Weekly

A weekly e-newsletter for FMPA members

April 20, 2009





All-Requirements Bonds

All-Requirements Project bonds were priced and sold last Tuesday and Wednesday. The bond purchase agreements were executed and released on Thursday. The bonds are scheduled to close April 27 and April 28.


Cane Island Unit 4

Cane Island Unit 4 received final approval last Wednesday from South Florida Water Management District to begin construction, pending an inspection of the silt fence. The silt fence installation is scheduled to be completed next week.


Budget and Business Planning Committee

The Budget and Business Planning Committee met Friday and approved budgets for the St. Lucie, Stanton, Tri-City and Stanton II projects. These budgets will be recommended to FMPA’s Board of Directors for approval. The next Committee meeting is scheduled for May 8. The start time for the meeting was changed from 10 a.m. to 9 a.m. by the Committee. At this meeting, the Committee will continue discussing the Agency budget.


Audit and Risk Oversight Committee

The Audit Risk Oversight Committee met on Thursday for a special meeting. The Committee selected two independent financial auditor candidates. Interviews will be conducted in the coming weeks.


Conservation and Renewable Energy Advisory Committee

The Conservation and Renewable Energy Advisory Committee met last Thursday and recommended Black & Veatch as a consultant for the solar photovoltaic program. This recommendation will be presented to the ARP Executive Committee at its next meeting. The Committee also formed a work group to discuss economic stimulus funding opportunities for the All-Requirements Project.


Treasure Coast Energy Center

Steve Carroll visited Treasure Coast Energy Center last Thursday during a planned outage to gather information that could be applied to Cane Island Unit 4.


New Section on Members Portal

A new section was added to the Members Portal called Conservation and Renewables. The section contains information on the conservation program, economic stimulus work group, and net metering toolkit. Contact: Sharon Smeenk


FMPA Dispatch

The spring 2009 edition of FMPA’s quarterly publication “The FMPA Dispatch, was distributed last Friday to members and staff. This issue focuses on FMPA’s newly approved strategic plan. The issue also was posted on; Also, a card for Linda Williams was mailed last Friday that included a $700 donation from FMPA staff to her grandson, Ian’s, college fund.





St. Lucie Audit

FMPA’s Audit Department travels to south Florida on Monday to begin an audit of billings from Florida Power & Light to FMPA’s St. Lucie Project. The auditors expected to be in the field for two weeks.


Member Visits

Bud Boudreaux travels to the Town of Havana and Blountstown on Monday and Chattahoochee and Quincy on Tuesday. Nick Guarriello and Mark McCain travel to Fort Pierce on Tuesday to meet with a local radio talk-show host. Nick and Mark will also attend the Fort Pierce Utilities Authority Board meeting to make a presentation on the Levy County Nuclear Project. Finally, Fred Bryant and Michele Jackson travel to Lake Worth on Tuesday to deliver a presentation on the Levy County Nuclear Project.


SunGard Conference

Janet Davis will be in Chicago through Wednesday to attend a SunGard Conference. SunGard is the provider of the Integra software that is used by FMPA’s Treasury and Accounting Departments. Due to her participation in an earlier work group, Janet’s registration fee was waived.


Safety Training Update

Participants in FMPA’s safety training program will get an update on the program at a meeting this Tuesday in the Board room beginning at 10 a.m. Participants will be briefed on future plans for the program. Contact: Mike Siefert


NNOG Conference

Steve Ruppel will be in Baltimore, Md., through Friday attending the Nuclear Nonoperating Owners’ Group (NNOG) conference. Participants will lea about the commercial nuclear industry, the challenges facing nonoperating owners, an overview of nuclear industry issues, and technical and accounting issues facing nonoperating owners. For more information, visit;jsessionid=DztbJfGSn7p4d7cnyBQz9mlmMSn9LqfJm0hr1rBnLr8hXGhSgtbG%21403453629> the NNOG Web site.


Member Services Advisory Committee

FMPA’s Member Services Advisory Committee meets Wednesday in the Board room at 2 p.m. Participants will receive updates on: 1) Member Services Engineer position, 2) electrical distribution engineering services, 3) meter testing services, 4) safety training program, and 5) automated meter reading. To view the agenda package, visit the 2009 agenda packages section on the Members Portal.


Earth Day

Earth Day is Wednesday, and what a good reminder to check out FMPA’s