FMPA Weekly
A weekly e-newsletter for FMPA members
May 11, 2009
Audit and Risk Oversight Committee
The Audit and Risk Oversight Committee met last week to interview financial auditor candidates. The Committee recommends Purvis Gray and Company to serve as the Agency’s independent auditor. The recommendation will be presented to the ARP Executive Committee at its meeting on May 21. Contact: Rich Popp
Chair Committee
The Chair Committee met last week to finalize the contract for Nick Guarriello to serve as FMPA’s permanent General Manager and CEO. The contract will be presented to the Board of Directors at its meeting on May 21.
ARP Conservation Program
The second quarter report for the ARP Conservation Program was posted last week in the Conservation and Renewables section of the FMPA Members Portal. Members have spent $140,000 to date on conservation-related items, such as rebate programs, compact fluorescent light bulbs and energy savings kits. Contact: Sharon Smeenk
Business Planning and Budget Committee
FMPA’s Business Planning and Budget Committee met last Friday. The Committee discussed projected expenses for fiscal 2009 and changes to the proposed fiscal 2010 Agency budget. The Committee reviewed a sample list of existing and proposed procedures from one FMPA Division and ideas for improvements from that Division. The Committee said the sample lists met their expectations, so similar lists will be finalized for the other two FMPA Divisions. Contact: Jim Atz
Fire Marshal Inspection at Cane Island
The Osceola County Fire Marshal’s office inspected the portable diesel tanks at the Cane Island Unit 4 construction site last week, which will be used to store fuel during construction. The inspector was complimentary of the six, 500-gallon tanks and gave a rating of exceeds standards. Contact: Susan Schumann
RFP for Grant Writers
Monday is the deadline for bidders to submit proposals for professional services related to grant writing and research. The request for proposals seeks grant writing services for members to research funding opportunities, such as capital improvements, stimulus package, renewable energy, and environmental health and safety issues. FMPA plans to award the bid by the end of May. Contact: Mike Siefert
Cane Island Unit 4
Construction trailers will be installed Monday at Cane Island Power Park. The trailers will serve as temporary offices during Unit 4’s construction. FMPA, Zachry and GE will have their own construction trailers. Also, a guard shack and security officer is now stationed at the entrance to Cane Island. Please stop to check-in if traveling to Cane Island. Contact: Steve Carroll
Conservation DVD
Shooting begins Tuesday in Jacksonville for the energy conservation DVD project for the All-Requirements’ Conservation Fund. KUA’s Vice President of Corporate Communications Chris Gent will provide production guidance and oversight, and a Jacksonville Beach energy auditor will provide technical oversight. Member cities interested in purchasing copies of the DVD should remember to allocate funds from their conservation account. Contact: Sharon Smeenk
Energy Auditors Roundtable
FMPA’s Energy Auditors Roundtable will be held Thursday in Winter Park at 10 a.m. Participants will discuss conservation programs, industry practices and other topics related to energy audits. Contact: Sharon Samuels
Member Visit
Bud Boudreaux travels to the city of Bartow on Friday for a member city visit.
Solar PV
A solar review team, comprised of representatives from Black & Veatch, Florida Solar Energy Center and FMPA, meet with several vendors this week to evaluate proposals for solar photovoltaic installations in FMPA member cities. The review team plans to recommend a solar partner to the ARP Executive Committee at its meeting scheduled for June 25. Contact: Sharon Smeenk
Celebration of Life for Bob Williams
FMPA will host an open house this Saturday to celebrate the life of Bob Williams. The event will be attended by Linda Williams and family and take place at FMPA on May 16 from 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Dress is business casual. Contact: Mark McCain
Service Anniversaries
Congratulations to Julie Clark, who celebrates one year with FMPA on Tuesday, May 12.
Congratulations to Amanda Swindle, who celebrates one year with FMPA on Tuesday, May 12.
Congratulations to Vickey Bidwell, who celebrates one year with FMPA on Thursday, May 14.
Congratulations to Konrad Lisiewicz, who celebrates three years with FMPA on Friday, May 15.
AROC, Board of Directors and ARP Executive Committee
FMPA hosts three meetings on Thursday, May 21 in the Board room for the Audit and Risk Oversight Committee, the Board of Directors and the ARP Executive Committee. Agenda packages will be posted this week on the FMPA Members Portal.
Business Planning and Budget Committee
FMPA’s Business Planning and Budget Committee will meet Friday, May 22 to finalize the Agency budget and review the All-Requirements Project budget. The Committee agreed to change the meeting start time to 9 a.m. Budget information is posted in the Budget section of the FMPA Members Portal. Contact: Jim Atz
White House Finalizes Budget, Carbon Auction Revenues In, Yucca Out
President Obama finalized the fiscal 2010 budget last week that assumes in 2012 the govement will begin receiving billions in revenues from auctions of greenhouse gas emission allowances under a cap-and-trade system. The budget also would implement the administration’s decision to terminate the Yucca Mountain nuclear waste repository program. However, the budget does include $197 million to explore alteatives for nuclear waste disposal and to continue participation in the repository license proceeding at the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Energy Secretary Steven Chu plans to establish an expert commission to evaluate options for disposing of spent fuel. The detailed budget is posted on the Office of Management and Budget’s Web site at>;.
Former FERC Chairman to Lead FPL Group’s Federal Regulatory Team
Former Chairman of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), Joseph T. Kelliher, is joining FPL Group, Inc. as Executive Vice President, Federal Regulatory Affairs. In his newly created position announced last week, Kelliher will oversee all aspects of FPL Group’s federal energy regulatory policy. Kelliher served at FERC for more than five years, including three years as chairman. Kelliher will report to FPL Group Chairman and CEO Lewis Hay, III.
FMPA Weekly is published by FMPA for employees and goveing boards of FMPA member utilities. Questions or comments about this newsletter may be directed to Diane Nelson or Beth Pangbo in FMPA’s Public Relations Department.
Want more background on the names and terms used in this newsletter? Check out FMPA’s new Glossary, which features some of the most frequently mentioned committees, companies, places and terms, or contact the person named in each FMPA story to lea more. (Click here for the Staff Directory).
Have a question, comment or story idea for the newsletter? FMPA welcomes your feedback at any time. Contact Diane Nelson.