FMPA Weekly | June 22, 2009 | Member Edition

FMPA Weekly

A weekly e-newsletter for FMPA members

June 22, 2009




Treasure Coast Energy Center
The Florida Department of Environmental Protection gave final approval last week to Treasure Coast Energy Center’s surface water management system. This is the final environmental approval required for operations, acknowledging that the system has been constructed in compliance with the Conditions of Certification. Contact: Steve Carroll or Susan Schumann


Economic Stimulus Workgroup

The Economic Stimulus Workgroup met with representatives from R.W. Beck last Friday to discuss Smart Grid technology. A Webcast is scheduled for Wednesday at 9 a.m. to provide participants additional information on developing proposals. A kickoff workshop for the project has been scheduled for June 30. The Workgroup will meet next Friday at 9 a.m. to discuss the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant. For more information on the Economic Stimulus Workgroup, visit the FMPA Member Portal. Contact: Ann Beckwith


Requests for Proposals

Last Friday was the deadline for responding to two requests for proposals (RFP). One request is for natural gas hedging services and the second is for natural gas storage management services. Out of five solicited recipients of the hedging RFP, two complying responses were received. For the storage RFP, five recipients were solicited, resulting in three responses and two unsolicited, non-conforming responses. The Audit and Risk Oversight Committee will select a short list of candidates on July 17. Contact: Richard Montgomery


Information Systems Audit

FMPA’s Information Systems is undergoing its first audit by Protiviti, a consulting and inteal audit firm specializing in risk and advisory services. The audit focuses on the security and change controls on all of FMPA’s network segments and software applications, as well as the security of each of FMPA’s locations. The audit is scheduled to be completed by the end of July. Contact: Carter Manucy


Public Relations Issue Management and Crisis Communication Exercise

Crisis Communication Training and Exercises

Several members of FMPA’s Public Relations, Member Services, Human Resources and Administrative Services departments participated in a training and tabletop exercise last Wednesday on FMPA’s Issue Management and Crisis Communication Plan. The plan describes how FMPA would handle communication with the public and the media in the event of a crisis or a public relations issue. The Crisis Communication Team also conducted a calling tree drill last Thursday to practice notifying team members in the event of a crisis. The drill was successfully completed in 10 minutes. Last week’s exercises demonstrated that the plan is understood by the Crisis Communication Team and generating helpful feedback for further enhancements to the plan. Thank you to everyone who participated. Contact: Diane Nelson


APPA National Conference

Congratulations to Fred Bryant and KUA Board member Nancy Gemskie, who received awards at the American Public Power Association’s national conference. Fred received the James D. Donovan Individual Achievement Award, which recognizes public power executives who have made substantial contributions to the electric utility industry, with a special commitment to public power. Nancy received the Spence Vanderlinden Public Official Award, which recognizes elected or appointed officials whose contributions to APPA and their communities have enhanced the prestige of public power nationally.


FMPA Member Portal

The Agenda Packages section of the FMPA Member Portal has been reorganized. The agenda packages are categorized by year and then by committee. If you have any feedback regarding the Member Portal, contact Bree Balchunas.


FMPA Glossary

The FMPA Glossary, which features some of the most frequently mentioned committees, companies, places and terms, has been updated. To view the FMPA Glossary, visit the Public Relations section on the Member Portal. Contact: Diane Nelson or Beth Pangbo





Strategic Planning Workshop

The Board of Directors and ARP Executive Committee meet for a Strategic Planning Workshop on Thursday in the Board room at 9 a.m. Participants will discuss strategic planning action items.


ARP Executive Committee

The ARP Executive Committee meets Thursday in the Board room at 10:30 a.m., or immediately following the Strategic Planning Workshop. The Committee will consider action items, including: 1) the future course of action regarding Taylor Energy Center forward interest rate swaps, 2) lines of credit with CitiBank and Wachovia Bank/Wells Fargo, 3) a provider for the ARP solar photovoltaic project, 4) a solar photovoltaic project in Key West, 5) a generation operating policy, 6) a 10-year transmission plan, 7) a study to evaluate improving the voltage stability import limit into the Keys, 8) an engagement letter with Swap Financial LLC, and 9) funds for outside legal counsel to evaluate the Levy County nuclear project. To view the agenda package, visit the 2009 agenda packages section on the Members Portal.


ARP Business Model Working Group

The ARP Business Model Working Group meets Thursday in the Board room at 1 p.m. to review and discuss contractual documents.


All-Requirements Project Load

The weekly update of the All-Requirements Project historical load graph has been posted on the Member Portal. The graph is updated through June 21. Contact: Jim Atz





Employees “Right to Know Standard Workshop

Don’t forget to register for FMPA’s workshop on the Employees “Right to Know Standard. The workshop will be held July 15 in the Board room at 10 a.m. Participants will lea about the Hazard Communication Standard, also known as the Right to Know Standard, including how to properly label materials and training requirements for educating an organization’s employees. For more information and to register, visit FMPA’s” rel=”nofollow”>>FMPA’s Web site. Contact: Mike Siefert





Challenges for Utilities Continue Into the Future

Standard and Poor’s Rating Services (S&P) reported on June 9 that public power utilities are likely to face long-term challenges in the future. These challenges include economic uncertainty from the recession, potential legislation and regulation limiting emissions of greenhouse gases, and rising capital and operating costs. Despite challenges in the past year, S&P said the public power sector continues to experience overall credit stability and even some improvement. To increase creditworthiness, S&P wrote, “Individual utilities can distinguish themselves by developing strategies to deal with potential carbon costs, such as investing in renewable or nuclear generation; investing in more efficient, new coal resources; and conservation and demand-side management.


Energy and Climate Legislation

Congress continues to make progress on major energy and climate change legislation. The Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee finished work on its energy bill last Wednesday, voting 15-8 to approve the measure. Meanwhile, a vote by the full House of Representatives on a climate change bill that restricts carbon emissions from power plants and other sources could take place as early as this week, according to the American Public Power Association. The House bill has received criticism from farm states that are seeking changes in the way emissions allowances would be allocated. Other obstacles to passing energy and climate legislation include a push from Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to combine the Senate energy bill with a yet-to-be-approved climate change bill. This could delay a vote by the full Senate until September.



FMPA Weekly is published by FMPA for employees and goveing boards of FMPA member utilities. Questions or comments about this newsletter may be directed to Diane Nelson or Beth Pangbo in FMPA’s Public Relations Department.


Want more background on the names and terms used in this newsletter? Check out FMPA’s new Glossary, which features some of the most frequently mentioned committees, companies, places and terms, or contact the person named in each FMPA story to lea more. (Click here for the Staff Directory).


Have a question, comment or story idea for the newsletter? FMPA welcomes your feedback at any time. Contact Diane Nelson.