FMPA Weekly | May 24, 2010 | Member Edition

FMPA Weekly

A weekly e-newsletter for FMPA members

May 24, 2010






Treasure Coast Warranty Status

Steve Carroll, Jim Hay and David Schumann visited Treasure Coast Energy Center last week to meet with Fort Pierce Utility Authority’s Ed Leongomez and representatives from the unit’s engineering procurement and construction contractor to discuss the end of warranty status for Unit 1. Contact: Steve Carroll


Accounting and Treasury Software Upgrades

FMPA’s Accounting, Treasury and IT departments met last Monday to discuss initial plans for upgrading three software packages: 1.) Solomon accounting software, 2.) Image Link accounts payable software and 3.) Integra-T treasury software. Contact: Mark Larson


Treasury Webinar

Janet Davis and Michell Bosch participated in a webinar last Wednesday presented by Bond Logistix, an investment advisory service for state and local govements that provides analytics for interest rate swap contracts.


Bloomberg Software Upgrade

A representative from Bloomberg was in FMPA’s office last Wednesday to assist with a software upgrade for Bloomberg Terminals. The proprietary Bloomberg network enables financial professionals to monitor and analyze real-time financial market data and place trades. The system also provides news, price quotes and messaging. Contact: Janet Davis


Hurricane Season Communication Tools

Florida Municipal Electric Association (FMEA) and FMPA are working together again this year to help members communicate with customers and the media about the upcoming hurricane season, which begins June 1. Over the next several months, FMEA and FMPA members will receive e-mails from both organizations with communication tools and suggestions. These e-mails will be jointly sent by both organizations, so some members may receive the same e-mail twice. Last week, FMEA and FMPA sent a press release that provides hurricane readiness tips. The next tool will be sent in late-June. Contact: Diane Nelson


Correction: Cane Island Unit 4 Meeting

The Cane Island Unit 4 owner’s group met with Zachry on May 12 to discuss the initial electric power backfeed startup coordination. Last week’s newsletter incorrectly reported the participants in this meeting.







FGFOA Annual Conference

Janet Davis and Michell Bosch will attend the Florida Govement Finance Officers Association’s Annual Conference on Monday through Wednesday in Orlando.


Cane Island Tour

The ARP Business Model Working Group visits Cane Island Power Park on Wednesday to tour the site and see construction progress on Unit 4. The tour begins at 10:30 a.m. and is open to all FMPA members. To sign up, contact Sue Utley.


ARP Executive Committee

FMPA’s ARP Executive Committee meets Thursday in the Board room at 9 a.m. to discuss action items including: 1) renewal of the ARP conservation program and budget, 2) payment of Executive Committee member expenses to attend meetings, 3) an operating policy on running generation units out of economics, 4) notice of termination of Fort Meade’s St. Lucie capacity and energy sales contract and the addition of St. Lucie as an excluded resource, and 5) reconsideration of payments for Lake Worth gas transportation.


Nominating Committee Meeting

FMPA’s Nominating Committee meets Thursday in the Board room at 12:30 p.m. or immediately following the ARP Executive Committee meeting. The Committee will nominate officers for 2010-2011. Contact: Sue Utley


Mock Audit at Lakeland Electric

FMPA will conduct a mock audit for regulatory compliance on Thursday and Friday at Lakeland Electric. The mock audits are part of FMPA’s regulatory compliance services to help members proactively identify and correct potential audit issues. Contact: Frank Gaffney


Member Service Survey

Don’t forget to take FMPA’s new member services survey. Member Services is conducting a brief survey to assess a potential new member service that supports members with asset management, work management and compliance management. The survey only has nine questions, mostly multiple-choice, and takes only a few minutes to complete. To take the survey, visit>;. Feel free to share this link with the appropriate person in your organization to answer questions on these topics. Contact: Mike Siefert


Member Portal Spotlight: Energy Supply and Fuels

The Energy Supply and Fuels section on FMPA’s Member Portal includes a marketing and fuels newsletter called HedgeSite. This newsletter contains updates on FMPA’s natural gas hedges, storage and physical gas supply, as well as industry updates, information on investor owned utilities’ fuel costs and FMPA’s historical load trends.


All-Requirements Project Load

The weekly update of the All-Requirements Project historical load graph has been posted on the Member Portal. The graph is updated through May 23. Contact: Jim Atz





Memorial Day

FMPA’s offices will be closed next Monday in observance of Memorial Day. Have a safe and happy holiday weekend.


APPA National Conference

The American Public Power Association’s (APPA’s) National Conference is coming to Orlando  June 19 through June 23. The conference offers nine in-depth pre-conference seminars June 19 and 20, including two of particular interest to FMPA members. One of FMPA’s Strategic Plan action items is to provide training for the board that focuses on a review of fiduciary and policy responsibilities, as well as board effectiveness and self assessment. One of the pre-conference sessions titled “Fostering effective Board/Management relations, provides this type of training. Another session called “Effective Strategic Planning for Utility Boards may also be of interest. The national conference is an opportunity to lea about issues that matter to your utility, while networking with more than 1,500 other senior managers and goveing board members. FMPA’s members are encouraged to take advantage of this opportunity in our home state.