FMPA Weekly | June 7, 2010 | Member Edition

FMPA Weekly

A weekly e-newsletter for FMPA members

June 7, 2010




EECBG Recipient Planning Meeting
FMPA and the Florida Municipal Electric Association hosted a conference call last Thursday for recipients of the Energy Efficiency Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) to discuss opportunities for members to collaborate. The group discussed five potential projects, including: 1) climate change action plan energy efficiency and conservation strategy, 2) commercial and industrial energy audits, 3) solar demonstration projects, 4) distribution efficiency studies, and 5) LED streetlights and outdoor lighting. Two projects, the climate change action plan and solar demonstration project, will be approached as group projects, and a request for proposals will be issued on behalf of interested members. The other projects will be developed by individual cities, but for energy audits and distribution efficiency studies, FMPA has contracts in place that interested members can utilize. Contact: Sharon Smeenk or Mike Siefert


Clean Energy Grant Announced
The Florida Energy Office recently announced application information for the Clean Energy Grant Program. The program is similar to the federal govement’s Energy Efficiency Conservation Block Grant Program (EECBG), and will provide funding to promote energy efficiency measures and renewable energy deployment for eligible public, not-for-profit, and agricultural entities that did not receive allocations from EECBG. The maximum amount for an individual award is $500,000, and the minimum amount is $100,000. The grant application is available online. Contact: Mike Siefert or Sharon Smeenk


AEGIS Inspection
Steve Carroll, Kristi Knight, Rich Popp and KUA’s Jay Butters had a successful meeting last Wednesday with builder’s risk insurance provider AEGIS at Cane Island Power Park. It was the first of three scheduled visits during the Unit 4 construction process.




ARP Rate Workshop
The Executive Committee meets Tuesday via conference call at 2 p.m. for the monthly All-Requirements Project rate workshop. The workshop agenda includes: 1) an update on natural gas markets and liquidity, 2) an update on pool operations, 3) an overview of May loads, costs and rate calculations, and 4) estimated rates for July through August. Contact: Jim Atz


Online Energy Audit Program
Participants in the Energy Depot online energy audit program coordinated by FMPA meet Tuesday via conference call at 10 a.m. The term of the contract with the software provider, Enercom, expires this December. The purpose of this week’s conference call is to discuss renewal options and costs. Each of the 16 cities that currently participate must decide if they want to renew. Contact: Mike Siefert


APPA Webinar
Mike Siefert participates in an American Public Power Association webinar on Tuesday at 2 p.m. to discuss new Environmental Protection Agency requirements for diesel engines.


FGU Annual Meeting
Nick Guarriello and Richard Montgomery are scheduled to attend the Florida Gas Utility (FGU) Annual Meeting this Wednesday through Friday in Daytona Beach. FGU’s Board of Directors and Goveance Committee meet Friday. FGU’s Annual Meeting brings together Florida’s local distribution systems, electric generators, natural gas suppliers, pipelines and financial groups in an environment that facilitates networking and an open exchange of ideas.


Joint Purchase Project Meeting
Joint Purchase Project participants meet Thursday at 10 a.m. in FMPA’s first floor conference room. Contact: Sharon Samuels


Member Service Survey
Don’t forget to take FMPA’s member services survey. Member Services is conducting a brief survey to assess a potential new member service that supports members with asset management, work management and compliance management. The survey only has nine questions, mostly multiple-choice, and takes only a few minutes to complete. To take the survey, visit Feel free to share this link with the appropriate person in your organization to answer questions on these topics. Contact: Mike Siefert


Member Portal Spotlight: Feedback Form
Having trouble finding something on the Member Portal? Have a suggestion for the Portal? FMPA wants to know. Complete the brief two-question feedback form now to let us know how we can make the Portal better for you. Or when you’re on the website, look for the blue “Share Your Feedback icon near the upper right-hand coer.


All-Requirements Project Load
The weekly update of the All-Requirements Project historical load graph will be posted later this week on the Member Portal. The graph is updated through June 6. Contact: Jim Atz


Service Anniversaries
Congratulations to Steve Ruppel, who celebrates 12 years with FMPA on Tuesday, June 8.


Congratulations to Jim Hay, who celebrates eight years with FMPA on Thursday, June 10.


Congratulations to Shirleen Bell, who celebrates three years with FMPA on Friday, June 11.


Congratulations to Tom Washbu, who celebrates four years with FMPA on Saturday, June 12.





Contractor Safety Management Workshop Cancelled
The Contractor Safety Management workshop planned for June 16 has been cancelled. Contact: Mike Siefert


Continuing Education Credits Available
FMPA is interested in partnering with the University of Florida’s Center for Training, Research and Education for Environmental Occupations to host a “Rules and Laws for Florida Engineers. The course would provide Florida Board of Professional Engineers professional development hours in laws and rules for professional engineers. Members interested in attending the course should contact Mike Siefert.




Favorable Outlook for Electricity Reliability
The outlook for electric reliability is good this summer due in large part to the recession, according to the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) in its 2010 Summer Reliability Assessment Report. NERC President and CEO Gerry Cauley said, “Depressed electricity demand due to a slow economic recovery continues to be the major driver affecting bulk power system reliability. NERC also noted that in most regions demand response is projected to be unchanged this summer because the recession has temporarily reduced the need and economic incentives for demand response.


Crystal River Coal Plant Upgrades Complete
Progress Energy recently completed a $1.4 billion overhaul to its Crystal River plant that added catalytic reduction systems and scrubbers to two of the facility’s four coal-buing units. With these improvements, Progress Energy expects to cut nitrogen oxide and sulfur dioxide emissions by 93% and 97%, respectively, compared to 2008 levels. Mercury levels are also expected to be cut by 80%. The improvements will allow the utility to bu less-expensive coal and save an estimated $10 million annually.


Candidate List for PSC Narrowed
The Florida Public Service Commission Nominating Council narrowed its list of candidates last Tuesday to fill two vacancies on the five-member Commission. The list of candidates has been reduced to 28 from a pool of more than 60. The Council meets again Thursday to interview the candidates deemed “most qualified because they received at least five votes from the 12-member Nominating Council. The top vote getters were former state senator Curt Kiser, who was hired as the PSC’s general counsel in November, and Kevin Wiehle, staff director for the Senate utilities committee.


Kevin Wailes Confirmed to Lead Lincoln, Neb., Utility
The Lincoln, Neb., City Council confirmed Kevin Wailes as the new administrator and CEO of Lincoln Electric System.  Wailes has served as general manager of Tallahassee’s municipal electric utility for the past 15 years. Previously, he was superintendent of the city of Lamar, Colo., Utilities Board.  


FMPA Weekly is published by FMPA for employees and goveing boards of FMPA member utilities. Questions or comments about this newsletter may be directed to Lance Larsson or Diane Nelson in FMPA’s Public Relations Department.


Want more background on the names and terms used in this newsletter? Check out FMPA’s Glossary, which features some of the most frequently mentioned committees, companies, places and terms, or contact the person named in each FMPA story to lea more. (Click here for the Staff Directory).


Have a question, comment or story idea for the newsletter? FMPA welcomes your feedback at any time. Contact: Lance Larsson or Diane Nelson