FMPA Weekly
A weekly e-newsletter for FMPA members
June 28, 2010
Audit and Risk Oversight Committee Meeting
FMPA’s Audit and Risk Oversight Committee met last Wednesday and approved action items, including: 1) approval of revisions to the power supply and resource planning policy, and 2) approval of revisions to FMPA’s risk management policy. The Audit and Risk Oversight Committee meets next July 23 at 8 a.m. during the FMEA-FMPA Annual Conference in Naples.
ARP Executive Committee Meeting
FMPA’s ARP Executive Committee met last Thursday and approved action items, including: 1) approval of the All-Requirements Project and Agency budgets for fiscal years 2011 and 2012, 2) approval of a travel expense reimbursement policy effective Oct. 1, 2010, for one representative from each All-Requirements participant to attend FMPA Executive Committee meetings and committee meetings, and 3) approval of the fiscal 2011 capacity and energy credits. The Executive Committee meets next on July 23 at 9 a.m. during the FMEA-FMPA Annual Conference in Naples.
2011 Board of Directors Officer Nominees
FMPA’s Nominating Committee met in the Orlando office May 27 to nominate officers for the fiscal year 2010-2011 Board of Directors. The Nominating Committee unanimously re-nominated Vince Ruano as Chairman, Paul Kalv as Vice-Chairman, Kevin McCarthy as Treasurer and Lou Heandez as Secretary. Each officer is willing to serve if elected. The vote to elect officers will take place at the FMPA-FMEA Annual Conference in Naples on July 23.
Contract Compliance Audit
FMPA’s Contract Compliance Audit Department met last Tuesday with representatives from Orlando Utilities Commission to discuss outstanding comments on the audit of billings from Stanton Units 1 and 2 and the Indian River combustion turbines.
APPA Charitable Giving
The American Public Power Association (APPA) held a casino night fundraiser at its national conference last week that raised $4,664 for the Russell Home. In addition, 10 FMPA employees and more than 100 other volunteers from across the country participated in APPA’s Public Power Day of Giving. The volunteers performed landscaping, painting and other work at the Russell Home and three other local Orlando charities. FMPA is thrilled that APPA selected the Russell Home, long a favorite FMPA charity, as one of its beneficiaries, as well as the positive impact the conference had on our community.
Insurance Broker Meeting
Rich Popp and Kristi Knight met with Bill Brown, a representative from FMPA’s insurance broker Wells Fargo, last Monday to review the current insurance program.
Three Phase Times
FMPA’s Power Resources Division published the latest issue of Three Phase Times last week on the Member Portal. It includes information on the All-Requirements Project’s (ARP) system peak, hourly load comparisons, resource fuel mix, natural gas usage by resource, Cane Island Unit 4 project milestones and budget, natural gas market pricing and other performance information for ARP. Contact: Tom Reedy
Correction: Integrated Resource Plan Workshop
FMPA will hold an Integrated Resource Plan workshop Aug. 12 in the Board room at 9:30 a.m. The meeting time was reported incorrectly in last week’s issue of FMPA Weekly.
Crystal River Unit 3
Replacement of delaminated concrete from the containment building at Crystal River Unit 3 is scheduled to begin this week. Concrete placement was delayed to allow for rebar adjustments and testing on the mock-up wall in order to validate the repair. Contact: David Schumann
Member Portal Spotlight: Member Services Section
Did you know the Member Services section of FMPA’s Member Portal contains a monthly report from Executive Consultant Bud Boudreaux These reports are a great way to keep up with Bud’s member city visits around the state.
All-Requirements Project Load
The weekly update of the All-Requirements Project historical load graph will be posted later this week on the Member Portal. The graph will be updated through June 27. Contact: Jim Atz
Independence Day
FMPA’s offices will be closed next Monday, July 5, in observance of Independence Day. Have a safe and happy holiday weekend.
FMPA-FMEA Annual Conference
The 2010 contact” rel=”nofollow”>>contact FMEA to register today.
Project Management Workshop
FMPA hosts a two-day workshop about the Fundamentals of Effective Project Management on Oct. 13 and 14 in the Orlando office. The course provides participants with a practical approach to managing the resources, people, deadlines and real-world challenges required to complete projects on time, on target and on budget. The course costs $450 per person and is presented by Glen Whipple.