FMPA Weekly | July 12, 2010 | Member Edition


FMPA Weekly

A weekly e-newsletter for FMPA members

July 12, 2010





ECAP Meeting

Representatives from FMPA and Ocala met last Thursday with Tom Washbu of the Florida Municipal Power Pool (FMPP) to discuss the Electricity Conservation Advisory Program (ECAP). Tom was optimistic that FMPP can provide information to help determine advisory levels for the program. FMPA and Ocala have named staff members to serve on a Development Team for ECAP. The next step is to move from the project initiation phase to the planning phase. A Development Team meeting will be scheduled in the coming weeks to identify major project tasks, establish priorities and set schedules. Contact: Mark McCain


FMPA Open Access Transmission Tariff

FMPA has long had an unfiled Open Access Transmission Tariff (OATT) under which it offers transmission service on behalf of the Agency and its All-Requirements Project participants. No entity has ever requested transmission service from FMPA since the OATT was established more than 10 years ago. However, recent developments have created a need to revise FMPA’s OATT. These developments include: 1) a request from a renewable resource to interconnect with one of our member’s transmission systems, 2) OATT reform efforts by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 3) the development of the Florida Cost Based Broker System and the Florida Available Transmission Capability Engine, and 4) new mandatory standards related to transmission provision from the North American Electric Reliability Corporation. The FMPA OATT team developed a plan last week to complete the FMPA OATT revision in two stages. The first stage will be an FMPA OATT for the FMPA Participants’ transmission systems that are non-contiguous with the Florida Municipal Power Pool (FMPP). The second stage will focus on the FMPA/Kissimmee Utility Authority (KUA) transmission facilities. The FMPA OATT is complicated because it needs to recognize: 1) the non-contiguous nature of FMPA, 2) the fact that many FMPA members are embedded in the service territories of Florida Power & Light and Progress Energy Florida, whose OATTs FMPA must also consider, and 3) that the FMPA/KUA transmission systems are part of FMPP transmission facilities and are included in a grandfathered transmission agreement embedded within the FMPP agreement. FMPA is working to develop a single OATT that addresses these complexities. Contact: Frank Gaffney


Risk Link

FMPA’s Risk Management Department published a new issue of “Risk Link newsletter. This issue includes a primer on risk management metrics, a spotlight on environmental risk management in FMPA’s Generation Fleet Department and a review of risk topics in the news. Download Risk Link from FMPA’s Member Portal.





Cane Island Unit 4

Representatives from FMPA, Kissimmee Utility Authority and Zachry meet Tuesday at the Cane Island Power Park for the July Owner’s Meeting. Participants will discuss Unit 4’s status and construction milestones. Contact: Steve Carroll


Member City Visits

Bud Boudreaux visits Leesburg and Mount Dora with Fred Bryant on Wednesday.


ARP Quarterly Conservation Fund Reminder

Quarterly reports for the All-Requirements Project Conservation Program are due Thursday. The reports document conservation efforts from April 1 through June 30. Contact: Sharon Smeenk


All-Requirements Project Load
The All-Requirements Project’s peak for the month of June was 1,285 megawatts, which occurred June 15 between 2 p.m. and 3 p.m. Load factor is a measurement that compares the ratio of actual energy (MWh) used during a particular time period versus what would have been consumed if demand was at peak for the entire period. A higher load factor indicates more effective system utilization. The load factor for the All-Requirements Project for the month of June was 68%. The month’s peak was 95% of the budgeted peak and energy was 105% of budget. A graph showing the All-Requirements Project hourly load for June is available on the Member Portal. The weekly update of the All-Requirements Project historical load graph has also been posted. The weekly graph is updated through July 11.  Contact: Jim Atz 


Service Anniversaries

Congratulations to Sharon Samuels, who celebrates 12 years with FMPA on Tuesday, July 13.


Congratulations to Mike Siefert, who celebrates two years with FMPA on Wednesday, July 14.





APPA Summer Education Institute

FMPA and the Florida Municipal Electric Association are co-hosting the American Public Power Association’s (APPA) Register” rel=”nofollow”>>Register online by Sept. 10. Contact: Mike Siefert


Professional Development Hours for Engineers
FMPA is interested in partnering with the University of Florida’s Center for Training, Research and Education for Environmental Occupations to host a training session on rules and laws for Florida engineers. The course would provide professional development hours for professional engineers. Members interested in attending should contact Mike Siefert.





Thacker Confirmed to Fill Term on KUA Board

The Kissimmee City Commission confirmed the appointment last Tuesday of retired school psychologist Kathleen Thacker to fill the unfinished term of Nancy Gemskie on the Kissimmee Utility Authority’s Board of Directors. Gemskie, whose term ends Sept. 30, resigned to run for a seat on the Osceola County School Board. Thacker will be swo in at the Board’s August meeting and will serve until Sept. 30. On October 1, she will begin her own five-year term on the Board.


APPA Study Details Costs, Challenges of Switching from Coal to Natural Gas

Replacing the nation’s coal-fired generation with natural gas-fueled units would cost $750 billion, according to a new study commissioned by the American Public Power Association (APPA). The report, entitled “