FMPA Weekly | Aug. 9, 2010 | Member Edition

FMPA Weekly

A weekly e-newsletter for FMPA members

Aug. 9, 2010





Member Service Advisory Committee

FMPA’s Member Service Advisory Committee met last Thursday to discuss associate membership in Electric Cities of Georgia. The proposal was tabled. Contact: Mike Siefert


Cane Island Unit 4

The construction team at Cane Island Unit 4 conducted a second backfeed test last Wednesday and Thursday at the plant site. This second planned backfeed, which put electricity further into the unit to test the main step-up transformers and auxiliary transformers, was a success. In other news, staff participants from FMPA, Kissimmee Utility Authority and Zachry will attend the monthly Cane Island owners meeting this Tuesday.


Correction: FERC Issues Certificate to Transco to Expand Capacity

In February 2009, while Transco was gauging market interest in moving additional capacities of natural gas, FMPA requested 50,000 MMBtu of the initially proposed incremental daily capacity of 550,000 MMBtu. When Transco filed its application with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), the total incremental capacity was reduced to 380,000 MMBtu, which did not affect FMPA’s request. Last week’s issue of FMPA Weekly incorrectly reported the total proposed capacity.





ARP Rate Workshop
The ARP Executive Committee meets Monday via conference call at 2 p.m. for the monthly All-Requirements Project rate workshop. The workshop agenda includes: 1) an update on natural gas markets and liquidity, 2) an update on pool operations, 3) an overview of July loads, costs and rate calculations, and 4) estimated rates for September through October. Contact: Jim Atz


Electricity Conservation Advisory Program

Development Team members for the Electricity Conservation Advisory Program meet via conference call Tuesday at 3 p.m. to finalize the development plan for this new project. A few cities have recently joined the development process, and other interested cities are welcome. Contact: Mark McCain


Integrated Resource Plan Workshop
ARP Executive Committee members meet Thursday in the Board room at 10 a.m. for a workshop on the Integrated Resource Plan (IRP). The purpose of the workshop is to present the preliminary results of the IRP and get Executive Committee feedback on recommendations for a preferred resource option. Contact: Michele Jackson


All-Requirements Project Load

The weekly update of the All-Requirements Project historical load graph has been posted on the Member Portal. The graph is updated through Aug. 8. Contact: Jim Atz


Service Anniversaries

Congratulations to Brian Kosson, who celebrated four years with FMPA on Saturday, Aug. 7.


Congratulations to Sharon Adams, who celebrates nine years with FMPA on Friday, Aug. 13.


Congratulations to Sara Barron, who celebrates three years with FMPA on Friday, Aug. 13.


Congratulations to Kristi Knight, who celebrates four years with FMPA on Saturday, Aug. 14.





Demand Side Management Reporting Task Force

Several All-Requirements Project (ARP) Participants have recently implemented demand side management (DSM) programs, including demand-response programs using backup generation or voltage optimization. In order to achieve the maximum benefit of these programs and meet a variety of regulatory, planning and reporting requirements, FMPA must develop reporting procedures and begin gathering data. To streamline this process, a DSM Reporting Task Force consisting of ARP members and FMPA staff is being formed. Green Cove Springs, Kissimmee Utility Authority, Leesburg and Newberry have signed up for the Task Force. If your city is interested in participating, please contact Sharon Smeenk as soon as possible. More information will be sent to participating utilities later this week. The DSM Reporting Task Force is expected to meet on an as-needed basis until the reporting process is complete. Stay tuned to FMPA Weekly for more details about the Task Force and upcoming meetings.


Professional Development Hours for Engineers
FMPA is interested in partnering with the University of Florida’s Center for Training, Research and Education for Environmental Occupations to host a training session on rules and laws for Florida engineers. The course would provide professional development hours for professional engineers. Members interested in attending should contact Mike Siefert.





Seminole Electric Seeks Land Use Changes for Power Plant Site

Seminole Electric Cooperative is seeking land use changes for a 520-acre site the company owns in Gilchrist County to build up to a 1,000-megawatt natural gas-fueled electric power plant. The power wholesaler needs Gilchrist County Commissioners to approve a comprehensive land use plan amendment that would create an electric power generating facility subcategory to the public land use category. Commissioners must also change the property’s designated use to electric facility from agricultural. Seminole spokesman Jeff Fela said the proposed plant would not be ready until at least 2014, and the need for the plant will depend on the growth in electricity demand. The largest facility Seminole might put on the site would cover about 100 acres, adding up to 50 full-time jobs and producing significant tax revenues for the county.


State Department of Environmental Protection Chief to Resign

Florida Secretary of Environmental Protection Mike Sole announced last Monday that he will resign Sept. 10 to pursue unspecified opportunities after nearly four years heading the agency. Gov. Charlie Crist appointed Mimi Drew, the agency’s deputy secretary of regulatory programs, as interim secretary. The goveor praised Sole for his response to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. “Now that the well is close to being capped permanently, we wish Mike well as he leaves next month to pursue other opportunities, Crist said. “We wish him the very best in his new endeavors. In a resignation letter to Crist, Sole said with the oil well now capped, he can make a professional transition without disrupting the state’s response to the spill.


City Commission Approves Lakeland Electric’s New Smart Grid

The Lakeland City Commission voted 4-2 last week to approve Lakeland Electric’s $35 million “smart grid plan. Part of the smart grid will be paid for with a $13 million federal stimulus grant. Lakeland Electric was one of 100 utility companies chosen nationally to receive the grant. The remaining $22 million will come from utility bonds that will be paid back over the next 15 years. A rate increase for customers of about 14 cents per 1,000 kilowatt-hours is expected to cover the cost of those bonds.


Ramil Succeeds Hudson as CEO of TECO Energy

Tampa Electric Company COO John Ramil will succeed Sherrill Hudson as CEO of the utility. Hudson stepped down last Wednesday as CEO and announced his retirement as executive chairman at the end of 2012.



FMPA Weekly is published by FMPA for employees and goveing boards of FMPA member utilities. Questions or comments about this newsletter may be directed to Lance Larsson or Diane Nelson in FMPA’s Public Relations Department.


Want more background on the names and terms used in this newsletter? Check out FMPA’s Glossary, which features some of the most frequently mentioned committees, companies, places and terms, or contact the person named in each FMPA story to lea more. (Click here for the Staff Directory).


Have a question, comment or story idea for the newsletter? FMPA welcomes your feedback at any time. Contact: Lance Larsson or Diane Nelson