FMPA Weekly | Sept. 7, 2010 | Member Edition

FMPA Weekly

A weekly e-newsletter for FMPA members

Sept. 7, 2010





Cane Island Construction Project Receives Award

The Cane Island Unit 4 construction project was honored last Tuesday with an award for excellence in safety, health and environmental performance. Zachry Industrial Incorporated (ZII), the construction contractor of the power plant, selected this project to receive its prestigious Heart of Zachry award. ZII construction projects are assessed on attributes such as industrial hygiene, crane safety, construction best practices implementation, assisting other projects with best practices, field safety training and quality measurement. The Heart of Zachry award has been given to only three projects in 2010. A news release about the award can be found on>;.


CR3 Status

Concrete placement at the Crystal River Unit 3 nuclear plant is now 44% complete. Concrete and rebar placement in the upper section commenced Aug. 27 and continued last week.


Wanted: Your Feedback on the Member Portal

Having trouble finding something on the Member Portal? Have a suggestion on how we can make the Portal even better? FMPA wants to know. Contact Diane Nelson, or if you prefer, complete the online feedback form to let us know how we can make the Portal better.






Compliance Peer Review
FMPA staff and members participate in a conference call Wednesday to kick-off the city of Homestead’s reliability compliance peer review. The purpose of the call is to analyze the city’s evidence in preparation for the North American Electric Reliability Corporation’s full review. Contact: Frank Gaffney


ARP Rate Workshop
The All-Requirements Project Executive Committee meets Wednesday via conference call at 2 p.m. for the monthly All-Requirements Project rate workshop. The workshop agenda includes: 1) an update on natural gas markets and liquidity, 2) an overview of August loads, costs and rate calculations, and 3) estimated rates for October through November. Contact: Jim Atz


DSM Reporting Task Force
The first conference call for the Demand Side Management (DSM) Reporting Task Force takes place Thursday at 2 p.m. Participants will discuss: 1) the type of information needed by FMPA and the Florida Municipal Power Pool regarding member-specific DSM efforts, 2) the timing and frequency of data collection, and 3) possible methods for submitting data. Contact: Sharon Smeenk


Joint Purchase Project
The Joint Purchase Project meets Thursday in the first floor conference room to discuss a re-bid extension for meters and for wire and cable. Contact: Sharon Samuels


All-Requirements Project Load
The All-Requirements Project’s peak for August was 1,277 MW, which occurred Aug. 19 between 3 p.m. and 4 p.m. The load factor for All-Requirements was 68% during the month. Load factor is a measurement that compares the ratio of actual energy (MWh) used during a particular time period versus what would have been consumed if demand was at peak for the entire period. A higher load factor indicates more effective system utilization. The month’s peak was 91% of the budgeted peak, and energy was 97% of budget. A graph showing the All-Requirements Project hourly load for August is available on the Member Portal. Contact: Jim Atz


Service Anniversaries

Congratulations to Ann Beckwith, who celebrates nine years with FMPA on Friday, Sept. 10.





Utility Education & Trade Show Days

The Florida Municipal Electric Association’s (FMEA) annual Utility Education & Trade Show Days is scheduled for Sept. 14 in Palm Beach Gardens and Sept. 15 in Gainesville. The event brings together professionals from the energy industry for top-notch speakers and a review of the latest in utility products and services. Topics covered will include customer service, safety and training, transmission and distribution and lineworker skills. For more information or to register, APPA’s” rel=”nofollow”>>APPA’s website.


Lineman’s Roundtable

FMPA holds its semi-annual Lineman’s roundtable Oct. 21 in Jacksonville Beach. The roundtable will provide a forum for line crews to exchange ideas on operating practices, safety, training, tools and equipment. Contact: Sharon Samuels


Professional Development Hours for Engineers
FMPA is interested in partnering with the University of Florida’s Center for Training, Research and Education for Environmental Occupations to host a training session on rules and laws for Florida engineers. The course would provide professional development hours for professional engineers. User names and passwords have been purchased for members interested in taking the course. Contact: Mike Siefert




PSC Delays Action on Contested Utilities’ Conservation Plans

The Florida Public Service Commission (PSC) agreed last Tuesday to delay action until later in September on energy conservation plans proposed by six utilities. The PSC adopted new conservation goals in January for the state’s five investor-owned utilities and two city-owned utilities. In March, those utilities submitted 10-year plans outlining the cost of the PSC conservation goals, but PSC staff said the plans submitted by Florida Power & Light, Progress Energy and Gulf Power failed to meet the newly established conservation goals. The Commission agreed to delay consideration for those utilities plus Tampa Electric, Florida Public Utilities and JEA so that additional calculations could be performed.


Reid Continues to Push Narrow Energy Bill

Senate majority leader Harry Reid said last week that he will continue trying to pass a narrow energy bill and may add a renewable electricity standard to the legislation he proposed in July. The proposed bill focuses on: 1) removing the cap on economic damages paid to residents and small businesses after oil spills, 2) promoting production and purchase of natural gas vehicles, 3) providing incentives for energy efficiency improvements in residential buildings, and 4) increasing the Land and Water Conservation fund. Reid said two Republican senators have expressed interest in a renewable electricity standard, although he did not identify them.



FMPA Weekly is published by FMPA for employees and goveing boards of FMPA member utilities. Questions or comments about this newsletter may be directed to Lance Larsson or Diane Nelson in FMPA’s Public Relations Department.


Want more background on the names and terms used in this newsletter? Check out FMPA’s Glossary, which features some of the most frequently mentioned committees, companies, places and terms, or contact the person named in each FMPA story to lea more. (Click here for the Staff Directory).


Have a question, comment or story idea for the newsletter? FMPA welcomes your feedback at any time. Contact: Lance Larsson or Diane Nelson