FMPA Weekly | Oct. 25, 2010 | Member Edition

FMPA Weekly


A weekly e-newsletter for FMPA members


Oct. 25, 2010





FMPA Survey on Social Media

FMPA launched a survey last Friday to assess social media applications for FMPA. The survey was sent to members, policy makers and employees. FMPA’s Strategic Plan action item 5.1.2 calls for staff to “explore emerging communication tools (e.g., social media) to consider applications for FMPA that create positive publicity, build stakeholder engagement and support business goals. As one step toward that goal, FMPA is conducting primary research: 1) to understand stakeholders’ current social media habits, 2) to assess stakeholders’ interest in FMPA using social media, and 3) to solicit feedback and suggestions regarding social media. This survey does not commit FMPA to undertaking any social media activities. Social media applications will be implemented only if they support the Agency’s strategic business goals. The brief survey should take approximately 10 minutes to complete. Responses are due by Nov. 12. Links were e-mailed to all stakeholders last Friday. If you did not receive a link or you have questions about the survey, contact Diane Nelson.


Electricity Conservation Activity Program
Participants in the Electricity Conservation Activity Program (ECAP) met last Wednesday to discuss: 1) the results of back-testing the proposed advisory calculation method, and 2) customer information material related to ECAP. The ECAP team is working toward a December launch for the program. Contact: Mark McCain


Hedge Reports

Section 8 of FMPA’s recently updated natural gas and fuel oil risk management policy calls for FMPA staff to report at each Audit and Risk Oversight Committee meeting: 1) current hedge positions, 2) monthly financial gain or loss, 3) monthly liquidity exposure, 4) fuel storage activity, and 5) fuel hedging risk metrics. In compliance with this rule, FMPA’s Risk Management Department published its first Hedge Position Update and weighted average cost of gas (WACOG) report on the Member Portal.


United Way Campaign Raises $13,651

FMPA’s 2010 United Way Workplace Giving Campaign ended last week with success. FMPA employees pledged $13,651.10, exceeding the campaign goal by almost 11% and topping last year’s total. Heart of Florida United Way plays an important role in making the Central Florida community a better place to live and work, and FMPA employees’ contributions will help build safer neighborhoods, develop healthy children and families and alleviate hunger and homelessness in the tri-county area.


Central Florida Community Bread Basket

Special thanks to Steve Ruppel, his wife, Shelia, and Mark McCain, who participated in a volunteer work day last Saturday at the Central Florida Community Bread Basket laying sod around the new facility. The Bread Basket is an Osceola County-based food bank that serves more than 1,200 local families per day. Cane Island Unit 4 contractor Zachry is spearheading the installation of a new building for the Bread Basket with help from its subcontractors, as well as FMPA and Kissimmee Utility Authority. A ribbon cutting for the new facility is scheduled for Nov. 12. Contact: Mark McCain


Risk Link

FMPA’s Risk Management Department published a new issue of Risk Link newsletter last week on the Member Portal. This issue includes a feature on flexible risk management, a spotlight on meters and data acquisition and a review of risk topics in the news.


Three Phase Times
FMPA’s Power Resources Division published the latest issue of Three Phase Times last week on the Member Portal. It includes information on the All-Requirements Project’s (ARP) system peak, hourly load comparisons, resource fuel mix, natural gas usage by resource, Cane Island Unit 4 project milestones and budget, natural gas market pricing and other performance information for ARP. Contact: Tom Reedy





Audit and Risk Oversight Committee

The Audit and Risk Oversight Committee meets Wednesday in the Board room at 1 p.m. The Committee will discuss a risk review of the power purchase agreement with the city of Quincy and information items including: 1) a risk event detail review, 2) implementation of GASB 53, 3) natural gas storage, and 4) Florida Municipal Power Pool credit policy. The full agenda package is available on the Member Portal.


Policy Makers Liaisons Committee

FMPA’s Policy Makers Liaisons Committee meets Wednesday in the first floor conference room at 2 p.m. The Committee will hold a special election for its Vice Chair, discuss electricity rate comparisons and have a roundtable discussion on electric issues facing their city. The full agenda package is available on the Member Portal.


Board of Directors

FMPA’s Board of Directors meets Thursday in the Board room at 9 a.m. for a special-called meeting. The Board will consider action items including: 1) evaluations for the General Manager and CEO and General Counsel, 2) audit report recommendations for Stanton Units 1 and 2 and the Indian River combustion turbines, and 3) an information technology risk management policy. The full agenda package is available on the Member Portal.


ARP Executive Committee

The ARP Executive Committee meets Thursday in the Board room at 9:30 a.m. or immediately following the Board of Directors meeting. The meeting’s action items include: 1) an information technology risk management policy, 2) audit report recommendations for Stanton Units 1 and 2 and Indian River combustion turbines, 3) approval of Keys TARP and review of the O&M agreement, 4) a line of credit with Wachovia, 5) alliance membership in Electric Cities of Georgia, and 6) demand side management reporting procedures. The full agenda package is available on the Member Portal.



All-Requirements Project Load

The weekly update of the All-Requirements Project historical load graph has been posted on the Member Portal. The graph is updated through Oct. 24. Contact: Jim Atz



Service Anniversaries

Congratulations to Terry Bus, who celebrates two years with FMPA on Friday, Oct. 29.


Congratulations to Ed Nunez, who celebrates three years with FMPA on Friday, Oct. 29.






Clean Air Act Issues Update
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is pursuing significant regulatory initiatives that would dramatically affect electric utilities. Don’t miss important updates on these issues and other essential information about air regulations at FMPA’s Clean Air Act (CAA) Update workshop on Nov. 10 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in Orlando. Come hear updates on EPA’s proposed Clean Air Interstate Transport Rule, its proposals for greenhouse gas regulation including cap and trade under CAA, its proposed change in Best Available Control Technology and more. Robert Kappelmann, energy and environmental policy consultant with RLK Associates, will lead the course. 2010″ rel=”nofollow”>>2010 Long-Term Reliability Assessment. The annual reliability outlook identifies trends, emerging issues and potential conces. Highlights from the assessment include: 1) the economic recession and advancement of demand-side management leading to decreased demand projections and higher reserve margins, 2) significant changes in the generation fuel mix, 3) bulk power transmission development, and 4) the increasing importance of cross-industry communication and coordination.


FPL Files Motion that PSC Should Move Forward with Business

Florida Power & Light (FPL) filed a motion last week requesting that the Florida Public Service Commission move ahead with pending FPL issues without Commissioner Nathan Skop. Since September, FPL has been seeking to bar Skop from participating on FPL-related cases, asserting that Skop became hostile to the utility after he was not recommended for reappointment to the Commission in June. FPL is asking the court to issue an emergency order clarifying that the automatic stay applies only to Skop’s participation, and not a stay of proceedings involving FPL. Skop did not comment on the issue, saying only that he is doing his job and will not back down.


Vero Beach Names Interim City Manager

The city of Vero Beach named Monte Falls as its interim city manager effective Nov. 2. He will succeed former city manager Jim Gabbard, who retired earlier this year. Falls previously served as Vero Beach’s public works director.




FMPA Weekly is published by FMPA’s Public Relations Department for all employees of the Agency. Questions or comments about this newsletter may be directed to Diane Nelson or Lance Larsson.


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