FMPA Weekly
A weekly e-newsletter for FMPA members
Nov. 22, 2010
Ten-Year Site Plan Review
The Florida Public Service Commission (PSC) last week published the tentative inteal affairs agenda for its Nov. 30 meeting. The agenda shows that PSC staff found FMPA’s Ten-Year Site Plan adequate for planning purposes, a passing grade not achieved by all utilities. The Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission also found FMPA’s plan adequate, and the East Central Florida Regional Planning Council commended FMPA on its partnerships and continued efforts in alteative energy supplies and conservation efforts. Contact: Michele Jackson
Loan Closing
FMPA closed on a loan with Wells Fargo Bank last Wednesday to refinance the Orlando office. Proceeds from the loan repaid the original $3 million building loan, which was the final loan outstanding from the Pooled Loan Program. Contact: Janet Davis
Finance Meetings
Mark Larson and Janet Davis met via conference call last Tuesday with representatives from FMPA’s bond counsel, Nixon-Peabody, to discuss issues related to novations of FMPA’s two UBS interest rate swaps. Ed Nunez and Janet Davis also met last Tuesday with Wells Fargo to discuss the pooled loan refinancing and other issues related to FMPA’s line of credit. Members of FMPA’s Treasury Department also met with Florida Gas Utility last Wednesday to discuss a potential gas pre-pay agreement.
Compliance Workshop
FMPA staff and members participated in a two-day regulatory compliance workshop last Monday and Tuesday to discuss topics including: 1) the difference between transmission planning and transmission operation planning, 2) becoming a transmission service provider, 3) facility ratings and system operating limits, 4) cyber security, 5) changes in PRC standards, and 5) a group discussion on FMPA’s inteal compliance program. A total of 30 attendees from 9 cities took part in the training workshop.
CR3 Status
Tendon re-tensioning and reactor refueling continued at the Crystal River Unit 3 nuclear plant last week.
Holiday Office Closures
FMPA’s offices will be closed Thursday and Friday in observance of the Thanksgiving holiday.
All-Requirements Project Load
The weekly update of the All-Requirements Project historical load graph has been posted on the Member Portal. The graph is updated through Nov. 21. Contact: Jim Atz
Service Anniversaries
Congratulations to Steve Carroll, who celebrates four years with FMPA on Friday, Nov. 26.
Congratulations to Tom Jones, who celebrates four years with FMPA on Saturday, Nov. 27.
AROC Telephonic Meeting
FMPA’s Audit and Risk Oversight Committee (AROC) is scheduled to meet Dec. 1 at 1 p.m. via conference call. The meeting’s action item is a risk review and recommendation for the city of Quincy’s Power Purchase Agreement. Contact: Rich Popp.
Net Metering, Billing and Interconnection Workshop
FMPA will host a workshop Dec. 7 to discuss the All-Requirements Project’s (ARP) net metering, billing and interconnection agreements for small customer-owned renewable generation. The workshop from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. will provide guidance to ARP members regarding program policies, and participants will discuss customer-owned renewable generation interconnection contracts. The Florida Solar Energy Center also will present information on solar incentives and installation requirements. There is no cost to attend this workshop, but attendees are asked to>register; online so that FMPA has an accurate count for lunch. Contact: Ann Beckwith or Mike Siefert
Goveance Training
FMPA’s Strategic Plan Action Item 5.3.1 calls for FMPA to provide training for its board members that focuses on a review of fiduciary and policy responsibilities, a discussion of how boards can operate with maximum effectiveness, a review of FMPA’s strategic plan, and an introduction to a board assessment process. Jean Freeman of Jean Freeman & Associates, who facilitated FMPA’s strategic planning process, will lead the program scheduled for Dec. 8 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at FMPA’s Orlando office. Both the Executive Committee and Board of Directors are invited to attend this one-day session. Contact: Nick Guarriello or Mark McCain
FMEA, FMPA Meetings
The Florida Municipal Electric Association (FMEA) and FMPA have meetings scheduled Dec. 9 at FMPA’s Orlando office. FMEA’s Board of Directors will meet at 7:30 a.m., followed by FMPA’s Board of Directors meeting at 9 a.m. and the ARP Executive Committee at 9:30 a.m. or immediately after the Board meeting.
Progress Energy Asks PSC for Review of Crystal River Repair Costs
Progress Energy Florida (PEF) is asking the Florida Public Service Commission (PSC) to review the cost of repairing a 25-foot long crack in the facility’s containment wall, as well as the cost of the electricity that the utility had to purchase to meet power demands while the nuclear plant was idle. Currently, PEF has spent $117 million on the repair, with $81 million covered by the company’s insurance providers. PEF’s request of the PSC is the first step in establishing how much the utility will ultimately pay out-of-pocket. After the PSC hears testimony on the issue next spring, the utility may ask for permission to pass the outstanding costs of repairs on to their customers.
APPA Asks Federal Appeals Court to Review FERC Orders
The American Public Power Association (APPA) and other electric industry groups asked the U.S. Court of Appeals to review the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s (FERC) orders requiring the North American Electric Reliability Corp. (NERC) to change its voting process so that stakeholders cannot vote against complying with FERC directives, according to a petition filed Nov. 12 by APPA. In earlier filings with FERC, APPA and other groups urged the commission to respect the technical expertise of NERC and the industry-based standards development process.
FMPA Weekly is published by FMPA’s Public Relations Department for all employees of the Agency. Questions or comments about this newsletter may be directed to Ryan Dumas or Lance Larsson.
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