FMPA Weekly
A weekly e-newsletter for FMPA members
June 11, 2012
Email Conversion to Outlook
FMPA converted its email software last Friday from Lotus Notes to Microsoft Outlook. The process seems to have been successful. If members encounter any email-related communication problems with FMPA, they are encouraged to notify Mark Larson.
Williston Bulk Power Cost Adjustment
FMPA’s Legal Department and Planning Department traveled to Williston last Friday to discuss the city’s Bulk Power Cost Adjustment. FMPA was asked to review the city’s current method and provide recommendations, including possibly establishing a new formula or method. Contact: Michele Jackson
Knight Resigns
Kristi Knight submitted her resignation last week as FMPA’s Risk Analyst effective June 22. Kristi has accepted a position with the North American Electric Reliability Corporation in Atlanta. We thank her for nearly six years of service, and we wish her all the best.
FERC Order No. 1000
Frank Gaffney and Michele Jackson travel to Tampa on Monday to discuss the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s (FERC) Order No. 1000 with Florida’s sponsors (Florida Power & Light, JEA, Orlando Utilities Commission, Progress Energy and Tampa Electric) and other stakeholders. The discussion will focus on the proposed method for regional planning and cost allocations for peninsula Florida. Order No. 1000 reforms FERC’s electric transmission planning and cost allocation requirements for public utility transmission providers. The rule builds on the reforms of Order No. 890 and corrects remaining deficiencies with respect to transmission planning processes and cost allocation methods. Compliance filings are due to FERC in October.
Board of Directors
FMPA’s Board of Directors meets Thursday at 9 a.m. in the Board room to discuss: 1) the appointment of a Nominating Committee, and 2) the approval of expenditures necessary for financing the St. Lucie, Stanton, Stanton II and Tri-City projects. The full agenda package is available on the Member Portal. Contact: Nick Guarriello
ARP Executive Committee
The ARP Executive Committee meets Thursday in the Board room at 9:30 a.m. or immediately following the Board of Directors meeting to discuss: 1) the approval of fiscal 2013 capacity and energy credits, 2) the approval of the All-Requirements Project and Agency general budgets for fiscal 2013, and 3) the approval of the Goveance Committee recommendation on the supermajority voting structure. The full agenda package is available on the Member Portal. Contact: Nick Guarriello
Joint Purchase Project
FMPA’s Joint Purchase Project meets Thursday at 9:30 a.m. in the first-floor conference room. Contact: Sharon Samuels
Nominating Committee
The Nominating Committee meets Thursday at 11 a.m. or immediately following the ARP Executive Committee meeting to recommend a slate of Board officers for 2012-2013. Contact: Nick Guarriello
All-Requirements Project Weekly Load Statistics
The weekly update of the All-Requirements Project historical load graph will be posted later this week to the Member Portal. The graph is updated through June 10. Contact: Jim Atz
Special Dates
Congratulations to Shirleen Bell, who celebrates five years with FMPA on Monday, June 11.
Congratulations to Tom Washbu, who celebrates six years with FMPA on Tuesday, June 12.
FMEA-FMPA Annual Conference
The 2012 FMEA-FMPA Annual Conference will be held July 24-27 at the Sawgrass Marriott in Ponte Vedra Beach, Fla. The conference kicks off July 24 with two pre-conference seminars: 1) electricity 101, and 2) Unhappy constituents and high utility bills: A problem or a gift? The following days feature general sessions and breakout sessions on a variety of topics, including energy legislation, comparing energy resources and the public power business model. This year, FMEA will award complimentary conference registration for one policy maker per FMEA member. Recipients of the Policy-Maker Scholarship must be a first-time conference attendee and be accompanied by a senior-level city or utility employee who is registered for the conference. Visit register>register; is July 30. Contact: Sharon Samuels
Dog Bite Prevention Training
FMPA will host Dog Bite Prevention training Aug. 30 at 9 a.m. in the Board room. The training, presented in conjunction with the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals of Central Florida, will help utility personnel recognize and respond to situations with dangerous or potentially dangerous animals. The cost is $75 and includes lunch. The deadline to>register; is Aug. 23. Contact: Sharon Samuels
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced a[email protected]&userid=11802181&extra=&&&2051&&&http//>rule; May 30 that will allow Easte states subject to the Cross-State Air Pollution Rule (CSAPR) to use the emissions trading program in CSAPR as an alteative for complying with EPA’s rule on regional haze. Those states could follow the Cross-State rule’s requirements to reduce nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxide as an alteative to installing best available retrofit technology. As part of the rule, EPA said it was finalizing federal implementation plans in a dozen states so that these plans rely on the Cross-State rule, rather than Clean Air Interstate Rule (CAIR), to comply with regional haze requirements. Those states are Georgia, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Michigan, Missouri, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia and West Virginia. The federal implementation plans will immediately substitute the CSAPR program for CAIR in those states, the agency said. As a result, those states will not have to take further action on their regional haze plans until 2018, the EPA said. The agency will take comment on the rule for 60 days after it is published in the Federal Register.
FMPA Weekly is published by FMPA for employees and goveing boards of FMPA member utilities. Questions or comments about this newsletter may be directed to Ryan Dumas or Jane Stewart This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it in FMPA’s Public Relations Department.
Want more background on the names and terms used in this newsletter? Check out FMPA’s Glossary, which features some of the most frequently mentioned committees, companies, places and terms, or contact the person named in each FMPA story to lea more. (Click here for the Staff Directory.)
Have a question, comment or story idea for the newsletter? FMPA welcomes your feedback at any time. Contact: Ryan Dumas or Jane Stewart
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