FMPA Weekly | Oct. 29, 2012 | Member Edition


FMPA Weekly


A weekly e-newsletter for FMPA members


Oct. 29, 2012






APPA Customer Connections Conference

Mark McCain gave a 75-minute presentation last Monday on crisis communications at the American Public Power Association’s (APPA) Customer Connections Conference in Indianapolis, Ind. The conference was held Monday through Wednesday for public power professionals in customer service, economic development, energy services, key accounts, marketing, communications and public relations.>Presentations; from the conference are available on APPA’s website. Julio Barroso, communications/marketing coordinator for Keys Energy Services, served this year as Chairman of the Public Communications Committee and helped plan the conference.



FMPA issued a fiscal” rel=”nofollow”>>fiscal 2011 Annual Report received an award last Wednesday from the American Public Power Association (APPA) during APPA’s Customer Connections Conference. FMPA received an Award of Merit for utilities with gross revenues of $400 million or more. The reports were judged on ingenuity and creativity in copy, design, financial data, graphics, organization and communicating the utility’s special story.


3 Phase Times

FMPA’s Power Resources Division published the September 2012 edition of 3 Phase Times last Tuesday. This monthly report provides information about the All-Requirements Project’s (ARP) system peak, hourly loads, resource fuel mix, natural gas usage, natural gas pricing and more performance information. The report shows that in September natural gas represented nearly 81% of the ARP’s generation fuel mix, an increase of 3.7% from the August mix of 76.9%. For more information, download 3 Phase Times from the Member Portal. Contact: Tom Reedy







Year-End Audit

FMPA’s exteal auditors, Purvis Gray & Company, begin the fiscal 2012 audit on Monday. The auditors will work via remote this week and plan to be at FMPA’s office for approximately two weeks, beginning next Monday. Contact: Rick Minch


Member City Visits

Bud Boudreaux travels to Homestead on Tuesday to meet with Electric Utility Director Barbara Quinones and Assistant Director Ken Konkol. On Wednesday, Bud travels to Key West to meet with Keys Energy Services’ (KEYS) Utility Board Chairman Lou Heandez and KEYS’ General Manger Lynne Tejeda.


All-Requirements Project Weekly Load Statistics

The weekly update of the All-Requirements Project historical load graph has been posted on the Member Portal. The graph is updated through Oct. 28. Contact: Jim Atz


Special Dates

Congratulations to Terry Bus, who celebrates four years with FMPA on Monday, Oct. 29.


Congratulations to Ed Nunez, who celebrates five years with FMPA on Monday, Oct. 29.







Policy Makers Liaisons Committee

FMPA’s Policy Makers Liaisons Committee meets Nov. 14 in the Board room at 1 p.m. Lunch will be provided at noon. Contact: Mark McCain


ARP Executive Committee

The ARP Executive Committee meets Nov. 15 in the Board room at 9 a.m. Contact: Nick Guarriello


Excellence as a Supervisor Training

Registration is open for Excellence as a Supervisor Training in 2013. This training program is available to FMPA members as part of the alliance between FMPA and Electric Cities of Georgia. The training is designed to provide supervisors or prospective supervisors with the skills necessary to be effective leaders. Training is divided into two series consisting of three modules each. The first module will be held Jan. 8 and Jan. 9 in FMPA’s Board room. Program registration information is available on the Member Portal. FMPA members who participated in the 2012 program were very complimentary. Many of them wrote on evaluation forms that it was the best training they ever attended. Contact: Sharon Smeenk





Details Emerge About Draft Executive Order on Cyber Security

The Obama administration reportedly has added provisions for sharing cyber threat information with utilities and others to a draft executive order on cyber security. The Associated Press (AP), which obtained a copy of the draft, reported Oct. 20 that the Department of Homeland Security would be responsible for establishing an information-sharing network. According to the draft, Homeland Security would distribute summaries of top-secret intelligence reports about cyber threats that identify a specific target. Information would be shared with operators of critical infrastructure, who would be asked to provide cyber threat information to the govement. The draft order would direct Homeland Security to work with the Pentagon and other agencies to create the information-sharing system. Selected employees at critical infrastructure companies would receive security clearances allowing them to receive the information. The draft executive order includes provisions encouraging companies to adopt voluntary security standards and directing federal agencies to determine whether existing cyber security regulations are adequate, according to the AP. The White House declined to say when the president might sign the order.


PSC to Review Status of Crystal River Unit 3

The Florida Public Service Commissioner (PSC) meets Tuesday to review the status of Crystal River Unit 3 (CR3). The nuclear unit has been offline since 2009 when a project to replace major components inside the unit’s containment structure led to separating concrete on the structure. The PSC opened www.fmpa.com>;

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