Archive for 2012

FMPA Weekly | Jan. 9, 2012 | Member Edition

FMPA Weekly   A weekly e-newsletter for FMPA members   Jan. 9, 2012     LAST WEEK   Business Model Working Group The All-Requirements Project’s Business Model Working Group met last Thursday to continue its discussion on Moody’s downgrade of the All-Requirements Project’s credit rating and potential options that may improve the project’s credit rating. […]

FMPA Weekly | Jan. 3, 2012 | Member Edition

  FMPA Weekly   A weekly e-newsletter for FMPA members   Jan. 3, 2012     LAST WEEK   FMPA Strategic Plan Update FMPA staff are working on a Strategic Plan Action Item Update for FMPA’s Board of Directors and the ARP Executive Committee. FMPA’s Strategic Plan was approved by the Board and Executive Committee […]