FMPA Weekly
A weekly e-newsletter for FMPA members
Jan. 14, 2013
Braly Named to Green Cove Springs’ City Council
Ray Braly was appointed last Tuesday to a vacant seat on Green Cove Springs’ City Council. He will complete the unexpired term of former council member Debbie Ricks, who retired after serving 11 years. Ray will serve on the council until May. He also will continue to represent Green Cove Springs on FMPA’s Policy Maker Liaisons Committee.
Meter Technician Certification Program
A Steering Committee consisting of representatives from FMPA’s member cities met last Wednesday via conference call to discuss the creation of a meter technician certification program. FMPA’s members have been in talks with Lake-Sumter Community College, but the college recently said it will not be able to develop the program due to a lack of funding and teachers. FMPA’s Steering Committee plans to research meter technician programs utilized by other municipal utilities and then hold a face-to-face meeting. Contact: Mark McCain
FMPA’s 35th Anniversary
FMPA’s Public Relations Department met last Thursday to discuss plans for the Agency’s 35th anniversary year, which begins Feb. 24, the anniversary of FMPA’s first meeting. The department is discussing communications efforts timed with key events throughout the year to highlight FMPA’s anniversary and promote the value of public power utilities. Contact: Mark McCain
State Legislator Visits
The second round of meetings for FMPA’s new state legislator visitation program was held last Friday in Gainesville. In order to build relationships with state elected officials, FMPA’s Policy Makers Liaisons Committee (PMLC) is beginning a pilot program of visits in the local districts when the state legislature is not in session. The meetings were held with Reps. Keith Perry and Clovis Watson. Attending the meetings were Ray Braly, Bill Conrad, Scott Roberts, Mark McCain and Bill Peebles. At the PMLC meeting in February, the Committee will discuss the initial visits and future plans for the program. Contact: Mark McCain
Mayor Conrad Interview
The Florida Municipal Electric Association interviewed Mayor Bill Conrad of Newberry about the importance of policy makers in public power. His comments can be>seen; in a video now available online or can be>read; online in the current edition of Relay magazine. Bill is Newberry’s representative on FMPA’s Board of Directors and Executive Committee. He also is the Treasurer of FMPA’s Board and Vice Chair of FMPA’s Policy Makers Liaisons Committee.
Member City Visit
Bud Boudreaux travels to Williston on Monday for a member city visit with City Manager Scott Lippmann.
Fiscal 2012 Audited Financial Statements Q&A
FMPA’s Accounting Department hosts a question and answer session via conference call on Tuesday at 9 a.m. to discuss FMPA’s fiscal 2012 audited financial statements. Contact: Mark Larson
ARP Conservation Program
All-Requirements Project (ARP) members are reminded to submit quarterly reports documenting ARP Conservation Program efforts between Oct. 1 and Dec. 31. Reports are due Tuesday. The quarterly report form is available on the Member Portal. Contact: Sharon Smeenk
Colectric Partners’ Quarterly Meeting
David Schumann, Tim Jackson and plants managers from Cane Island Power Park and Treasure Coast Energy Center travel to JEA on Wednesday for Colectric Partners’ quarterly gas plant managers meeting. During the meeting, members will provide an update on their plants’ activities.
Audit and Risk Oversight Committee
The Audit and Risk Oversight Committee meets Thursday at 9 a.m. via conference call to review and recommend FMPA’s fiscal 2012 financial audit report to the ARP Executive Committee and Board of Directors. The full agenda package is available on the Member Portal. Contact: Rich Popp
Board of Directors
The Board of Directors meets Thursday via conference call at 10 a.m. or immediately following the Audit and Risk Oversight Committee meeting to discuss approval of FMPA’s fiscal 2012 financial audit report. An informational item also will be presented on the status of Stanton and Tri-City projects’ financings. The full agenda package is available on the Member Portal. Contact: Mark Larson
ARP Executive Committee
The All-Requirements Project Executive Committee meets Thursday via conference call at 10:30 a.m. or immediately following the Board of Directors meeting to discuss approval of FMPA’s fiscal 2012 financial audit report. The full agenda package is available on the Member Portal. Contact: Mark Larson
All-Requirements Project Weekly Load Statistics
The weekly update of the All-Requirements Project historical load graph has been posted on the Member Portal. The graph is updated through Jan. 13. Contact: Jim Atz
Special Dates
Congratulations to Sharon Smeenk, who celebrates eight years with FMPA on Friday, Jan. 18.
Congratulations to Hector Mesa, who celebrates five years with FMPA on Monday, Jan. 21.
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
FMPA’s offices will be closed Jan. 21 in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. Have a safe and happy holiday weekend.
Human Resources Roundtable
FMPA will host a Human Resources Roundtable on Jan. 23 at 10 a.m. in the Board room. The roundtable provides a forum for participants to discuss topics, such as benefits, recruiting, employee retention, training, policies and more. Lunch will be provided, and>registration; is requested. Participation in the roundtable via teleconference will be available for those unable to attend in person. Contact: Sharon Smeenk
APPA Winter Education Institute
Monday is the last day for early-bird registration for the American Public Power Association’s APPA’s” rel=”nofollow”>>APPA’s website for registration and additional program information.
Distribution Reliability Measurement Roundtable
FMPA will host a Distribution Reliability Measurement Program Roundtable on Feb. 13 at 10 a.m. The roundtable provides a forum for participants to discuss topics including: reporting process, definitions and interpretations, best practices and more. Attendance is free and lunch will be provided.>Registration; is requested. Contact: Sharon Smeenk
Energy Auditor Training Workshop
FMPA will host an Energy Auditor Training Workshop in FMPA’s Board room on Feb. 19. The workshop is designed for energy auditors, customer service representatives and utility personnel who provide customers with energy efficiency information. Discussion topics will include building envelope, HVAC, energy auditor tools and energy usage. The cost is $525. Contact: Sharon Samuels
Rating Agency Thinks Crystal River Unit 3 Will Be Retired
A Progress Energy Florida official told state regulators last Monday that the company is still unsure about whether it will repair or shut down the Crystal River nuclear unit, but the Tampa Bay Times reported last Friday that Fitch Ratings believes the unit will be retired. A lawyer for the utility company told the Florida Public Service Commission that Progress expects to have a decision about the plant by this summer, though he didn’t rule out an announcement before then. Fitch Ratings’ concluded in its latest credit review that Duke Energy, the parent company of Progress, probably will permanently close the Crystal River nuclear unit. Fitch gave Duke a “stable outlook while noting that a repair of the Crystal River Unit 3 would pose too much of burden on Duke, but shutting it down would guarantee some protections provided by a settlement agreement with the state. “Fitch believes it is unlikely management will elect to repair Crystal River 3 given the rising cost estimates, construction risks and low gas-price environment, and instead will pursue the retirement option and recovery of invested capital, the rating agency stated.
FMPA Weekly is published by FMPA for employees and goveing boards of FMPA member utilities. Questions or comments about this newsletter may be directed to Ryan Dumas or Allison Briggs in FMPA’s Public Relations Department.
Want more background on the names and terms used in this newsletter? Check out FMPA’s Glossary, which features some of the most frequently mentioned committees, companies, places and terms, or contact the person named in each FMPA story to lea more. (Click here for the Staff Directory.)
Have a question, comment or story idea for the newsletter? FMPA welcomes your feedback at any time. Contact: Ryan Dumas or Allison Briggs
Florida Municipal Power Agency
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Orlando, FL 32819-9002
Tel 407 355-7767
Fax 407 355-5794>
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