FMPA Weekly | June 17, 2013 | Member Edition


FMPA Weekly

A weekly e-newsletter for FMPA members


June 17, 2013





Distribution Reliability Annual Report

FMPA’s Distribution Reliability Measurement Program published the annual Distribution Reliability Report for 2012. The report compares the reliability indices of the 25 participating municipal utilities to the indices of Florida’s investor-owned utilities. In 2012, the Florida Municipal Utilities Group outperformed other utilities in the state for the Customer Average Interruption Duration Index, Momentary Average Interruption event Frequency Index and L-Bar, the average length of a service interruption. For a copy of the report, contact Sharon Smeenk.


ECG Training and Safety Program

Electric Cities of Georgia (ECG) named Doug Fowler as Training and Safety Specialist for Florida. Doug replaces Michael McCleary, who accepted a position with Ocala Utility Services last November. Prior to joining ECG, Doug served as Newberry’s Electric Distribution Supervisor for nine years. His experience also includes 20 years with Gainesville Regional Utilities. Contact: Sharon Smeenk




KEYS Operating Committee

David Schumann and Tim Jackson travel to Key West on Tuesday for the quarterly operating committee meeting with representatives from the Stock Island Generating Facility. Discussion topics will include future outage maintenance and the facility’s budget.


ARP Executive Committee

The All-Requirements Project Executive Committee meets Thursday in the Board room at 9 a.m. to discuss: 1) approval of the fiscal 2014 Agency and All-Requirements Project budgets, and 2) selection of an exteal auditor. The full agenda package is available on the Member Portal. Contact: Nick Guarriello


All-Requirements Project Weekly Load Statistics

The weekly update of the All-Requirements Project historical load graph has been posted on the Member Portal. The graph is updated through June 16. Contact: Jim Atz


Special Dates

Congratulations to Richard Montgomery, who celebrates six years with FMPA on Tuesday, June 18.





2013 FMEA-FMPA Annual Conference

Monday is the last day to get the early registration discount for the 2013 FMEA-FMPA Annual Conference, scheduled for July 16-19 at Sanibel Harbour Resort in Fort Myers, Fla. The conference features many networking and leaing opportunities, including seminars on 1) ratemaking for policy makers, 2) the cyber security threat and how to address it, 3) Florida politics, 4) successful policies to improve credit and collections, and more. Visit” target=_blank>FMEA’s website for more conference information.





Obama Orders Agencies to Improve Electric Grid

President Barack Obama directed federal agencies to take specific steps to improve siting of new transmission with a focus on facilitating renewable energy resources and improving grid resiliency. In a www.fmpa.com> />
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