FMPA Weekly
A weekly e-newsletter for FMPA members
June 24, 2013
Fiscal 2014 Agency and ARP Budgets
The ARP Executive Committee approved last Thursday the fiscal 2014 Agency budget in the amount of $15.1 million and the fiscal 2014 All-Requirements Project budget in the amount of $518.6 million. An alteative budget proposal was also presented that provided for the establishment of a working capital reserve, using unspent construction funds from Treasure Coast Energy Center Unit 1 and Cane Island Unit 4. The Committee decided to approve the original recommendation. The full agenda package is available on the Member Portal. Contact: Nick Guarriello
Independent Auditor
The ARP Executive Committee approved last Thursday exercising the second and final optional year under the current audit engagement letter with Purvis Gray & Company. The Committee will reassess the selection of an independent auditor in spring 2014. The full agenda package is available on the Member Portal. Contact: Nick Guarriello
Strategic Planning Sessions
Dates have been selected for the ARP Executive Committee’s and Board of Directors’ strategic planning workshops. The Executive Committee will meet Sept. 24, and the Board will meet Sept. 25. Contact: Nick Guarriello
MEAG Vogtle Units 1 and 2
FMPA, on behalf of the All-Requirements Project and five FMPA members, responded to questions from the Municipal Electric Authority of Georgia (MEAG) about a Request for Proposals for the purchase of capacity and energy from MEAG’s ownership share of Vogtle Units 1 and 2. A meeting with representatives from MEAG is scheduled for July 9 to discuss FMPA’s proposal. Contact: Tom Reedy
Engineering Consulting Services
FMPA executed a professional services agreement with nFront, an engineering consulting firm, for future potential power resources projects. nFront is an Oviedo, Fla.-based firm founded in 2012 by former R.W. Beck employees. Contact: Tom Reedy
APPA Publication: The Future of Your Utility
The American Public Power Association recently updated its publication titled “The Future of Your Utility: Positioning Your Community to Succeed in a Sellout. The guide discusses topics related to a sellout attempt, including: 1) preventing a sellout attempt from occurring, 2) effectively self-evaluating your community, 3) communicating with stakeholders in a sellout evaluation, and 4) lessons leaed from public power utility evaluations. FMPA purchased two copies, which are available for checkout from its lending library. Contact Mark McCain if you are interested in borrowing the publication.
Member City Visit
Bud Boudreaux travels to Bartow on Monday for a member city visit with Interim Electric Utility Director Brad Hiers.
Meter Technician Certification Program
A Steering Committee consisting of representatives from FMPA’s member cities meets Tuesday at 10 a.m. in the Board room to discuss the creation of a meter technician certification program. A representative from the Florida Department of Education will review procedures and requirements for an apprenticeship program and the Committee will discuss potential curriculum options. Contact: Sharon Smeenk
ECG Training and Safety Program
Electric Cities of Georgia’s new Training and Safety Specialist for Florida Doug Fowler and Superintendent of Training and Safety Jon Beasley visit FMPA members this week for member city safety trainings. On Monday, Jon meets with Key West and Homestead. On Tuesday, Doug and Jon meet with Lake Worth, Clewiston and Moore Haven. On Wednesday, they meet with Fort Pierce. On Thursday, they meet with Kissimmee Utility Authority. Contact: Sharon Smeenk
All-Requirements Project Weekly Load Statistics
The weekly update of the All-Requirements Project historical load graph has been posted on the Member Portal. The graph is updated through June 23. Contact: Jim Atz
ARP Telephonic Rate Workshop
The ARP Executive Committee will meet July 9 at 2 p.m. via conference call for the monthly All-Requirements Project rate workshop. Contact: Jim Atz
2013 FMEA-FMPA Annual Conference
The 2013 FMEA-FMPA Annual Conference is scheduled for July 16-19 at Sanibel Harbour Resort in Fort Myers, Fla. The conference features many networking and leaing opportunities, including presentations on: 1) ratemaking for policy makers, 2) the cyber security threat and how to address it, 3) Florida politics, 4) successful policies to improve credit and collections, and more. Visit” target=_blank>FMEA’s website for more conference information.
Obama Working on Major Effort to Curb Climate Change
President Barack Obama is preparing a major policy initiative on climate change, including, for the first time, limits on greenhouse gas emissions from new and existing power plants, as well as expanding renewable energy developments on public lands and accelerating energy efficiency efforts for buildings and equipment,>
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