FMPA Weekly | July 22, 2013 | Member Edition


FMPA Weekly

A weekly e-newsletter for FMPA members


July 22, 2013





Policy Makers Liaisons Committee

FMPA’s Policy Makers Liaisons Committee met last Thursday during the Annual Conference in Fort Myers and elected Bill Polk, Leesburg, as Chair and Michael Perri Jr., Fort Pierce, as Vice Chair. The Committee also approved the 2013-2014 meeting schedule and a change to the Committee Charter that would allow member cities to appoint an alteate liaison. The charter change will be taken to the next Board of Directors meeting for consideration. The full agenda package is available on the Member Portal. Contact: Mark McCain


Board of Directors

FMPA’s Board of Directors met last Friday at the Annual Conference and approved: 1) power supply project budgets—excluding All-Requirements—and the allocation of the Agency budget for fiscal 2014, 2) the reimbursement resolution for St. Lucie Project capital expenditures, 3) exercising the second and final optional year under the current audit engagement letter with Purvis Gray & Company, 4) swap master agreements, and 5) elected Board of Directors officers for 2013-2014 (see story below). The full agenda package is available on the Member Portal. Contact: Nick Guarriello


ARP Executive Committee

The ARP Executive Committee met last Friday at the Annual Conference and approved: 1) direct placement to finance new capital for Public Gas Partners, 2) swap master agreements, and 3) elected Executive Committee officers for 2013-2014 (see story below). The full agenda package is available on the Member Portal. Contact: Nick Guarriello


Officer Elections

FMPA’s Board of Directors and the ARP Executive Committee elected 2013-2014 officers last Friday during their scheduled meetings. The Board elected: Bill Conrad, Newberry, as Chairman, Bob Hunzinger, Gainesville, as Vice Chairman, Bill Thiess, Fort Pierce, as Treasurer, and Lynne Tejeda, Keys West, as Secretary. The ARP Executive Committee re-elected Howard McKinnon, Town of Havana, as Chairman and Matt Brower, Ocala, as Vice Chairman. Contact: Nick Guarriello


Retiring Officers Honored

FMPA’s Board of Directors honored two long-serving Board officers at the Annual Conference last week. Bushnell City Manager Vince Ruano completed four consecutive terms as Chairman. He has served in various officer positions on the Board for 22 years and has served as a member of the Board since 1985. Vince was presented with a Resolution of Appreciation, FMPA’s highest honor, at the Agency’s annual Board of Directors luncheon on Thursday. Key West Utility Board Chairman Lou Heandez completed four terms as Secretary and has served on the Board since 2007. He was honored at the Board’s annual meeting last Friday. Both Ruano and Heandez have announced plans to retire this year. Pictures from the awards presentations are posted on the Member Portal.


Home Power Advantage Website

FMPA and the Florida Municipal Electric Association launched last Thursday the Home Power Advantage http://www.homepoweradvantage/>website;, which will help the organizations and their members promote the value of locally owned electric utilities. The site,, was created so that electric customers can lea more about where their power comes from and why it matters. It describes the home power advantage by focusing on public power’s benefits, such as reliable electricity, personal service, community investment and public accountability. Contact: Mark McCain





Pole Attachment Service

Sharon Smeenk and Electric Cities of Georgia (ECG) Vice President of Exteal Affairs Daryl Ingram travel to Alachua and the Town of Havana on Tuesday to discuss a pilot program for ECG’s pole attachment service.


2013 Annual Report

FMPA’s Public Relations Department meets Thursday to kick off planning for FMPA’s 2013 Annual Report. The team will discuss Agency highlights and begin developing the scope of work for this year’s report. Contact: Mark McCain


Interim Audit
FMPA’s independent auditors, Purvis Gray and Company, will conduct an interim audit beginning July 29 at FMPA’s Orlando office. The audit is designed to help prepare for FMPA’s annual audit, which takes place at the end of this fiscal year. The auditors will review the Agency’s financial information, as well as financials for FMPA’s power supply projects. Contact: Rick Minch 


Welcome Back, Jason

Please welcome Jason Wolfe back to FMPA on Monday as the new Financial Analyst & Power Supply Contracts Administrator. We are glad to have him back at FMPA.


All-Requirements Project Weekly Load Statistics

The weekly update of the All-Requirements Project historical load graph has been posted on the Member Portal. The graph is updated through July 21. Contact: Jim Atz


Special Dates

Congratulations to Tom Reedy, who celebrates 18 years with FMPA on Wednesday, July 24.





ARP Telephonic Rate Workshop

The ARP Executive Committee will meet Aug. 8 at 2 p.m. via conference call for the monthly All-Requirements Project rate workshop. Contact: Jim Atz


Groundman Certificate Program

Electric Cities of Georgia will host a groundman certificate program Sept. 10 through Sept. 13 at the Adel Training Center in Adel, Ga. Course topics will include: 1) basic electricity, 2) truck set-up, 3) rigging, knots and ropes, 4) pole setting, 5) electrical system overview, 6) bucket truck rescue and more. Registration and program information are available on the Member Portal.


APPA Business & Financial Conference

Deadlines for the American Public Power Association’s website>website; for more information.





Gulf Power Files for $90.4 Million Base Rate Increase

Gulf Power filed a request with the Florida Public Service Commission (PSC) on July 12 asking for a $90.4 million base-rate increase to help pay for upgrades to its power grid system. The company plans to build and replace power lines and infrastructure during the next three years, as well as add new transmission lines and equipment to comply with federal environmental regulations. If approved, the increase would be implemented in two phases. In April 2014, residential customers using 1,000 kWh per month would pay $127.82, an $8.94 increase. A second increase would happen in 2015 and raise monthly bills an additional $1.99 to $129.81, the highest in Gulf Power’s history. The PSC plans to hold a hearing in December and make a decision in March 2014.



FMPA Weekly is published by FMPA for employees and goveing boards of FMPA member utilities. Questions or comments about this newsletter may be directed to Ryan Dumas or Allison Briggs in FMPA’s Public Relations Department.


Want more background on the names and terms used in this newsletter? Check out FMPA’s Glossary, which features some of the most frequently mentioned committees, companies, places and terms, or contact the person named in each FMPA story to lea more. (Click here for the Staff Directory.)


Have a question, comment or story idea for the newsletter? FMPA welcomes your feedback at any time. Contact: Ryan Dumas or Allison Briggs



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