FMPA Weekly | Nov. 25, 2013 | Member Edition


FMPA Weekly


A weekly e-newsletter for FMPA members


Nov. 25, 2013





3 Phase Times

FMPA’s Power Resources Division published the October 2013 edition of 3 Phase Times. This monthly report provides information about the All-Requirements Project’s (ARP) system peak, hourly loads, resource fuel mix, natural gas usage, natural gas pricing and more performance information. The report shows that in October FMPA’s energy resources totaled 600,690 MWh, which was 6% higher than projected in the short-term forecast. The higher total energy output was due to capacity needs in FMPA’s east network. For more information, download 3 Phase Times from the Member Portal. Contact: Tom Reedy





HVAC Upgrade

FMPA’s Facilities staff and management meet Monday to discuss the replacement of the heating, ventilation and air conditioning system (HVAC) at FMPA’s Orlando office. They will review the latest drawing from SGM Engineering, the owner’s engineer retained for this project. The design stage of the project is about 90% complete. Contact: Sharon Smeenk


Happy Thanksgiving

FMPA’s offices will be closed Thursday and Friday in observance of the Thanksgiving holiday. Have a safe and happy holiday.


All-Requirements Project Weekly Load Statistics

The weekly update of the All-Requirements Project historical load graph has been posted on the Member Portal. The graph is updated through Nov. 24. Contact: Jim Atz


Special Dates 

Congratulations to Tom Jones, who celebrates six years with FMPA on Wednesday, Nov. 27.


Congratulations to Amy Deese, who celebrates five years with FMPA on Sunday, Dec. 1.


Congratulations to Ray Platt, who celebrates 13 years with FMPA on Sunday, Dec. 1.





Purchasing Roundtable

Monday is the>registration; deadline for FMPA’s annual Purchasing Roundtable, scheduled for Dec. 5 at FMPA’s Orlando office. The roundtable provides a forum for purchasing personnel to discuss work procedures, policies, industry changes, equipment and other topics of interest. Contact: Sharon Samuels


Meter Technician Conference Call

A steering committee of representatives from FMPA’s member cities will meet via conference call on Dec. 2 to discuss the creation of a meter technician certification program. Discussion topics include: 1) necessary qualifications for FMPA to move forward as program sponsor, 2) support from participants’ management and budget availabilities, and 3) next steps. Contact: Sharon Smeenk


ARP Telephonic Rate Workshop

The ARP Executive Committee will meet Dec. 9 at 2 p.m. via conference call for the monthly All-Requirements Project rate workshop. Contact: Jim Atz


Joint Purchase Project

FMPA’s Joint Purchase Project will meet Dec. 12 at 10 a.m. in FMPA’s Library/Closing room. Contact: Sharon Samuels


Excellence as a Supervisor Training

Registration is open for the 2014 Excellence as a Supervisor Training, which is available to FMPA members as part of the alliance between FMPA and Electric Cities of Georgia (ECG). The training is designed to provide supervisors or prospective supervisors with the skills necessary to be effective leaders. Training is divided into two series consisting of three modules each. The first module will be held Jan. 28 and Jan. 29 at FMPA’s Orlando office. ECG has re-examined program costs and found ways to reduce the registration fee for this highly acclaimed program. Registration information is available on the Member Portal. Contact: Sharon Smeenk





TECO Receives Final Approval to Expand Polk Power Station

Florida Gov. Rick Scott and his Cabinet last Tuesday unanimously approved Tampa Electric’s (TECO) Site Certification Application to expand the Polk Power Station and build 40 miles of transmission lines. TECO said the expansion is needed by 2017 to accommodate customer growth and replace purchased-power agreements scheduled to expire. The Florida Public Service Commission confirmed the need for the expansion last December. The $700 million project will include converting the four existing simple-cycle natural gas units to a more efficient combined-cycle unit. The expansion is projected to increase power plant generation by 460 MW. TECO hopes to begin construction in January 2014.



FMPA Weekly is published by FMPA for employees and goveing boards of FMPA member utilities. Questions or comments about this newsletter may be directed to Ryan Dumas or Allison Briggs in FMPA’s Public Relations Department.

Want more background on the names and terms used in this newsletter? Check out FMPA’s Glossary, which features some of the most frequently mentioned committees, companies, places and terms, or contact the person named in each FMPA story to lea more. (Click here for the Staff Directory.)

Have a question, comment or story idea for the newsletter? FMPA welcomes your feedback at any time. Contact: Ryan Dumas or Allison Briggs



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