FMPA Weekly | Aug. 4, 2014 | Member Edition

FMPA Weekly



A weekly e-newsletter for FMPA members


Aug. 4, 2014





FMPA Named a Top Company for Working Families

FMPA was named by the Orlando Sentinel last Friday as one of the Top 100 Companies for Working Families in Central Florida. The program recognizes companies that demonstrate a commitment to family and work-life balance. Companies are ranked based on core benefits, family-related benefits, work environment, communication and training. This is the third consecutive year that FMPA has been named to the list. FMPA was ranked 7th of all companies with 99 or fewer employees. FMPA also congratulates Orlando Utilities Commission, which also was named to the Top 100. Contact: Mark McCain




ARP Conservation Program Quarterly Report

The All-Requirements Project’s (ARP) Conservation Program published its third quarter report for fiscal 2014. The report indicates that between April 1 and June 30: 1) ARP participants spent $90,000 on energy-saving measures for their customers, and 2) the energy saving measures have the potential to save customers nearly 1.7 million kWh per year and 17,371 MWh over the life of the measures taken. Contact: Sharon Smeenk




All-Requirements Project July Load Statistics

The All-Requirements Project’s peak for July was 1,133 MW, which occurred July 28 between 4 p.m. and 5 p.m. The project’s load factor for July was 68%. Load factor is a ratio of actual energy (MWh) used during the period versus what would have been consumed if demand was at peak for the entire period. A higher load factor indicates more effective system utilization and results in lower average costs. The month’s peak was 99% of the budgeted peak, and energy was 100% of the budget. A graph showing the All-Requirements Project hourly load for the month of July is available on the Member Portal. Contact: Jim Atz






Member City Visit

Bud Boudreaux travels to Newberry on Monday for a member city visit with City Manager Mike New.


EPA Clean Power Plan

FMPA’s System Planning Department participates in two industry group meetings this week to discuss the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) proposed Clean Power Plan to reduce carbon emissions from power plants. On Tuesday, Susan Schumann and other members of the Florida Electric Power Coordinating Group meet with the Florida Public Service Commission (PSC) and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection. On Thursday, Michele Jackson and Susan Schumann meet with the Florida Municipal Electric Association’s Major Generator Coalition to discuss the Clean Power Plan. On Friday, FMPA plans to respond to a data request from the PSC on the impact of the proposed regulations.


2014 Annual Report

The Public Relations Department meets Wednesday with marketing consultant Michael Taylor to kickoff planning for FMPA’s 2014 Annual Report. Michael will lead a half-day brainstorming session to discuss ideas for this year’s report. The report will be available in early 2015. Contact: Mark McCain


ARP Telephonic Rate Workshop

The ARP Executive Committee meets Thursday at 2 p.m. via conference call for the monthly All-Requirements Project rate workshop. The agenda includes: 1) an update on natural gas markets and liquidity, 2) an overview of July operations, loads, costs and rate calculations, and 3) estimated rates for August through October. Contact: Jim Atz




All-Requirements Project Weekly Load Statistics

The weekly update of the All-Requirements Project historical load graph has been posted on the Member Portal. The graph is updated through Aug. 3. Contact: Jim Atz


Special Dates

Congratulations to Brian Kosson, who celebrates eight years with FMPA on Thursday, Aug.7.





FMEA Energy Connections Conference

The Florida Municipal Electric Association’s (FMEA) Energy Connections Conference is scheduled for Oct. 9 and Oct. 10 at the Florida Hotel and Conference Center in Orlando. General session topics will include electric utility industry trends, emerging technologies, smart-phone apps for electric utilities, customer service satisfaction and more. Visit FMEA’s>website; for more information.



APPA Customer Connections Conference

FMPA and the Florida Municipal Electric Association are co-hosting the American Public Power Association’s (APPA) Customer Connections Conference scheduled for Oct. 26 through Oct. 29 at the Hyatt Regency Jacksonville Riverfront. Utility professionals in the areas of: 1) customer service, 2) economic development, 3) energy services, 4) key accounts, and 5) public communications are encouraged to attend. Conference sessions will include building a culture for economic development, using the future grid to strengthen the public power community, communication with key accounts, and more. Visit APPA’s>website; for registration and hotel information.





LaFleur Named FERC Chairman

President Obama named Cheryl LaFleur to be chairwoman of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) effective July 30, 2014, and designated Norman Bay as chairman effective April 15, 2015. Bay will fill out former Chairman Jon Wellinghoff’s term ending June 30, 2018, while LaFleur was confirmed to a five-year term ending June 30, 2019.



Sixteen Candidates Selected to Interview for PSC Vacancies

Sixteen candidates have been selected to interview for two upcoming vacancies on the Florida Public Service Commission (PSC), including Commissioner Julie Brown, who is seeking appointment to another four-year term. The PSC Nominating Council chose the 16 from a list of 32 applicants. Along with Brown, those on the short list include state Rep. Jimmy Patronis and former Rep. Dave Murzin. PSC General Counsel and former long-time lawmaker Curt Kiser initially applied but later withdrew his name from consideration. Other candidates include: James Schilling Baumstark; Stephen Bart Fletcher; Philip L. Leary; Robert Natale Santoni, Sr.; Marshall Wayne Willis; Norman Bruce Doueck; Jerry Feandez; Astrida Trupovnieks; Calvin Lynn Johnson; Stuart Wayne Pollins; Kevin LeRoy Wiehle; Patrick John Sheehan; and Luz Urbaez Weinberg. The terms of Brown and Commissioner Eduardo Balbis, who did not seek reappointment, will expire in January. After conducting interviews, the Nominating Council will recommend finalists to Gov. Rick Scott, who will make appointments to four-year terms.



FMPA Weekly is published by FMPA for employees and goveing boards of FMPA member utilities. Questions or comments about this newsletter may be directed to Ryan Dumas or Christin Senior in FMPA’s Public Relations Department.


Want more background on the names and terms used in this newsletter? Check out FMPA’s Glossary, which features some of the most frequently mentioned committees, companies, places and terms, or contact the person named in each FMPA story to lea more. (Click here for the Staff Directory.)


Have a question, comment or story idea for the newsletter? FMPA welcomes your feedback at any time. Contact: Ryan Dumas or Christin Senior



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