FMPA Weekly | Nov. 24, 2014 | Member Edition

FMPA Weekly


A weekly e-newsletter for FMPA members


Nov. 24, 2014





Vero Beach Appoints New FMPA Representative

Vero Beach City Council appointed Council Member Randy Old as the city’s representative to FMPA’s Board of Directors. Randy replaces Council Member Pilar Tuer as the city’s representative. Contact: Nick Guarriello


Board of Directors

FMPA’s Board of Directors met last Thursday and approved: 1) filing of a Municipalities Continuing Disclosure Cooperation Initiative self-report questionnaire with the Securities and Exchange Commission, and 2) Stanton Unit 1 and Unit 2 and Indian River Units A through D audit report for fiscal 2012 and fiscal 2013 billings. The full agenda package is available on the Member Portal. Contact: Nick Guarriello


ARP Executive Committee

The ARP Executive Committee met last Thursday and approved: 1) fiscal 2015 Agency budget amendment, 2) filing of a Municipalities Continuing Disclosure Cooperation Initiative self-report questionnaire with the Securities and Exchange Commission, and 3) Contract Rate of Delivery implementation protocols. The full agenda package is available on the Member Portal. Contact: Nick Guarriello


Award of Appreciation

The ARP Executive Committee presented an Award of Appreciation last Thursday to former Ocala City Manager Matt Brower. For the past six years, Matt was a valued contributor to FMPA and its All-Requirements Project (ARP). He served four terms as Vice Chairman of the ARP Executive Committee, helped found the Business Model Working Group, and served on the Board of Directors and the Goveance Committee. Matt was present at the meeting via phone and thanked FMPA’s members for their support.



 THIS WEEK Redesign Complete

FMPA launches the redesign of> style=font-family: ‘Georgia’,’serif’; color: windowtext;> on Monday. The new website is compatible with mobile devices, has enhanced site features, and sports a fresh design and content. Members of FMPA’s Public Relations and Information Technology departments worked on the project with BIGEYE, an Orlando-based advertising agency. Contact: Mark McCain


Member City Visit

Fred Bryant and Bud Boudreaux travel to Starke on Monday for a member city visit with City Clerk Ricky Thompson.


Happy Thanksgiving

FMPA’s offices will be closed Thursday and Friday in observance of the Thanksgiving holiday. Have a safe and happy holiday.


All-Requirements Project Weekly Load Statistics

The weekly update of the All-Requirements Project historical load graph has been posted on the Member Portal. The graph is updated through Nov. 23. Contact: Jim Atz


Special Dates

Congratulations to Tom Jones, who celebrates seven years with FMPA on Thursday, Nov. 27.





Purchasing Roundtable

FMPA will host a Purchasing Roundtable on Dec. 4 at 10 a.m. in FMPA’s Orlando office. The roundtable provides a forum for purchasing personnel to discuss work procedures, policies, industry changes, equipment and other topics of interest.> style=font-family: ‘Georgia’,’serif’; color: windowtext;>Registration is requested, and lunch will be provided. Contact: Sharon Samuels


Excellence as a Supervisor

Spots are still available for the 2015 Excellence as a Supervisor Training, which is scheduled to begin in February. The training is designed to provide supervisors or prospective supervisors with the skills necessary to be effective leaders. Training is divided into two series consisting of three modules each. The first module will be held Feb. 3 and Feb. 4 at FMPA’s Orlando office.> style=font-family: ‘Georgia’,’serif’; color: windowtext;>Registration information is available on Contact: Sharon Smeenk





FERC Approves Physical Security Grid Reliability Standards

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) approved a physical security reliability standard submitted by the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC). The Nov. 20 order considers 39 sets of comments and finalizes a notice of proposed rulemaking (NOPR) issued in July. The final rule does not adopt a directive proposed in a prior NOPR related to the ability of applicable govemental authorities to add or remove facilities from an entity’s list of critical facilities. Instead, FERC said that it will use its audit authority to determine if any further action by the commission is needed. FERC’s final rule also adopts the NOPR proposal to direct NERC to remove wording that the commission believes could narrow the scope and number of identified critical facilities. Under this directive, NERC has six months from the effective date of this final rule to remove the word widespread or, alteatively, propose modifications that address conces that the term is unclear with respect to the obligations it imposes on applicable entities, how it would be implemented by applicable entities, and how it would be enforced. FERC also adopted the NOPR proposal requiring NERC to submit an informational filing that addresses whether the physical security reliability standard should be applicable to additional control centers, consistent with the scope of critical facilities under other critical infrastructure protection standards. The commission gave NERC two years to do this.



 FMPA Weekly is published by FMPA for employees and goveing boards of FMPA member utilities. Questions or comments about this newsletter may be directed to Ryan Dumas or Christin Senior in FMPA’s Public Relations Department.


Want more background on the names and terms used in this newsletter? Check out FMPA’s Glossary, which features some of the most frequently mentioned committees, companies, places and terms, or contact the person named in each FMPA story to lea more. (Click here for the Staff Directory.)


Have a question, comment or story idea for the newsletter? FMPA welcomes your feedback at any time. Contact: Ryan Dumas or Christin Senior



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