FMPA Weekly
A weekly e-newsletter for FMPA members
March 23, 2015
ARP Executive Committee
The ARP Executive Committee met last Thursday and approved: 1) proposed amendments to the All-Requirements Project’s Net Metering Policy and Tri-Party Net Metering Power Purchase Agreements, and 2) alteative credit provisions for Quincy. The full agenda package is available on the Member Portal. Contact: Nick Guarriello
Homestead Power Supply RFP
FMPA responded to Homestead’s request for proposals (RFP) for wholesale power supply. The RFP asked respondents to consider five options, including: 1) peaking capacity to include reserves and shortfall for 10 years to 20 years, 2) long-term partial requirements of 15 years to 20 years, 3) full requirements, 4) unit participation, system power purchases or unit power purchases, and 5) power marketing services. Contact: Michele Jackson
Congratulations, Bud Boudreaux
Congratulations to Bud Boudreaux, who announced his plan to invoke the termination provision in his contract with FMPA and retire. Bud has served as FMPA’s Executive Consultant since November 2006. His job is to visit FMPA member cities to help the cities and to help FMPA serve its member cities better. Bud aims to visit every member at least once per year and All-Requirements Project participants twice per year. While at FMPA, Bud has made more than 400 members city visits. Bud has retired before. His first retirement was from the United States Air Force. His second retirement was from Fort Pierce Utilities Authority, where his service included 12 years as Director of Utilities. Join us in thanking Bud for his long and distinguished service to FMPA’s members.
Solar Demonstration Project Marks Five-Year Anniversary
A solar demonstration project in Key West marks its fifth anniversary this Thursday. The 26 kilowatt (AC) solar photovoltaic system, which is jointly owned by FMPA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and maintained by Keys Energy Services, has exceeded projected output by 3.5%, generating more than 235,000 kWh. The system has offset more than 370,000 pounds of carbon dioxide, equivalent to eliminating more than 4 million 60-watt light bulbs or more than 19,000 gallons of gasoline. To view the solar installation’s real-time monitoring system, visit> style=font-family: ‘Georgia’,’serif’; color: black;>
3 Phase Times
FMPA’s Power Resources Division published the February 2015 edition of 3 Phase Times. This monthly report provides information about the All-Requirements Project’s (ARP) system peak, hourly loads, resource fuel mix, natural gas usage, natural gas pricing and more performance information. The report shows that in February FMPA purchased 4,650 MWh from the Florida Municipal Power Pool and sold 55,629 MWh. The short-term forecast estimated 156,778 MWh of sales. The lower sales were due to lower All-Requirements Project loads than projected and mild weather. For more information, download 3 Phase Times from the Member Portal. Contact: Frank Gaffney
Distribution Reliability Roundtable
FMPA hosts a Distribution Reliability Roundtable on Thursday at 10 a.m. at FMPA’s Orlando office. The roundtable provides a forum for participants to discuss topics such as reporting process, definitions and interpretations, best practices and more. Attendance is free, and lunch will be provided. Contact: Sharon Smeenk
All-Requirements Project Weekly Load Statistics
The weekly update of the All-Requirements Project historical load graph has been posted on the Member Portal. The graph is updated through March 22. Contact: Jim Atz
Special Dates
Congratulations to Andrei Benjamin, who celebrates two years with FMPA on Friday, March 27.
Congratulations to Rick Minch, who celebrates five years with FMPA on Sunday, March 29.
FMEA Legislative Rally
This is the last week to> style=font-family: ‘Georgia’,’serif’; color: black;>register for the Florida Legislative Rally scheduled for March 30 and March 31 in Tallahassee. With legislation pending that affects all municipal electric utilities, it is important for every utility to be represented at the Rally.> style=font-family: ‘Georgia’,’serif’; color: black;>Registrationis available on the Florida Municipal Electric Association’s website. Contact: Amy Zubaly at FMEA
Florida Lineman Competition
The 15th annual Florida Lineman Competition is scheduled for April 17 and April 18 in Tallahassee. To celebrate its 15th year, the competition will include a special Senior Joueyman Team Division. FMPA will sponsor the top prizes, which pay travel expenses for the first place apprentice and first place team to attend a national competition. Visit the Florida Municipal Electric Association’s> style=color: black;>website for registration information.
House Committee Rejects Attempt to Repeal Florida’s Nuclear Fee
The Florida House Energy and Utilities Committee rejected a proposal by Rep. Dwight Dudley to repeal a law that allows utilities to charge for new nuclear power plants. The fee has come under fire since Duke Energy Florida was allowed to collect money even after the company said it had cancelled plans to build a nuclear plant in Levy County. The Florida Public Service Commission (PSC) recently ordered Duke to refund $54 million of the money that it collected from its customers. Dudley’s amendment was one of several that he tried and failed to attach to House Bill PCB EUS 15-01, which would make a series of changes involving the PSC.
FMPA Weekly is published by FMPA for employees and goveing boards of FMPA member utilities. Questions or comments about this newsletter may be directed to Ryan Dumas or Christin Senior in FMPA’s Public Relations Department.
Want more background on the names and terms used in this newsletter? Check out FMPA’s Glossary, which features some of the most frequently mentioned committees, companies, places and terms, or contact the person named in each FMPA story to lea more. (Click here for the Staff Directory.)
Have a question, comment or story idea for the newsletter? FMPA welcomes your feedback at any time. Contact: Ryan Dumas or Christin Senior
Florida Municipal Power Agency
8553 Commodity Circle
Orlando, FL 32819-9002
Tel 407 355-7767
Fax 407 355-5794>
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