Last week, U.S. Navy Director of Intelligence and Oversight Jack Summe met with several members of FMPA’s Information Technology and Compliance departments to discuss cybersecurity and critical infrastructure protection.
Last week, FMPA’s ARP Executive Committee held a Solar Business Model Workshop to discuss options that would enable voluntary participation in a solar photovoltaic project.
Last week, Florida Power and Light and the City of Vero Beach released a Letter of Intent for the purchase of the city’s electric system. This Week, Liyuan Woener and Ellen Leatherman travel to Juno Beach to conduct the biennial St. Lucie Project audit.
Last week, FMPA launched the Agency’s biennial Member Satisfaction Survey. This Week, Jacob Williams travels to Jacksonville Beach for a member city visit.
Last week, FMPA received 30 responses for the Agency’s Request for Qualification for engineering services. This week, FMPA marks the 31st anniversary of the All-Requirements Project which began May 1, 1986.
Last week, FMPA hosted its governing Board meetings in the Orlando office. This week, Proposals are due in response to FMPA’s Request for Proposal (RFP) for Engineering Services.
Last week, Bill Conrad was honored for his years of service to the city of Newberry. This week, FMPA’s Governing Boards meet on Thursday in the Orlando office.
Last week, William Branch assisant director of Homestead Energy Service was appointed repsentative to FMPA’s Board of Directors. This week, FMPA members interested in participating in a utility-scale solar project are asked to indicate their intrest.
Last week, FMPA filed the All-Requirements Ten-Year Site Plan with the Florida Service Commission. This week, FMPA hosts the Agency’s annual Distribution and Reliability Roundtable.
Last week, FMPA responded to an Invitation to Negotiate Power Supply from the City of Bartow. This week, Jacob Williams travels to Tallahassee for Florida Municipal Electric Association’s annual Legislative Rally.