FMPA Weekly | May 11, 2020 | Member Edition

May 11, 2020


TOP NEWS                                                           

FMPA Team to Return to the Office
FMPA is following a three-phase approach to safely return its employees to the office. Phase 1 began on April 27 and included team members who had already been coming into the office on a limited basis plus several others who returned voluntarily. Phase 2 begins on May 11 with most team members returning to the office. Employees who are at a higher risk for serious illness or have special circumstances will continue to work remotely. Employees returning to the office will be expected to follow social distancing guidelines, and personal protection equipment will be provided. No outside visitors will be allowed in the building. In-state travel restrictions were lifted, enabling team members to visit member cities while following health and safety precautions. If everything goes as planned, all team members will be able to return to the office after Memorial Day. FMPA’s leadership team continues to evaluate the situation and will adjust accordingly.


FMPA 2019 Annual Report 
FMPA’s 2019 Annual Report was recently printed and mailed to members of FMPA’s Governing Boards and member committees, local elected officials, industry partners and other interested parties. This year’s book titled “Value in Action” includes highlights on how FMPA and its members are working together to create value for customers. Highlights include: Efforts to reduce project debt and fuel costs, increasing solar energy 66% by the end of 2023, selling power to additional cities, and more. The electronic version is posted to and the Portal.

Securing Bulk Power Systems
President Trump issued an executive order on May 1, banning the use of equipment for the power grid that was manufactured by a company controlled by a foreign adversary, subject to the Secretary of the Department of Energy making such a determination. The executive order aims to defend the grid against cyberattacks and foreign interference. FMPA understands many parts and equipment that we and our members use could be impacted by this. FMPA’s team is closely monitoring the situation and is working to ensure this is workable and cost-effective for Florida. Contact: Truong Le

Florida Municipal Solar Project
Two solar sites that are part of the Florida Municipal Solar Project are nearing the end of construction as crews prepare the solar farms for commercial operation. The Harmony Solar Energy Center is about 85% complete with nearly all the 285,000 solar panels installed. Workers soon will begin testing the equipment to ensure everything is operating correctly. The Taylor Creek Energy Center, which will supply power to the Orlando Utilities Commission, is close to the same completion date. Both solar sites are scheduled to come online by the end of June.

Member City Visits
With in-state travel restrictions being lifted, FMPA’s team begins to visit member cities while ensuring the health and safety of members and employees. Mike McCleary travels to Starke on Monday to assist the city with estimates for grants. Mike also travels to the Florida Panhandle on Tuesday and Wednesday.

ARP Telephonic Rate Workshop
The ARP Executive Committee meets Tuesday at 2 p.m. via conference call to review April’s ARP rate calculation. The full agenda package is available on the Portal. Contact: Jason Wolfe

Hurricane Exercise
FMPA’s Power Resources Department conducts a hurricane exercise for all employees Wednesday at 2 p.m. via Microsoft Teams. This year’s training will discuss the impacts of COVID-19 on normal procedures, hurricane response and restoration services that FMPA can provide to members. Contact: Dale Ray

Monthly Technology Calls
The Information Technology and Operations Technology teams meet Friday at 2 p.m. for the monthly IT/OT member call. The Multi-State Information Sharing and Analysis Center (MS-ISAC), which is also the Center for Internet Security (CIS), will join this month’s call to discuss the free and paid offerings they have for utilities. Members interested in attending can contact Konrad Lisiewicz.

After Storm Safety Video
FMPA’s Public Relations Department is working with Florida’s public power communicators to create a whiteboard video that explains after storm safety. The video, designed for use on social media, explains how customers can stay safe after a storm. Once the video is complete, FMPA will customize it with member utilities’ logos. Contact: Melisa Inanc



Isabel Montoya | May 13 | 1 Year
Konrad Lisiewicz | May 15 | 14 Years



FMEA Florida Public Power Communicators Roundtable
May 19 | 12 p.m. | Teleconference

Finance Committee
May 20 | 1 p.m. | Teleconference

ARP Workshop
May 20 | 3 p.m. | Teleconference

FMPA Governing Board Meetings
May 21 | 9 a.m. | Teleconference



JEA Board Hires Former CEO Paul McElroy as Next Interim

Florida Plans for Hurricane Season with COVID-19


FMPA Weekly is published by FMPA’s Public Relations Department for staff and members. Questions about this newsletter may be directed to Melisa Inanc or Melanie Arsenault. Check out FMPA’s Glossary, for frequently mentioned terms.