FMPA Weekly | Nov. 2, 2020 | Member Edition

Nov. 2, 2020


Florida Municipals Rank Among the Lowest-Cost
FMPA’s power costs are the lowest they have been in the last 16 years and as a result of that, the cities who are getting their power from FMPA are able to deliver low-cost electricity to their customers. For typical residential customers using 1,000 kWh per month, municipals ranked among the lowest-cost utilities in the state. Eleven out of the 15 lowest-cost utilities in the state are municipals who get their power partially or fully from FMPA. These cities include Bartow, Clewiston, Fort Pierce, Green Cove Springs, Jacksonville Beach, Kissimmee, Lakeland, Lake Worth Beach, Moore Haven, and New Smyrna Beach and Starke. FMPA is proud to support Florida municipals in their mission to provide affordable power to their communities.

APPA Legislative Rally
The American Public Power Association announced last Friday that the Legislative Rally originally scheduled for March 1-3, 2021, in Washington, D.C., will instead be a virtual event and held on March 1-2. FMPA and the Florida Municipal Electric Association (FMEA) typically schedule events and meetings with members of Congress for Florida’s participants while in D.C. FMPA and FMEA will provide its plans to members soon. Contact: Ryan Dumas

Joint Purchasing Project Feedback
FMPA received positive feedback from one of its member cities last week regarding its Thermal Infrared and Imaging Services agreement. This agreement is one of more than 20 contracts that are available to members through FMPA’s Joint Purchasing Project. The agreements can be accessed on FMPA’s Portal. Contact: Sharon Samuels

Introduction to TVPPA Lineworker Safety and Training Program
FMPA hosted a workshop last Wednesday for members to learn more about the Tennessee Valley Public Power Association’s (TVPPA) Lineworker Safety Program. The workshop was well attended with 38 members from 18 cities. FMPA will develop contracts for the new program by the end of November and start meeting with members to review the proposed contracts in early December. FMPA will look for program participation interest in January 2021. Contact: Sharon Samuels

CEMS Invitation to Bid
The Continuous Emissions Monitoring System (CEMS) Invitation to Bid was issued last Wednesday, to solicit bids for provision of CEMS and Compliance Test Services for Treasure Coast Energy Center, Cane Island Power Park, and Stock Island.  The winning bidder will help FMPA’s plants maintain compliance by conducting annual emissions testing and ensuring that the emissions equipment is operating within prescribed parameters. Responses are due by Dec. 2. Contact: Sharon Samuels

Cane Island Unit 2 Planned Outage
Cane Island Unit 2 returned to service from its planned outage on Saturday, after going offline on Oct. 23. Contact: David Schumann

Fiscal 2021 Generation Goals Meeting
Ken Rutter and David Schumann travel to Cane Island on Monday to discuss generation and safety goals with the facility’s management team. FMPA’s fiscal 2020 power generation fleet goal for Equivalent Availability Factor (EAF) was 88%, and the new management goal will be 90% in fiscal 2021. Thank you to FMPA’s generation fleet for continuing to raise the bar in providing reliable electricity to customers.

USAID/USEA Digitalization and Cybersecurity Webinar
Carter Manucy and Ann Rendahl from Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission present at the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and United States Energy Association (USEA) Digitalization and Cybersecurity Webinar on Wednesday. Their presentation will focus on communication strategies before, during and after a cyberattack. Information on the presentation can be found here.


Ellen Leatherman | Nov. 5 | 13 Years


Safety by Design Webinar Series
Nov. 13 | FMPA’s Orlando Office

Finance Committee
Nov. 18 | FMPA’s Orlando Office

Governing Board Meetings
Nov. 19 | FMPA’s Orlando Office


JEA Interviews CEO Finalists

FPL to Build New Solar Energy Centers

FMPA Weekly is published by FMPA’s Public Relations Department for staff and members. Questions about this newsletter may be directed to Melisa Inanc or Eda Kutsal. Check out FMPA’s Glossary, for frequently mentioned terms.