FMPA Weekly | Feb. 22, 2021 | Member Edition


Feb. 22, 2021

TOP NEWS                                                           

Texas Energy Crisis
The Arctic blast over the Midwest last week brought extreme temperatures across Oklahoma, Texas, Louisiana and north to the Dakotas, Minnesota and Wisconsin. The cold weather led to high electricity demand that strained the supply of electricity and natural gas. As a result, prices for power and fuel in these regions skyrocketed. The demand was so high that rolling blackouts occurred in many areas. The main cause of the rolling blackouts in Texas was a failure in energy policy. While Florida could be exposed to an extreme cold snap with loads dramatically increasing, our exposure to intermittent generation is significantly less than in Texas. Florida’s utilities plan for these type events, have designated reserve margins and operate in a regulated power market that emphasizes reliability and affordability as policy goals. Contact: Jacob Williams

Strategic Planning Session
FMPA’s Board of Directors and Executive Committee met last Wednesday at FMPA’s Orlando office for the biennial strategic planning session. The Governing Boards ranked the Top 5 Priorities for the next two years: 1) Lower controllable wholesale power costs for all power supply projects, 2) Optimize Stanton operation, 3) Evaluate FMPA’s human resource requirements to maintain responsive member services or expand resources to meet new service initiatives, 4) Develop alternatives to address increasing transmission rates, and 5) Evaluate additional solar/storage resources to support customer desires and/or meet additional emission targets. The Executive Committee ranked three additional priorities for the All-Requirements Project (ARP): 1) With Florida Municipal Power Pool partners, consider operational improvements to reduce costs and increase reliability with expansion of intermittent resources as well as consider structural changes that create value for all and may enhance Pool expansion, 2) Evaluate an energy storage project in Key West that mitigates tie line limitations, supplements capacity and adds ancillary value for ARP, and 3) Create low- or no-cost demand-side management programs to meet peak and defer capacity additions. Contact: Jacob Williams

Finance Committee
FMPA’s Finance Committee met last Wednesday and approved one action item. The full agenda package is available on the Portal. Contact: Linda Howard

Board of Directors
FMPA’s Board of Directors met last Thursday and reviewed four information items. The full agenda package is available on the Portal. Contact: Jacob Williams

Executive Committee
The ARP Executive Committee met last Thursday and approved two action items. The full agenda package is on the Portal. Contact: Jacob Williams

Annual Salary Survey
FMPA’s Human Resources Department emailed members the annual utility salary survey last week. The survey results will provide members with Florida-specific salary and benefit information. The deadline to complete the survey is March 19. Contact: Sharon Adams

TVPPA Foreman Academy Certification
The first track of the Tennessee Valley Public Power Association (TVPPA) Foreman Academy certification series takes place Monday through Thursday at FMPA’s Orlando Office. This certification series provides crew leaders and general foremen with the knowledge and tools to lead crews efficiently, responsibly, and safely. A teleconference option is available for those who prefer to dial in. Contact: Sharon Samuels

Planned Outages
Cane Island Unit 3 will begin its planned outage on Monday and is estimated to return to service on March 10.  Stock Island CT1 will also begin its planned outage on Monday to continue air intake work and is estimated to return to service on Friday. Contact: David Schumann

FMPA’s 43rd Anniversary
Wednesday is FMPA’s 43rd anniversary. The Agency was formed following the oil embargo in the 1970s. At the time, municipal electric utilities were creating joint action agencies to enable individual utilities to provide affordable, reliable and clean electricity for their communities. To learn more about FMPA’s history, read the “Sum of Our Efforts” history booklet and watch videos of FMPA’s early leaders talking about the formation of FMPA.


Wuilmark Salcedo | Feb. 26 | 3 years


APPA Legislative Rally
March 1-2 | Virtual

Finance Committee
March 17 | Teleconference

Governing Board Meetings
March 18 | FMPA’s Orlando Office

Safety Compliance for Electric Utilities
March 19 | Teleconference


Duke Energy Florida Breaks Ground on Two New Solar Sites


FMPA Weekly is published by FMPA’s Public Relations Department for staff and members. Questions about this newsletter may be directed to Melisa Inanc or Amy Raleigh. Check out FMPA’s Glossary, for frequently mentioned terms.