FMPA Weekly | June 21, 2021 | Member Edition

­­June 21, 2021


ARP Telephonic Rate Workshop
The ARP Executive Committee held a rate workshop last Tuesday to review the May All-Requirements Project loads, costs and rates. Despite monthly gas costs that were 8% above budget, total participant $/MWh costs for May were 7% below budget due to participant loads that were 6.5% above budget, and energy sales to others that were 57% above budget.  The May average billed demand and energy cost to participants was $57.69 per MWh, which was the lowest average billed demand and energy cost for the month of May since tracking began in 2005. The full agenda package is available on the Portal.

TVPPA Foreman Academy Certification Series
The second track of the Tennessee Valley Public Power Association (TVPPA) Foreman Academy Certification series takes place Monday through Thursday at FMPA’s Orlando Office. This certification series provides crew leaders and general foremen with the knowledge and tools to lead crews efficiently, responsibly, and safely. A teleconference option is available for those who prefer to dial in. Contact: Sharon Samuels

Florida Breakfast at APPA National Conference
FMPA will host a breakfast on Tuesday at 7:30 a.m. at Hyatt Regency Orlando. The breakfast is for Florida attendees of the American Public Power Association’s (APPA) National Conference, taking place Sunday through Wednesday in Orlando. Contact: Ryan Dumas

Florida Municipal Solar Project Site Tour
FMPA will host a tour of the Harmony Solar Energy Center on Wednesday at 9 a.m. to celebrate the one-year anniversary of commercial operation for the first two solar sites in the Florida Municipal Solar Project. The tour is an opportunity for participants in the Harmony and Taylor Creek facilities to celebrate receiving solar energy and for participants in the Poinsett and Phase II facilities to see what to expect when the other solar farms come online in 2023. Contact: Ryan Dumas

Reliability Support
Carl Turner and David Readio travel to Lake Worth Beach on Wednesday to visit with electric utility staff regarding substation and transmission projects to enhance the city’s reliability. Contact: Carl Turner

T&D Construction and Maintenance Services RFP
FMPA’s Member Services Department is preparing to reissue a Request for Proposal (RFP) for Transmission and Distribution Construction and Maintenance Services. The new RFP will expand on the existing agreement to include storm related work and the FEMA-ready process.  FMPA Members that plan to submit applications for FEMA reimbursement are encouraged to participate as a listed Member on the RFP. Interested members can contact Sharon Samuels by Thursday.

Duke Transmission Settlement Funds
Duke Energy Florida has provided FMPA with funds due to the All Requirements Project (ARP) as a result of the recent return-on-equity settlement. As approved by the Executive Committee, each ARP participant that pays the ARP transmission rate may choose how they wish to receive their portion of the settlement money allocable to historical periods. FMPA staff will be reaching out to participants who have not already provided FMPA with their preference. Contact: Jason Wolfe

Cybersecurity Assessments
FMPA continues to offer more cybersecurity assessments for its member cities. One of FMPA’s management goals for fiscal 2021 is to provide resources and training to enhance the cybersecurity of Florida municipals. Members are encouraged to take advantage of these services. Members can contact Konrad Lisiewicz or Carter Manucy for more information.


Angel Rivera-Lopez | June 24 | 2 Years


Governing Board Meetings
July 21 | 9 a.m. | Naples, Fla.

Safety Compliance Workshop
July 23 | 1 p.m. | Teleconference 

Finance Committee
August 18 | 2 p.m. | FMPA Orlando Office


FPL Plans to Demolish Retired Indiantown Coal Plant


FMPA Weekly is published by FMPA’s Public Relations Department for staff and members. Questions about this newsletter may be directed to Amy Raleigh or Anna Castro. Check out FMPA’s Glossary, for frequently mentioned terms.