Feb. 21, 2022 |
ARP Telephonic Rate Workshop
The ARP Executive Committee held a workshop last Tuesday to review the January All-Requirements Project loads, costs and rates. The average billed demand and energy cost was $86.44 per megawatt hour. Energy sales to participants were 1.2% below budget, due to mild weather, and the average natural gas cost was 3% above budget. Looking ahead, the February settle price is 99% above budget, and forward curve prices for fiscal 2022 are $1.68 per MMBt above budget. The full agenda package is available on the Portal.
Finance Committee
FMPA’s Finance Committee met last Wednesday and approved the Power Supply and Resource Planning Policy and heard three information items. During the meeting, Karen Nelson announced her decision to resign her role as Committee Chair. Howard McKinnon, as Chair of the Executive Committee, has appointed Jim Williams of Leesburg the new Finance Committee Chair. The full agenda package is available on the Portal. Contact: Linda Howard
Board of Directors
FMPA’s Board of Directors met last Thursday and approved two action items, including a budget amendment for the Pooled Loan Project and a direct placement note for Stanton II. The Board also heard four information items. The full agenda package is available on the Portal. Contact: Jacob Williams
ARP Executive Committee
The ARP Executive Committee met last Thursday and heard five information items. The full agenda package is available on the Portal. Contact: Jacob Williams
2021 Annual Report
FMPA’s 2021 annual report titled “Progress for a Better Life” is at the printer and will be mailed this week to members of FMPA’s governing boards and member committees, local elected officials, industry partners and other interested parties. This year’s book features a customer from Homestead and discusses the importance of affordable and reliable power and how FMPA and its members are working together to meet customers’ expectations.
FMPA’s 44th Anniversary
Thursday marks FMPA’s 44th anniversary. The Agency was formed following the oil embargo in the 1970s. At the time, municipal electric utilities were creating joint action agencies to enable individual utilities to provide affordable, reliable and clean electricity for their communities. To learn more about FMPA’s history, read the “Sum of Our Efforts” history booklet.
Power Plant Engineering Inspections
FMPA’s property insurance carrier, FM Global, will visit Cane Island Power Park on Tuesday and Wednesday and Treasure Coast Energy Center on Thursday and Friday for its annual inspections. The purpose of the inspections is to ensure FMPA’s power plants are being maintained and operating using best practices and prudent engineering standards. Contact: David Schumann
Repurpose of Office Furniture and Computers
FMPA recently replaced older office furniture and equipment and is making items that are no longer needed available to members. The list of items includes office chairs, desks and hutches, bookcases, storage cabinets, 18 HP laptops, two Microsoft Surfaces and more. All items are in good condition and have several years of useful life remaining. Members should contact Sharon Adams to coordinate the distribution of equipment. All items will be distributed on a first come, first serve basis.
TVPPA Lineworker Safety Program
Open enrollment for FMPA’s Lineworker Safety Program begins March 1. The annual program is affordable for utilities of all sizes and includes 10 safety meetings held onsite at your facility. FMPA members also have access to craft and management training programs offered by TVPPA at member rates. Member cities not already enrolled will receive an email with more information from Mike McCleary during open enrollment. Program registration closes April 30.
Meter Tech Roundtable
Registration is open for FMPA’s Meter Tech Roundtable on March 31. The Meter Tech Roundtable provides an opportunity for meter technicians to discuss operating practices, equipment, tools, safety, training and more. The deadline to register for the free roundtable is March 19. Contact: Sharon Samuels
Wuilmark Salcedo | Feb. 26 | 4 Years
APPA Legislative Rally
Feb. 28 – March 2 | Washington, D.C.
Human Resources Roundtable
March 9 | 10 a.m. | FMPA Orlando Office
Foreman Academy Certification – Track 1
March 21-24 | 8:30 a.m. | FMPA Orlando Office
Duke Energy to Close Coal, More Than Double Renewal Capacity
Florida PSC Staff Supports TECO’s $165 Million Rate Increase
FMPA Weekly is published by FMPA’s Public Relations Department for staff and members. Questions about this newsletter may be directed to Rachel Ilardi or Anna Castro. Check out FMPA’s Glossary, for frequently mentioned terms.