Oct. 31, 2022 |
Member Services Advisory Committee
FMPA’s Member Services Advisory Committee (MSAC) met last Wednesday and elected Chad Lynch with the Ocala Electric Utility as Vice Chair and approved actions to fulfill duties and responsibilities of the MSAC. The committee also heard five information items. The full agenda package is available on the Portal. Contact: Sharon Adams
TAPS Meeting with FERC
Dan O’Hagan and members of the Transmission Access Policy Study Group (TAPS) are in Washington, D.C., this week to meet with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). Discussion topics include transmission planning and cost allocations, generator interconnection queue reform, the recent FERC technical conference, and other regulatory matters.
Florida Cybersecurity Summit
More than 120 cybersecurity professionals, utility managers and industry-leading experts are registered to attend the Florida Public Power Cybersecurity Summit on Wednesday and Thursday at the DoubleTree by Hilton at the Entrance to Universal Orlando. The purpose of the summit is to help Florida’s municipal electric utilities understand the threat landscape and resources to prevent cyber incidents. The event is co-hosted by FMPA and the Florida Municipal Electric Association and will include a daylong training with a simulated cyberattack, a trade show with cybersecurity-related vendors and conference sessions focusing on three different tracks – operational technology, information technology and management. Onsite registration will be available.
Energy Cost Presentations
Jacob Williams is attending the St. Lucie Economic Development Council monthly meeting and the Fort Pierce Downtown Business Association monthly meeting on Tuesday to present on the U.S. energy crisis and its impact on Floridians. FMPA is available to provide similar presentations for all member cities. Contact Susan Schumann to schedule a presentation for your city or utility.
Year-End Audit
FMPA’s independent auditors, Purvis, Gray and Company, will be at FMPA’s Orlando office on Tuesday to begin the financial audit for fiscal 2022. The auditors will review financial information for the Agency and FMPA’s power supply projects. They plan to be in the office for two weeks. Contact: Danyel Sullivan-Marrero
Ellen Leatherman | Nov. 5 | 15 Years
APPA Legal and Regulatory Conference
Nov. 7 | Colorado Springs, Colorado
APPA Legislative Rally
Feb. 27 – March 1 | Washington, D.C.
FPL to Seek $1.1. Billion to Recover Hurricane Ian Costs