FMPA News for the week of January 12


Community Power. Statewide Strength.


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Lake Worth Submits CROD Notice
Lake Worth notified FMPA that effective Jan. 1, 2014, the city will limit the maximum amount of electricity it will purchase from the All-Requirements Project during the remaining term of the contract. The notice is in compliance with section three of the All-Requirements contract called Contract Rate of Delivery (CROD). The amount and duration of the CROD will be determined in December 2013. The All-Requirements members crafted this provision to provide options for individual cities while protecting the interests of other project members and bondholders.


Strategic Planning Workshop Goal, Agenda
The Chair Committee met via conference call last Tuesday to review a draft goal and draft agenda for FMPA’s strategic planning workshop. The workshop will be held Feb. 5 and Feb. 6 at FMPA’s office in Orlando. The workshop will begin with a planning session for the Agency from 9 a.m. to 1:45 p.m. on Feb. 5. Beginning at 2 p.m., the focus will shift to the All-Requirements Project. Work on All-Requirements’ strategic plan is scheduled on Feb. 5 from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m., followed by a cookout that evening at FMPA. Discussion of the All-Requirements’ strategic plan will continue on Feb. 6 from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. All FMPA members are invited and encouraged to attend. A block of hotel rooms has been reserved at the Hampton Inn near FMPA’s office. An e-mail with hotel information was sent last Wednesday by Sue Utley. Contact: Nick Guarriello, Mark McCain or Sue Utley


Strategic Planning Surveys
A representative sample of FMPA’s Board of Directors members and every ARP Executive Committee member will be contacted for a telephone interview regarding FMPA’s strategic planning workshop. The interviews are being conducted by Jean Freeman, the facilitator selected for the workshop. Jean began making calls last Wednesday and is scheduled to complete the interviews this Wednesday. Feedback from the interviews will be used to create an online survey that will be distributed to all Board of Directors and ARP Executive Committee members. The online survey will be conducted from Jan. 16 to Jan. 26. The two surveys are designed to gather members’ initial feedback on FMPA’s mission, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in order to efficiently use time at the two-day workshop. Contact: Mark McCain


DEED Grant Awarded to FMPA-Sponsored Student
The American Public Power Association (APPA) awarded a grant to an FMPA-sponsored university student studying solar-thermal power generation. APPA’s Demonstration of Energy-Efficient Developments (DEED) program provided a $4,000 grant to Ehsan Yakhshi Tafti for his project, Feasibility Study of Utilization of Local Solar-Thermal Power Generation Systems for Residential and Commercial Buildings.Tafti is a graduate student at the University of Central Florida. FMPA is a DEED member and the utility sponsor. Tafti’s study focuses on evaluating the technical and economic viability of small-scale solar-thermal power generation. He will also develop an informational booklet that will consist of technical details and cost analysis data for the installation and utilization of on-site local solar-thermal power generation systems for homes and commercial buildings. APPA’s DEED program awards up to ten, $4,000 student research grants and inteships each year to students conducting research on an energy-related project. Contact: Mike Siefert


Cane Island Unit 4 Marks One Year of Community Outreach
One year ago last Friday, FMPA and KUA publicly announced plans to expand the Cane Island Power Park with a new combined cycle generator, known as Cane Island Unit 4. Throughout the past year, FMPA and KUA have conducted an active communication and community outreach program that included a community picnic and informational open house for more than 200 local residents, plant tours for a variety of groups, and a charitable donation to the Central Florida Community Breadbasket, an Intercession City-based food bank. As the project moves into the construction phase this year, FMPA and KUA will continue to communicate with the public and be good neighbors to the community.


Conservation DVD
Sharon Smeenk, Mark McCain, Diane Nelson and representatives of Keys Energy Services and Jacksonville Beach met with the Kidd Group by conference call last Friday for an update on an energy conservation DVD. The DVD is being developed as a project of All-Requirements’ energy conservation fund. Kidd Group presented a creative concept and draft script for two segments of the DVD. Participants approved the concept, so Kidd Group will proceed with script development, talent selection and location scouting.


Information Systems Consultation
Mark Larson, Carter Manucy and Rich Popp met last Friday with Protiviti, a consulting and inteal audit firm specializing in risk and advisory services, to discuss consulting options for the Information Systems Department. FMPA’s Risk Management and Human Resources departments worked with Protiviti in December on a payroll audit as part of FMPA’s asset and risk management initiative.


Debt Restructuring
FMPA’s Finance Department continues working on liquidity options and bond financing. Due to the merger of four separate creditors—Wachovia merging with Wells Fargo and National City Bank merging with PNC—delays have been seen in liquidity and bond processes. Contact: Mark Larson


Member Visitation in 2008
Mark McCain produced a summary report last week of Member Services’ visits to FMPA cities in 2008. Executive Consultant Bud Boudreaux visits FMPA members throughout the year to share information about the Agency’s member services and other activities and to bring feedback from the members back to FMPA’s management. FMPA’s Member Services Department logged a total of 70 visits in 2008, most made by Bud, including visits to 28 of 30 FMPA members. Also, Bud made at least two visits to every All-Requirements member, except Key West for budget reasons. Bud plans to visit Wauchula and Moore Haven this week to complete visits to all 30 of FMPA’s members. With Bud’s help, FMPA also grew the Policy Makers Liaisons Committee to a total of 13 members in 2008.


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APPA Joint Action Workshop
Michele Jackson will be in Palm Springs, Calif., through Monday attending the American Public Power Association’s Joint Action Workshop.


Annual Report Printing
Bree Balchunas will be out of the office on Tuesday supervising printing of FMPA’s 2008 Annual Report. The report will be distributed after FMPA’s goveing boards accept the annual audit report, which is scheduled for Jan. 22.


ARP Conservation Program
Thursday is the deadline for All-Requirements Project members to submit the quarterly report for reimbursement from the Conservation Program. When completing the report, be sure to enter data collected from each rebate form on the appropriate worksheet and submit a separate completed report form for each quarter. If you do not have any activity to report, or have questions or conces, contact Sharon Smeenk.


Human Resources Roundtable
Wednesday is the deadline to register for FMPA’s next Human Resources Roundtable. The roundtable is scheduled for Jan. 21 at New Smya Beach Utilities at 10 a.m. Participants will discuss topics such as benefits, recruiting, employee retention, training, and policies. For more information and to register, visit FMPA’s Web site at” target=_blank>;. Contact: Mike Siefert


Good Guys
The Good Guys, a group of CEOs from some of the region’s largest consumer-owned electric utilities, meet Wednesday in the Board room at 10 a.m. Contact: Nick Guarriello


FMPP Executive Committee
The Florida Municipal Power Pool Executive Committee meets Wednesday in the Board room at 11:30 a.m. Contact: Nick Guarriello


Distribution Reliability Workshop
The Distribution Reliability Workshop scheduled for Thursday has been cancelled. The meeting will be rescheduled in mid-summer. Contact: Mike Siefert


Fiscal 2010 Budget
FMPA begins preparation this week for the fiscal 2010 budget process. Mark Larson, Jim Atz and Ellen Lindsay will develop a schedule for the budget workshops and meetings. The team expects to host the kickoff in January and workshops in the coming months. More information will be announced soon. Contact: Mark Larson or Ellen Lindsay


Energy Efficiency Resource Central
FMPA signed a partnership agreement with the American Public Power Association to support the association’s Energy Efficiency Resource Central (EERC) program. The purpose of EERC is to supply public power utilities with tools to promote energy efficiency. As a partner, FMPA’s newsletter will feature articles on the program, upcoming events and available resources, including links to resources on the EERC Web site,” target=_blank> Contact: Sharon Smeenk


APPA Publications
Two changes have been made in publications from the American Public Power Association. First, Public Power Daily is now available via e-mail as a standard part of APPA’s dues-supported services. Second, Public Power Weekly will no longer be available in a print version. Public Power Magazine and Public Power Daily are also available via e-mail, as well as on APPA’s Web site,>;. If you would like to receive any of these publications via e-mail, please e-mail Susan Lynch at APPA, [email protected]>[email protected], and include your name, job title and e-mail address.


Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
FMPA’s offices will be closed next Monday for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. Have a safe and happy holiday weekend.


Conservation and Renewable Energy Advisory Committee
Mark your calendars: FMPA’s Conservation and Renewable Energy Advisory Committee (CREAC) is scheduled to meet Jan. 29 to discuss outstanding issues related to net metering. As suggested by members, FMPA is hosting the meeting to discuss whether All-Requirements should pay for administrative costs related to net metering and to consider the acquisition of renewable energy credits associated with the program. Contact: Ann Beckwith


Climate Change Workshop
Mark your calendars: FMPA hosts a workshop called Understanding Climate Change on Feb. 12 at 10 a.m. in the Board room. This workshop will provide an overview of the climate science debate, proposed state and national legislative solutions, and the impact on electric utilities. The course also reviews CO2 control technologies, the Department of Energy 1605(b) program and how to develop a greenhouse gas inventory for your utility. Professional Engineers can ea four Professional Development Hours for completion of the course. To register, visit FMPA’s Web site at” target=_blank>;. Contact: Mike Siefert


Cane Island Unit 4 Groundbreaking
A groundbreaking ceremony for Cane Island Unit 4 has been scheduled for March 27 at 8:30 a.m. More details will be announced soon. Contact: Diane Nelson


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Mount Dora Electric Utility
Mount Dora city officials met last Tuesday to discuss whether or not to sell the city’s electric utility. The city plans to form a committee that would evaluate options and make a recommendation whether to sell the utility, modify the utility, or take no further action.


New Term for PSC Commissioner Edgar
Lisa Polak Edgar took her oath of office to the Florida Public Service Commission (PSC) last Tuesday to serve an additional term through Jan. 1, 2013. Edgar was initially appointed by former Gov. Jeb Bush in 2004 and was recently reappointed by Gov. Charlie Crist. Other PSC commissioners include Chairman Matthew M. Carter II and Commissioners Katrina J. McMurrian, Nancy Argenziano and Nathan A. Skop.


FERC Chairman to Step Down
The chairman of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), Joe Kelliher, announced last Wednesday his intention to step down as chairman effective Jan. 20. His announcement stated, “Although my term as commissioner does not end until 2012, I will also immediately begin to recuse myself from FERC business, as I explore other career opportunities. It appears that Kelliher’s decision to step down as chairman—while still remaining at FERC until he accepts another job—could block the appointment of a new Democrat and force President-elect Obama to choose one of the two current Democratic commissioners—Jon Wellinghoff or Suedeen Kelly—as an interim or permanent new chair after Jan. 20, according to an energy policy expert watching commission developments. For the official news release, please visit” target=_blank>;.


PSC Proposes RPS Options to Legislature
The Florida Public Service Commission (PSC) met last Friday, January 9, and voted to propose a draft renewable portfolio standard (RPS), together with a number of alteative RPS options, for the Legislature to consider adopting. The proposed RPS would require investor owned electric utilities in Florida to meet certain targets for renewable electrical generation culminating in a 20% renewable portfolio by 2020. As proposed, the standard would not apply directly to municipal electric utilities and cooperatives, but these utilities are required to implement their own individual renewable energy programs and report the results to the PSC. The PSC’s proposed RPS rule is a system developed over several months in which compliance is based on renewable energy credits. The PSC will submit the proposed rule in a report to the Legislature that will also include alteative RPS options. One option is a proposal initially made by Commissioner Nathan Skop, which focuses on creation of standard offer contracts for renewables. Another alteative for the Legislature is a “clean energy standard that would include nuclear energy and energy efficiency. The PSC agreed to leave the docket open until receiving further direction from the Legislature.


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Congratulations to Sharon Smeenk, who celebrates four years with FMPA on Sunday, Jan. 18.


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Your comments, feedback and story ideas are welcome. FMPA News is published by FMPA for all Board representatives and alteates. If you wish to be removed from this list, please reply to this e-mail or by other means contact Diane Nelson at FMPA.