FMPA Weekly | Nov. 29, 2010 | Member Edition

FMPA Weekly


A weekly e-newsletter for FMPA members


Nov. 29, 2010





Year-End Audit

FMPA’s independent auditors from Purvis Gray and Company completed their on-site review last week for FMPA’s year-end audit. FMPA staff will continue to provide the auditors with information as they complete the audit. Contact: Rick Minch


Three Phase Times

FMPA’s Power Resources Division published the latest issue of Three Phase Times last week on the Member Portal. It includes information on the All-Requirements Project’s (ARP) system peak, hourly load comparisons, resource fuel mix, natural gas usage by resource, Cane Island Unit 4 project milestones and budget, natural gas market pricing and other performance information for ARP. Contact: Tom Reedy





AROC Telephonic Meeting

FMPA’s Audit and Risk Oversight Committee (AROC) meets Wednesday at 1 p.m. via conference call. The meeting’s action item is a risk review and recommendation for the city of Quincy’s power purchase agreement with FMPA’s All-Requirements Project. Contact: Rich Popp


DSM Reporting

Wednesday marks the start of FMPA’s new demand side management reporting program. The new procedure, approved by the ARP Executive Committee in November, ensures FMPA and Florida Municipal Power Pool are in compliance with NERC standards and are aware of activities that could impact the All-Requirements Project’s load profile in the operating horizon. Participating members should begin documenting their activity and submit monthly reports by the fifth of each month. Contact: Sharon Smeenk


All-Requirements Project Load

The weekly update of the All-Requirements Project historical load graph has been posted on the Member Portal. The graph is updated through Nov. 28. Contact: Jim Atz


Special Dates

Congratulations to Ray Platt, who celebrates 10 years with FMPA on Wednesday, Dec. 1


Congratulations to Joe McKinney, who celebrates 10 years with FMPA on Saturday, Dec. 4






Net Metering, Billing and Interconnection Workshop

Thursday is the deadline to register for FMPA’s Dec. 7 workshop to discuss the All-Requirements Project’s (ARP) net metering, billing and interconnection agreements for small customer-owned renewable generation. The workshop from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. will provide guidance to ARP member cities regarding program policies, and participants will discuss customer-owned renewable generation interconnection contracts. The Florida Solar Energy Center also will present information on solar incentives and installation requirements. There is no cost to attend this workshop, but attendees are asked to>register; online so that FMPA has an accurate count for lunch. Contact: Ann Beckwith or Mike Siefert


Goveance Training
FMPA’s Board of Directors and Executive Committee members are encouraged to attend a free one-day training program on goveance topics to be held Dec. 8 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at FMPA’s Orlando office. FMPA’s Strategic Plan Action Item 5.3.1 calls for FMPA to provide training for its board members that focuses on a review of fiduciary and policy responsibilities, a discussion of how boards can operate with maximum effectiveness, a review of FMPA’s strategic plan, and an introduction to a board assessment process. Jean Freeman of Jean Freeman & Associates, who facilitated FMPA’s strategic planning process, will lead the program. Contact: Nick Guarriello or Mark McCain


FMEA, FMPA Meetings

The Florida Municipal Electric Association (FMEA) and FMPA have meetings scheduled Dec. 9 at FMPA’s Orlando office. FMEA’s Board of Directors will meet at 7:30 a.m., followed by FMPA’s Board of Directors meeting at 9 a.m. and the ARP Executive Committee at 9:30 a.m. or immediately after the Board meeting.





Coal Ash Regulation Would Drive Up Electricity Costs, APPA Says

The potential cost of proposed regulations requiring coal ash to be treated as hazardous waste would be enormous, said the American Public Power Association (APPA) in a Nov. 19 statement to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). APPA said that the cost of disposing the ash, estimated at $100 per ton, could amount to 20% or more of revenues for some utilities. More than half of APPA’s member utilities operate power plants that bu coal, and APPA said that small producers of electricity “would incur huge economic burdens if EPA proceeds to regulate coal combustion. APPA also waed that such adverse cost impacts “would extend directly to municipal and local govement operating budgets during a very difficult economic time.


Utility Executives Study Japanese Solar Initiatives

U.S. utility executives, including Ed Regan from Gainesville Regional Utilities and Rebecca Mattey from the city of Lake Worth, toured Japan with the Solar Electric Power Association to study the nation’s push to become a global power in solar electricity, reported Regan said of the trip, “In Japan, different people are working hard on solar power and are getting good results. This is part of a coordinated effort to stimulate the economy. Mattey remarked that the state of Florida does not have a renewable portfolio standard and that resources here would need to be more clearly directed than overseas. “A wrong move could do great damage to not just my utility, but the city as well, Mattey said.


Gulf Power Names New President
Gulf Power Company named Mark A. Crosswhite as its new president and CEO effective Jan. 1. Crosswhite replaces Susan Story, who was recently named president and CEO of Southe Company Services in Atlanta. Crosswhite previously served as senior vice president and general counsel.



FMPA Weekly is published by FMPA’s Public Relations Department for all employees of the Agency. Questions or comments about this newsletter may be directed to Ryan Dumas or Lance Larsson.


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