FMPA Weekly | Oct. 4, 2010 | Member Edition

FMPA Weekly


A weekly e-newsletter for FMPA members

Oct. 4, 2010





Member Services Survey

FMPA’s Member Services Advisory Committee (MSAC) voted Sept. 22 in favor of becoming an Alliance Partner with Electric Cities of Georgia (ECG), and the committee will recommend membership to the Executive Committee for consideration this month. An MSAC member suggested that the members be surveyed to gauge their interest in various services offered by ECG. In order to include the survey results in the agenda package for the October Executive Committee meeting, the survey must be completed by Oct. 7. The>survey; briefly describes various services and asks whether the member anticipates the need for such services in the next few years. Member responses will be extremely helpful for the Executive Committee’s evaluation. If you have any questions or need additional details, contact Mike Siefert.


ECAP Development Team

Participants in the Electricity Conservation Advisory Program (ECAP) met last Wednesday to discuss the program’s calculation methodology. Members of ECAP plan to do additional back-testing on the methodology before the next meeting on Oct. 21. During the next meeting, participants will also discuss customer information material related to ECAP. Contact: Mark McCain


Business Model Working Group

The All-Requirements Project Business Model Working Group (BMWG) met last week to discuss: 1) NERC criteria for demand side management, 2) a summary report on BMWG activities, and 3) alteatives for allocating All-Requirements fixed costs. The BMWG gave staff direction to evaluate existing and new options for allocating fixed costs and to come back with cost impacts. The next BMWG meeting is scheduled for Nov. 9 at 10 a.m.


Cane Island Unit 4

FMPA, OUC and Zachry held a coordination meeting last Thursday to discuss the dispatch of power from Cane Island Unit 4 when it enters the testing phase. The participants reviewed lessons leaed from Treasure Coast Energy Center and established procedures to ensure a smooth dispatch of test power from Unit 4. Contact: Steve Carroll


DSM Task Force
Participants in the Demand Side Management task force met via conference call last Friday and reviewed sample reporting forms. The forms will be reviewed by the Executive Committee later this month. Contact: Sharon Smeenk





Member City Visit

Nick Guarriello and Bud Boudreaux visit Fort Meade on Monday for a member city visit.


ARP Rate Workshop

The ARP Executive Committee meets Thursday at 2 p.m. for the monthly All-Requirements rate workshop. The workshop agenda includes: 1) an update on natural gas markets and liquidity, 2) a review of loads, costs and rate calculations for September, and 3) estimated rates for October through December. Contact: Jim Atz


ARP Load Forecast Kickoff

FMPA’s Planning Department is meeting with All-Requirements Project members this month to discuss the 2011 load forecast. Meetings will be scheduled with members in the coming weeks. Contact: Michele Jackson


Public Power Week

Municipal electric utilities all across the nation celebrate Public Power Week this week. What is your utility doing to celebrate? Public power has a great story to tell, and communicating that story during this time is an important way to build and maintain relationships with our communities. FMEA and FMPA distributed free promotional tools last week to help members prepare for this annual event. To have your utility’s celebration featured in FMPA Weekly, send your Public Power Week stories to FMPA’s Public Relations Department.


All-Requirements Project Load

The All-Requirements Project’s peak for September was 1,183 megawatts, which occurred Sept. 10 between 3 p.m. and 4 p.m. Load factor is a measurement that compares the ratio of actual energy (MWh) used during a particular time period versus what would have been consumed if demand was at peak for the entire period. A higher load factor indicates more effective system utilization. The load factor for the All-Requirements Project for September was 69%. The month’s peak was 89% of the budgeted peak, and energy was 99% of budget. A graph showing the All-Requirements Project hourly load for September is available on the Member Portal. Contact: Jim Atz


Service Anniversaries

Congratulations to Manny Santos, who celebrates three years with FMPA on Monday, Oct. 4


Congratulations to Jody Finklea, who celebrates nine years with FMPA on Friday, Oct. 8.






APPA Legislative Rally

The American Public Power Association (APPA) has scheduled its annual Legislative Rally for Feb. 28 to March 3, 2011, in Washington D.C. APPA’s Rally is the annual opportunity for members of the public power community to participate in the federal legislative process. Attendees will be briefed on important legislative issues and meet with congressional representatives on Capitol Hill. FMPA has budgeted funds to pay the travel expenses for 14 members to attend, and the spaces are now filled. Interested members are still encouraged to attend on their own or can contact Mark McCain to be placed on a waiting list in case one of the 14 members cannot attend.


Lineman’s Roundtable

FMPA holds its semi-annual Lineman’s roundtable Oct. 21 in Jacksonville Beach. The roundtable will provide a forum for line crews to exchange ideas on operating practices, safety, training, tools and equipment. Contact: Sharon Samuels


Year-End Audit

FMPA’s Accounting Department has started work on closing the books on fiscal 2010 and preparing for the year-end audit. Auditors from Purvis Gray and Company will be in the office starting Nov. 1 to perform the audit. Contact: Rick Minch


Clean Air Act Issues Update
Air regulations related to the electric utility industry continue to change and evolve. To assist FMPA members in understanding the requirements and potential impact of air regulations, FMPA is hosting a Clean Air Act Issues Update on Nov. 9. The workshop will provide participants with an opportunity to ask questions about site specific impacts and exchange practical information with other FMPA member utilities. Contact: Mike Siefert





Wall Street Reform Act Not Aimed at Not-For-Profit Utilities

Congress has indicated that its intention in the Dodd-Frank Wall Street reform act “was not to capture commercial transactions or to impose new costs on end users hedging risks of traditional commercial businesses. In comments submitted Sept. 20 to the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), the American Public Power Association (APPA) said “Congress is relying on the regulators to implement that intent and write clear rules. Not-for-profit utilities are unique among end users, whose transactions are potentially subject to CFTC regulation as “swaps. APPA said that “it would not be cost-effective for not-for-profit [electric utilities] to conduct all their hedging transactions on an exchange. APPA further advised the CFTC to consider the effect on end users of swaps at every step of the regulatory rulemaking process.


PSEG and JEA Dedicate Jacksonville Solar

Dignitaries and executives from Public Service Enterprise Group (PSEG) and JEA dedicated last Tuesday a 15-megawatt solar facility located in an old cattle pasture near Baldwin, Fla. The facility’s 200,000 ground-mounted solar panels cover 100 acres and will produce enough power to supply 1,450 homes. JEA, which has 368,000 household customers, has a 30-year agreement to buy power from the solar farm. JEA chief executive Jim Dickenson said the project “is a milestone for us and added that JEA will use the farm to gain experience with solar power and decide whether to pursue more projects.




FMPA Weekly is published by FMPA’s Public Relations Department for all employees of the Agency. Questions or comments about this newsletter may be directed to Diane Nelson or Lance Larsson.


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