FMPA Weekly | Aug. 29, 2011 | Member Edition

FMPA Weekly


A weekly e-newsletter for FMPA members


Aug. 29, 2011





Audit and Risk Oversight Committee
FMPA’s Audit and Risk Oversight Committee met last Monday via conference call with FMPA’s exteal auditing firm, Purvis Gray and Company. The Committee conducted an entrance interview in preparation for the year-end audit, which is scheduled to begin Oct. 31. A memo from Purvis Gray documenting findings from the interim audit is available on the Member Portal. The Committee’s next meeting is scheduled for Sept. 22 at 10 a.m. Contact: Rich Popp


Cane Island Unit 4 Dedication

FMPA and Kissimmee Utility Authority (KUA) formally dedicated Cane Island Unit 4 last Wednesday. More than 150 people attended the ceremony to celebrate the start of commercial operation for FMPA’s newest power generating resource. Speakers at the ceremony included KUA Chairman Fred Cumbie, KUA President and General Manager Jim Welsh, Kissimmee City Commissioner Jerry Gemskie, FMPA All-Requirements Project Executive Committee Chairman Howard McKinnon and FMPA General Manager and CEO Nicholas Guarriello. FMPA also unveiled a nameplate plaque that will be affixed to the unit in honor of former KUA Chairwoman Nancy Gemskie, whom the unit’s combustion turbine is named after. Pictures from the ceremony and a video news clip are posted on the Member Portal.


Board of Directors

FMPA’s Board of Directors met last Thursday and approved the use of project development funds for a due diligence review of purchase opportunities of new and existing nuclear units. The full agenda package is located on the Member Portal. Contact: Nick Guarriello


ARP Executive Committee

The ARP Executive Committee met last Thursday and approved the following action items: 1) extending the terms of the JPMorgan Chase line of credit, 2) refinancing two All-Requirements Project bond issues through direct placement of variable rate bonds with SunTrust and PNC, 3) selling FMPA emission allowances, and 4) allocating additional funds for the Duke-Progress Energy merger outside legal counsel and consultant efforts. The full agenda package is available on the Member Portal. Contact: Nick Guarriello


Resolution of Appreciation for Tom Richards

The ARP Executive Committee unanimously approved a resolution of appreciation last Thursday for Tom Richards from Fort Pierce Utilities Authority. The resolution recognized Tom for contributing innumerable hours to FMPA’s business activities during the past 20 years. His contributions and accomplishments include serving the past three years as Chairman of FMPA’s Executive Committee, helping create the Business Model Working Group, leading the development of FMPA’s 2009 strategic plan, and serving on FMPA’s Board of Directors and individual committees.


BMWG Assignment

The ARP Executive Committee requested last Thursday that the Business Model Working Group (BMWG) look at the challenges raised by Moody’s Investors Service for the All-Requirements Project and potentially other elements that may address recent credit rating comments from Moody’s. Contact: Nick Guarriello


FPL Transmission Rate Case

FMPA, Florida Power and Light (FPL) and FPL’s other wholesale transmission customers have reached a settlement in principle in the case regarding FPL’s cost-of-service formula rate for wholesale transmission service. FPL filed revised tariff sheets April 30, 2010, to implement a cost-of-service formula rate for wholesale transmission service effective July 1, 2010. FMPA intervened and protested, and the matter was set for a settlement hearing with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). After a series of hearings with a FERC judge and several meetings, an agreement in principle has been reached. FPL, FMPA and the other wholesale transmission customers will work together to file the settlement with FERC hopefully by Sept. 23. Contact: Michele Jackson


Fort Pierce CROD Workshop

Tom Reedy traveled to Fort Pierce Utilities Authority (FPUA) last Friday to attend a Contract Rate of Delivery (CROD) workshop. Power Services, a consulting firm hired by FPUA, presented its analysis of FPUA’s CROD options, recommending FPUA not limit its power purchases from All-Requirements. The FPUA Board asked Tom to attend the workshop to answer potential questions. The Board has not yet made a decision on what action it will take.


3 Phase Times

FMPA’s Power Resources Division published last week the July issue of 3 Phase Times. This monthly publication includes information on the All-Requirements Project’s (ARP) system peak, hourly load comparisons, resource fuel mix, natural gas usage, natural gas market pricing and other performance information for ARP. In July, natural gas represented 66.2% of the ARP’s generation fuel mix, an increase of 8.2% from June. Actual ARP energy resources in July totaled 653,972 MWh (including transmission losses), 4.1% higher than the 628,311 MWh projected in the short-term forecast. Additional July performance data regarding FMPA’s power resources is available in this month’s issue. Contact: Tom Reedy





CR3 Participants’ Annual Meeting
The Crystal River Unit 3 participants’ annual meeting is Monday at 10:30 a.m. in the plant’s cafeteria/conference building. Lunch and a tour of the plant will be provided.


Member City Visit

Bud Boudreaux and Fred Bryant travel to the city of Williston on Tuesday to meet with City Council Member Norm Fugate, City Manager Pat Miller and ECG Vice President Darrel Ingram.


ARP Property Insurance Meeting

Tim Jackson, Kristi Knight, Rich Popp and David Schumann meet Monday with FM Global to discuss the new insurance policy for the All-Requirements Project’s power generating units. The ARP Executive Committee approved FM Global as the new property insurance provider at its May meeting.


All-Requirements Project Weekly Load Statistics

The weekly update of the All-Requirements Project historical load graph has been posted on the Member Portal. The graph is updated through Aug. 28. Contact: Jim Atz





Labor Day

FMPA’s offices will be closed Sept. 5 in observance of Labor Day. Have a safe and happy holiday.


Joint Purchase Project

FMPA’s Joint Purchase Project meets Sept. 8 at 9 a.m. in the Board room. Contact: Sharon Samuels


Safety Compliance Update for Electric Utilities

FMPA will host a National Electrical Safety Code (NESC) compliance update for electric utilities Oct. 12 in the Board room. NESC establishes rules for safeguarding people during the installation, operation or maintenance of electric supply and communication line equipment. This workshop will review updates to Part 4 of NESC-2012 including: 1) voltage requirements for arc flash assessments, 2) risk factors to consider when developing an arc flash implementation strategy, and 3) basic methodology for incident energy level calculations on low-voltage systems. The workshop is $175 and includes lunch. The>registration; deadline is Sept. 28. Contact: Sharon Samuels


Advanced Lineworker Certificate Program

FMPA’s lineworker training program with Electric Cities of Georgia (ECG) is accepting applications for the new Florida Advanced Lineworkers Certificate Program. The three-year program requires two training programs per year. Topics include operations, distribution line design, power quality, storm restoration, customer interaction and more. The first of six classes is Oct. 18 to Oct. 20 at Ocala Utility Services. For more information on the program, visit;


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