FMPA Weekly
A weekly e-newsletter for FMPA members
Dec. 27, 2011
FMPA Makes Holidays Brighter for Kissimmee Family
FMPA employees made the holidays brighter for a Kissimmee family last Thursday when they delivered a car-load of toys, clothes and food to their home. Yakiry and her four children recently left an abusive home and currently live is a small apartment. FMPA leaed of the family through a community service project at Help Now of Osceola. After hearing about Yakiry and her children, employees adopted them as their holiday family. For Thanksgiving, FMPA delivered a Thanksgiving dinner, groceries and household items. For Christmas, employees donated a Christmas tree, lights and decorations, presents and a holiday meal. The family welcomed FMPA’s contributions with large smiles and open hearts saying this holiday season is one they will never forget.
3 Phase Times
FMPA’s Power Resources Division published the November 2011 edition of 3 Phase Times last week. This monthly report provides information about the All-Requirements Project’s (ARP) system peak, hourly loads, resource fuel mix, natural gas usage, natural gas pricing and more performance information. The November report shows that the ARP sold significantly more power to the Florida Municipal Power Pool than estimated due to lower ARP load demands and economical direct contract purchases made during the month. For more information, download 3 Phase Times from the Member Portal. Contact: Tom Reedy
Happy New Year
FMPA’s offices will be closed Monday, Jan. 2, 2012, in observance of New Year’s Day. Best wishes to all for a safe and happy holiday weekend.
All-Requirements Project Weekly Load Statistics
The weekly update of the All-Requirements Project historical load graph has been posted on the Member Portal. The graph is updated through Dec. 25. Contact: Jim Atz
Business Model Working Group
The All-Requirements Project’s Business Model Working Group meets Jan. 5 at 10 a.m. in the Board room. Contact: Nick Guarriello
APR Rate Telephonic Workshop
The APR Executive Committee meets Jan. 10 at 10 a.m. via conference call for the monthly All-Requirements Project rate workshop. The agenda includes: 1) an update on natural gas markets, FST and liquidity, 2) an overview of December loads, costs and rate calculations, and 3) estimated rates for January through March. Contact: Jim Atz
Compliance Training Workshop
FMPA will hold a two-day compliance workshop Jan. 10 from noon to 5 p.m. and Jan. 11 from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Board room. The workshop is intended for subject-matter experts in planning, protection and facility ratings, as well as compliance staff. A complete list of topics will be available soon. Contact: Frank Gaffney
FMPA to Visit ECG
Electric Cities of Georgia (ECG) is hosting a meeting for FMPA members Jan. 17 and Jan. 18 in Atlanta to lea more about ECG and meet the people providing services through FMPA’s Alliance membership. ECG staff will present information on engineering services, pricing and sales support services, aggregated services, meter maintenance program, training programs and more. The program also will include a tour of utility” rel=”nofollow”>>utility MACT rule last Wednesday requiring maximum achievable control technology for mercury and other hazardous air pollutants from power plants. Many coal-fired power plants are expected to comply with the new rule by installing equipment to control emissions, while others—especially smaller, older units—may choose to cease operations rather than install control technologies, the EPA said. The rule will go into effect when it is published in the Federal Register, which is expected to occur in February or March 2012, said Gina McCarthy, assistant administrator of EPA’s Office of Air and Radiation. Utilities will have three years to comply, but most coal-fired power plants are expected to qualify for one additional year, for a total of four years, she said. That means that most coal-fired power plants will have until early 2016 to install baghouses, scrubbers or other equipment to reduce emissions, she said. McCarthy said the EPA expects most coal-fired power plants will be able to meet the standards within the time limits. A presidential memo that accompanies the rule will allow up to an extra year if there is a reliability issue. On its website, EPA posted an
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