FMPA Weekly
A weekly e-newsletter for FMPA members
March 25, 2013
2013 ARP Load Forecast
FMPA recently published the 2013 ARP Load Forecast for a 20-year period from 2013 through 2032. The report forecasts the peak load and net energy for load of the All-Requirements Project (ARP), including four different scenarios that consider weather and economic uncertainties. The ARP coincident peak demand is expected to grow at an average annual rate of 1% from fiscal 2013 to fiscal 2022 and 1.6% from fiscal 2023 to fiscal 2032. This is lower than the projected annual growth rate in last year’s forecast. The lower projected growth rate is due to a slower than expected economic recovery in Florida. Contact: Michele Jackson
Audit and Risk Oversight Committee
The Audit and Risk Oversight Committee met last Thursday and approved and recommended a revised Debt Risk Management Policy to the Board of Directors and ARP Executive Committee. The Committee also discussed information items, including: 1) annual insurance report, 2) fuels market update, 3) Public Gas Partners update, 4) Risk Management Policy reviews, and 5) the rate calculation and billing process. The full agenda package is available on the Member Portal. Contact: Rich Popp
Board of Directors
The Board of Directors met last Thursday and approved: 1) the Dodd Frank protocol to amend the ISDA master agreement for existing swaps, 2) a revised Debt Risk Management Policy, and 3) the use of the Project Development Fund for evaluation and negotiations associated with a purchase of a share of Municipal Electric Authority of Georgia’s entitlements in Vogtle Units 1 and 2. The full agenda package is available on the Member Portal. Contact: Nick Guarriello
ARP Executive Committee
The All-Requirements Project Executive Committee met last Thursday and approved: 1) the Dodd Frank protocol to amend the ISDA master agreement for existing swaps, 2) FMPA’s Open Access Transmission Tariff and participating member agreement, and 3) a strategic planning workshop to be held between Sept. 15, 2013, and Oct. 31, 2013. The full agenda package is available on the Member Portal. Contact: Nick Guarriello
ARP Executive Committee Workshop
The ARP Executive Committee hosted a workshop last Thursday and discussed Taylor interest rate swaps. The full agenda package is available on the Member Portal. Contact: Nick Guarriello
Member City Visits
Bud Boudreaux and Mark McCain travel Tuesday to Fort Pierce for a member city visit. On Wednesday, they travel to Moore Haven and Clewiston.
Conservation and Renewable Energy Advisory Committee
FMPA’s Conservation and Renewable Energy Advisory Committee meets Thursday at 10 a.m. via conference call to discuss the fiscal 2014 funding allocation for the All-Requirements Project’s Conservation Program and potential renewable energy opportunities. Contact: Michele Jackson
Ten-Year Site Plan
FMPA staff members are finalizing the Ten-Year Site Plan, which describes the estimated power generating needs for the next decade and identifies preferred sites for future plants and transmission additions. Based on recent All-Requirements Project load projections, no additional resources will be needed until 2023; therefore, no new power generation projects or power purchases are planned in the 10-year period. The Ten-Year Site Plan is due to be filed April 1 with the Florida Public Service Commission. Contact: Michele Jackson
New Employee
Please welcome Andrei Benjamin, FMPA’s new SharePoint Administrator, to the staff on Wednesday. Andrei comes to FMPA from the Department of Revenue where he served as system project analyst and SharePoint farm administrator. He has a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from Florida A&M University.
All-Requirements Project Weekly Load Statistics
The weekly update of the All-Requirements Project historical load graph has been posted on the Member Portal. The graph is updated through March 24. Contact: Jim Atz
Special Dates
Congratulations to Rick Minch, who celebrates three years with FMPA on Friday, March 29.
ARP Telephonic Rate Workshop
The ARP Executive Committee meets April 8 at 2 p.m. via conference call for the monthly All-Requirements Project rate workshop. Contact: Jim Atz
Lineman’s Roundtable
FMPA’s semi-annual Lineman’s Roundtable is scheduled for May 9 at 10 a.m. at Fort Pierce Utilities Authority’s Energy Services Center. The roundtable provides a forum for line crews to exchange ideas on operating practices, safety, training, tools, equipment and other common issues.>Registration; is requested, and lunch will be provided. Contact: Sharon Samuels
Hazardous Waste Workshop
FMPA will host a Hazardous Waste Workshop on May 9 at 9 a.m. in the Board room. State and federal regulations require that strict management and disposal procedures be followed when handling hazardous waste materials such as solvents, cleaners, paints and fluorescent light bulbs. Daniel Stoehr of Daniels Training Services will discuss state and federal regulations and methods for managing these materials. Discussion topics will include: hazardous waste, used oil, waste storage, labeling and disposal training requirements, and emergency response procedures. The cost is $225, and>registration; is required. Contact: Sharon Smeenk
Bond Buyer: Vero Beach Faces Long Haul to Exit Power Business
Vero Beach’s desire to exit the municipal electric business is complex and could take time because of the city’s participation in bond-financed projects by the Florida Municipal Power Agency, among other things, according to a March 20>story; in The Bond Buyer. The article reported that Fitch Ratings said it does not see this sell-out effort as a trend, partly because of the obstacles the transactions face. Fitch analyst Dennis Pidhey said, “Municipalities will likely face many obstacles in either selling or purchasing electric utility assets that impede such transactions and [that] should continue to limit the number of successful transactions. The article reported that Moody’s Investors Service said in its review of Vero’s pending sale, the “transaction’s intricacies and involvement of multiple parties—some of whom may have conflicting interests—heightens execution risks, and the city could remain exposed to ongoing costs or suits alleged by other affected parties after the sale, The Bond Buyer reported.
APPA Public Power Lineworkers Rodeo
Congratulations to Kissimmee Utility Authority’s Brent Davis, Chris Ketner and David Wolfe, who took first place in the joueyman events at the American Public Power Association’s 13th annual Public Power Lineworkers Rodeo in Kissimmee, Fla. Hosted by Kissimmee Utility Authority, this year’s competition featured 59 joueyman teams and 74 apprentices from municipal utilities throughout the country. The purpose of the rodeo is to recognize the profession of line work, as well as demonstrate the safety, skill and education of electric lineworkers.
FMPA Weekly is published by FMPA for employees and goveing boards of FMPA member utilities. Questions or comments about this newsletter may be directed to Ryan Dumas or Allison Briggs in FMPA’s Public Relations Department.
Want more background on the names and terms used in this newsletter? Check out FMPA’s Glossary, which features some of the most frequently mentioned committees, companies, places and terms, or contact the person named in each FMPA story to lea more. (Click here for the Staff Directory.)
Have a question, comment or story idea for the newsletter? FMPA welcomes your feedback at any time. Contact: Ryan Dumas or Allison Briggs
Florida Municipal Power Agency
8553 Commodity Circle
Orlando, FL 32819-9002
Tel 407 355-7767
Fax 407 355-5794>;
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