FMPA Weekly
A weekly e-newsletter for FMPA members
July 1, 2019
Record ARP Peak Demand
The All-Requirements Project set a record-high, summer peak demand of 1,295 MW on June 25. The new peak was nearly 1% higher than the previous record of 1,283 MW set in summer 2005 for the same 13 project participants. Cumulative electricity sales to the cities are on pace to grow 3% this fiscal year compared to the year-ago period. At this pace, electricity sales for the fiscal year could reach the highest annual total for the 13 cities. Contact: Jacob Williams
Finance Committee
FMPA’s Finance Committee met last Tuesday to discuss four information items: 1) final capital appreciation bonds (CAB) report, 2) 2019 audit schedule, 3) risk management policy compliance review, and 4) operational audit report. FMPA accomplished its goal of eliminating CABs from its investment portfolio. The committee also discussed two operational audits on accounts payable and procurement that would ensure policies and procedures are adequate for internal controls. Recommendations on the internal audit report were approved by management and appropriate actions will be taken. Contact: Linda Howard
Nominating Committee Recommendations
FMPA’s Nominating Committee issued its recommendations last Monday for the Board of Directors officers for 2019-2020. The Nominating Committee discussed the length of service of Chairman Bill Conrad, who has served his full term of six years, as stated in FMPA’s By-Laws. The committee unanimously recommended Barbara Quiñones of Homestead as Chair, Lynne Tejeda of Key West as Vice Chair, Larry Mattern of Kissimmee as Secretary and Allen Putnam of Jacksonville Beach as Treasurer. The vote will take place at the Board of Directors meeting July 17. Nominations for Board officers also can be accepted from the floor during this meeting. Contact: Jacob Williams
3 Phase Times
FMPA’s Power Resources Division published the May 2019 edition of 3 Phase Times last Thursday. This monthly operating report provides information about the All-Requirements Project’s (ARP) system peak, hourly loads, resource fuel mix, natural gas usage, natural gas pricing and more performance information. The report shows that peak demand in May was 10.1% above budget, and sales were 14% above forecast. Natural gas represented 80.8% of ARP’s total energy sources in May. FMPA sold 14% of its generation to the Florida Municipal Power Pool (FMPP), which helped offset ARP costs by 40 cents per MWh. The FMPP Average Monthly Gas Dispatch Price in May was $2.63 per MMBtu, or seven cents above budget. The equivalent availability factor of FMPA’s base-load units for the fiscal year to date is 92.8%. The full report is available on the Portal. Contact: Joe McKinney
ARP Conservation Program Policy
The Executive Committee met last Thursday and approved the ARP Conservation Program Policy. The policy includes information on the reimbursement process with FMPA’s members. A new practice was made part of this policy. Effective immediately, expenses can be carried forward to the next budget year up to 25% of allocated funds unless the program is terminated. Contact: Ann Beckwith
Thermal Infrared & Imaging Services Bid
FMPA issued an Invitation to Bid last Wednesday for Thermal Infrared & Imaging Services. The scope of work includes drone inspection, and the bid process follows FEMA-procurement requirements. Bids are due July 24. Contact: Sharon Samuels
FAASSTeR Workshop
Ann Beckwith and Navid Nowakhtar attended the Florida Alliance for Accelerating Solar & Storage Technology Readiness (FAASSTeR) workshop last week in Gainesville. Ann attended as a member of the Advisory Board representing FMPA, and Navid gave a presentation on electric vehicles and the electric power system. Funded by the U.S. Department of Energy, this is the last year of a three-year project where the FAASSTeR group has explored ways to increase growth of solar and energy storage in Florida.
Board and Executive Committee Pictures
Photos of FMPA’s Board of Directors and Executive Committee members will be taken immediately following July’s governing board meetings. The photos will be used in FMPA’s 2019 Annual Report and hung outside the Board room at FMPA’s Orlando office. For those members not able to attend the July meetings, a make-up photo session will be held in August during FMPA’s governing board meetings. Details about the pictures were sent in an email last Monday from Ryan Dumas.
Bushnell Visit
Jacob Williams will attend the Bushnell City Council meeting on Monday evening to recognize City Manager Jody Young for receiving the American Public Power Association’s Larry Hobart Seven Hats Award. The award recognizes managers of utilities who go above and beyond in serving smaller communities. Linda Howard and Jody Finklea also will be on hand for the Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act public hearing related to Bushnell’s request for a loan from FMPA’s Pooled Loan Project.
Executive Committee
FMPA’s Executive Committee meets Tuesday at 10 a.m. via teleconference. The committee will consider an action item to secure physical natural gas. Contact: Jacob Williams
Independence Day
FMPA’s offices will be closed Thursday in celebration of Independence Day. Have a safe and happy holiday.
Special Dates
Happy anniversary to Carol Chinn, who celebrates six years with FMPA on Monday, July 1.
Happy anniversary to Trent Lewis, who celebrates four years with FMPA on Saturday, July 6.
Salary Survey
Members are encouraged to respond by July 10 to FMPA’s annual utility salary survey. The survey was originally developed by a group of Human Resources professionals from FMPA member utilities. This year’s survey was attached to an email from Sharon Adams on June 19. The survey results will provide FMPA’s members with Florida-specific salary and benefit information.
Cybersecurity Summit
Current events illustrate the importance of attending a Cybersecurity Summit hosted by the American Public Power Association (APPA) on July 10-11 in Orlando. Recent international tensions have increased calls for cybersecurity vigilance in the electric sector. Also, two Florida cities recently agreed to pay six-figure ransomware demands to recover their data from hackers. FMPA encourages its members to take advantage of this summit, which includes an outstanding lineup of speakers. Registration details and the conference program are available on APPA’s website. Contact: Carter Manucy
Milsoft WindMil Software Training
FMPA invites its members to attend a training class July 11 on Milsoft WindMil, a software program for modeling electric distribution systems. The class will be held at FMPA’s Orlando office from 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Registration is $450 per person. Contact: Sharon Samuels
Facebook Live
FMPA will live stream the presentations of Bill Conrad and Jacob Williams at the annual FMPA Board of Directors luncheon on July 18. The broadcast will available on FMPA’s Facebook page beginning at 12:45 p.m. Contact: Mark McCain
Substation Training
FMPA hosts a training class for Substation Inspection & Testing on Aug. 20-21 in Orlando. Session topics include: 1) substation inspections, 2) electrical equipment testing, 3) battery testing, maintenance and troubleshooting, 4) SF6 gas testing, and 5) mobile substation. Registration is $900 per person. Contact: Sharon Samuels
Electric Utility System Operations Training
Florida Municipal Electric Association (FMEA) hosts a training class about Electrical Utility System Operations in Jacksonville Beach on Aug. 20-22. The class is designed to give participants with no electrical background an understanding of electric utility operations. Registration is $675 per person for FMEA members.
Meterman Certification
FMPA members are eligible to participate in a one-year Meterman Certification Program from Electric Cities of Georgia (ECG). The program, available through the FMPA-ECG Alliance, features topics on safe metering work practices, metering terminology and an in-depth look at single-phase and poly-phase meters. There are two, three-day classes held Aug. 20-22, 2019, and April 14-16, 2020. Each session includes hands-on and classroom instruction. Registration and more information is available. Contact: Mike McCleary
DeSantis Signs Underground Power Line Bill
Gov. Ron DeSantis signed a bill (SB 796) into law last Thursday that will lead to more underground power lines. A key part of the measure changes the way underground projects are financed, a change that should lead to more storm-protection projects but higher electric bills for customers. Investor-owned utilities typically incorporate storm-hardening costs in base electric rates, which are generally set for multiple years through lengthy regulatory rate cases. The new law creates a separate Public Service Commission process that allows utilities each year to seek to collect money from customers for storm-protection projects, such as underground power lines. The law directs the commission to adopt implementation rules as soon as practicable but not later than Oct. 31, 2019.
Public Counsel Seeks Hearing on FPL’s Solar Subscription Plan
Florida’s Office of Public Counsel asked utility regulators last week to hold a hearing about Florida Power & Light’s (FPL) proposal to add 20 solar-power subscription plants. The Public Counsel, which represents consumers in utility issues, submitted a filing last Wednesday requesting that the Public Service Commission (PSC) hold a hearing on FPL’s “SolarTogether” plan. The filing said commission staff members are slated to make a recommendation July 25 about FPL’s plan but that a full administrative hearing should be held. FPL filed a petition March 13 with the PSC seeking approval of the program. The proposal seeks to build 20 plants that would generate 1,490 MW with a projected cost of $1.79 billion. Customers would be able to voluntarily participate in SolarTogether. “The company has developed FPL SolarTogether as a cost-effective opportunity for customers to directly support the expansion of solar power without the need to install solar on their rooftop,” FPL’s filing states. “Through FPL SolarTogether, customers will have the option to subscribe to kilowatts of solar capacity from dedicated cost-effective 74.5-megawatt solar power plants built for this program.”
FMPA Weekly is published by FMPA for employees and governing boards of FMPA member utilities. Questions or comments about this newsletter may be directed to Melisa Inanc or Kenasia Lealie in FMPA’s Public Relations Department.
Want more background on the names and terms used in this newsletter? Check out FMPA’s Glossary, which features some of the most frequently mentioned committees, companies, places and terms, or contact the person named in each FMPA story to learn more.
Have a question, comment or story idea for the newsletter? FMPA welcomes your feedback at any time. Contact: Melisa Inanc or Kenasia Lealie
Florida Municipal Power Agency
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Orlando, FL 32819-9002
Tel 407 355-7767
Fax 407 355-5794
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