FMPA Weekly | July 20, 2020 | Member Edition

July 20, 2020


TOP NEWS                                                           

ARP Executive Committee Rate Workshop
The ARP Executive Committee held a rate workshop last Tuesday to review the June All-Requirements Project loads, costs and rates. Due to the hot weather near the end of the month, participant energy sales for June finished 2.8% above budget. ARP rates for June also benefitted from monthly gas costs that were 42% below budget. The June average billed demand and energy cost to participants was $60.41 per MWh, which was the lowest billed cost for the month of June in over 15 years. The full agenda package is available on the Portal.

Fiscal 2021 Budgets
FMPA’s fiscal 2021 budgets were posted last week to the Document Portal. Budgets can be found under the Portal’s financials section. Contact: Jason Wolfe

NERC Executive Order
The North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) issued an alert last week pertaining to the executive order, “Securing the United States Bulk-Power System.” Members who are registered entities with NERC should have acknowledged the alert and need to respond by Aug. 21. Members who require assistance responding to the alert can contact Truong Le.

Compliance Review
Ian Beason and Truong Le travel to Ocala on Monday to discuss the utility’s compliance program. Members who are interested in having their compliance program reviewed can contact Truong Le.

Environmental Permitting Summer School
Jacob Williams presents at the Environmental Permitting Summer School hosted by the Florida Chamber Foundation on Wednesday via teleconference. Jacob and four other panelists will provide an overview of major federal and state air quality legislation, rules, litigation, and initiatives with focus on how normal business operations in Florida will be affected. Interested members can register on the Florida Chamber of Commerce’s website.

Beaches Energy Project
Mark McCain, Mike McCleary and Navid Nowakhtar visit Beaches Energy Services on Wednesday to assist the utility with their Operational Business Plan. The project will provide an operational roadmap and financial modeling to guide the utility’s business operations over the next five years.

General Fund Transfer Survey
FMPA has extended the deadline for the General Fund Transfer Survey. Only half of FMPA members have responded. Members are encouraged to submit their responses to the survey as soon as possible. Contact: Ann Beckwith


Jason Wolfe | July 22 | 7 Years


FMPA Governing Board Meetings
July 29 | 9 a.m. | FMPA’s Orlando Office

Policy Makers Liaisons Committee
July 29 | 1 p.m. | FMPA’s Orlando Office

FMEA Powering On Virtual Conference
Aug. 3-14 | Teleconference


Earthjustice Seeks to Oppose Duke Energy’s Solar Proposal

Duke Energy Florida to Begin Disconnections in September


FMPA Weekly is published by FMPA’s Public Relations Department for staff and members. Questions about this newsletter may be directed to Melisa Inanc or Melanie Arsenault. Check out FMPA’s Glossary, for frequently mentioned terms.