March 29, 2021 |
Reliable Public Power Provider Designation
Congratulations to City of Bartow Electric Department, City of Tallahassee Electric Utility, Fort Pierce Utilities Authority, and Kissimmee Utility Authority who received the 2021 Reliable Public Power Provider (RP3) designation. The American Public Power Association’s RP3 program is based on industry-recognized leading practices in the four disciplines of reliability, safety, workforce development and system improvement. The full list of designees is available on APPA’s website.
Rating Agency Presentations
FMPA will meet with Moody’s and Fitch Rating Agencies on Wednesday to discuss the status of FMPA’s All Requirements Project ahead of the issuance of taxable bonds to replace the current lines of credit. Contact: Linda Howard
Refurbish, Repair, and Disposal of Transformers Bid
FMPA is preparing to issue a joint bid for Refurbish, Repair, and Disposal of Transformers. Participation in the joint bid is open to all FMPA members. The scope of service includes minor repair of distribution transformers, recondition, remanufacture/rewind, regulator repair, recloser repair, and disposal of transformers, meters, and capacitors. Interested members can contact Sharon Samuels by April 9.
Transformer Painting and Inspection Bid
FMPA is preparing to issue a joint bid for Transformer Painting and Inspection. Participation in the joint bid is open to all FMPA members. The scope of service includes painting and inspection of Padmount Transformers and Electrical Substation Equipment. Interested members can contact Sharon Samuels by April 13.
AMI Roundtable
FMPA will host an Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) Roundtable on April 28 at 9 a.m. via teleconference. The roundtable provides an opportunity for members to discuss topics such as AMI technology, equipment, training, and more. The deadline to register is April 21. Contact: Cairo Venegas
Finance Committee
April 14 | 3 p.m. | FMPA’s Orlando Office
Governing Board Meetings
April 15 | 9 a.m. | FMPA Orlando Office
Purchasing Roundtable
May 13 | 10 a.m. | Teleconference
New Fee Approved by Florida Senate to Build Electric Vehicle Charging Stations
FMPA Weekly is published by FMPA’s Public Relations Department for staff and members. Questions about this newsletter may be directed to Melisa Inanc or Amy Raleigh. Check out FMPA’s Glossary, for frequently mentioned terms.