FMPA Weekly | May 10, 2021 | Member Edition


May 10, 2021

TOP NEWS                                                           

Florida Municipal Solar Project Phase II Committee Meeting
FMPA and participants of the Florida Municipal Solar Project Phase II meet Tuesday at 11 a.m. via Teams. The agenda includes: 1) select Chairs for Solar II and ARP Solar II Committees, 2) review and approve Charters for both Solar II and ARP Solar II Committees, and 3) provide project update, specifically discussing transmission network upgrades and potential funding options for the Whistling Duck facility.  Contact: Susan Schumann

ARP Telephonic Rate Workshop
The ARP Executive Committee meets Tuesday at 2 p.m. to review April’s rate calculation. Contact: Jason Wolfe

Agency and Small Projects Budgets
FMPA will submit the proposed fiscal 2022 Agency and Small Projects (Stanton, Tri-City, Stanton II, St. Lucie, Solar Phase I, Solar Phase II, and Pooled Loan) budgets to the Finance Committee this week along with their recommendation for approval at the Finance Committee Meeting on May 19. The budgets will then go to FMPA’s Board of Directors and Executive Committee for approval in June, provided the Finance Committee has approved the budgets. Contact: Jason Wolfe

Purchasing Roundtable
FMPA hosts a Purchasing Roundtable on Thursday at 10 a.m. at FMPA’s Orlando office. The roundtable provides a forum for purchasing personnel to meet with peers from other member utilities to discuss work procedures, policies and practices, industry changes and other topics of interest. A teleconference option will be available. Contact: Sharon Samuels

TVPPA Lineworker Safety Program Coordination Meeting
FMPA, TVPPA representatives and participants of FMPA’s Lineworker Safety Program meet May 25 via Teams to coordinate details and prepare for the program to launch in July 2021. FMPA’s Board of Directors approved TVPPA as the new Lineworker Safety Program provider in April, and 22 cities have provided commitments to participate in the program. The program will allow FMPA members access to quality, affordable training, and members that subscribe to the program will get 10 safety meetings per year at their utility’s location. Interested cities are asked to sign the agreement by the end of May to participate in the program. Mike McCleary will share the meeting invite with the participants this week.

Safety Compliance Workshop
FMPA’s Safety Compliance for Electric Utilities Distance Learning Series continues. The next class in the series is scheduled on June 18. This session will define qualification requirements to perform work on or near electric power facilities. Registration is available on FMPA’s website.

Foreman Academy Certification Series
FMPA continues to offer its three-part Foreman Academy Certification series. The second track in the current series is on June 21 – 24. The Foreman Academy Certification provides crew leaders and general foremen with the knowledge and tools to lead crews efficiently, responsibly, and safely.  First time attendees who have not already completed the first track are also invited to register for the training.  Registration is available on FMPA’s website.


Isabel Montoya | May 13 | 2 Years

Konrad Lisiewicz | May 15 | 15 Years


Finance Committee
May 19 | 2 p.m. | FMPA Orlando Office

Governing Board Meetings
May 20 | 9 a.m. | FMPA Orlando Office

Distribution Reliability Roundtable
June 17 | 10 a.m. | FMPA Orlando Office

FMEA Annual Conference
July 20 – 22 | Naples Grande Beach Resort


Florida PSC Approves Duke Energy Florida Rates

State Regulators Approve Florida Power and Light Hurricane Dorian Costs


FMPA Weekly is published by FMPA’s Public Relations Department for staff and members. Questions about this newsletter may be directed to Melisa Inanc or Amy Raleigh. Check out FMPA’s Glossary, for frequently mentioned terms.