FMPA Salary Survey

Question 5.1: If so, how is it structured?

Click on a participant name to link directly to their report.

Member Answers
Member A Upon retirement employees receive a one time retirement bonus payment of $100 per years of service.
Member B
Member C
Member D
Member E
Member F 1-5 years of service=none5-10 years of service=10 hours of pay10-15 years of service=20 hours15-20 years of service=40 hoursafter 20 years=80 hours of pay
Member G 9.23 every 5 years. Stopped for any new employees hired after 4/1/1995.
Member H see attached
Member I Completed Years of Service % of Annual Base Wage: 5 � to less than 10 years 2%; 10 � to less than 15 years 3%; 15 � to less than 20 years 4%; 20+ years 5%. It is paid annually during the month of December to those employees whom are working on November 30th.
Member J Longevity Bonus. For an employee who was eligible for longevity prior to September 30, 2011, 70% of the employee's longevity bonus rate will be calculated and used as a fixed �add pay� amount per hour as of October 1, 2011.
Member K
Member L
Member M
Member N
Member O

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Questions? Comments? Send e-mail to Sharon Adams or call 321-239-1005.

This page was updated on 04/10/24

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