FMPA Salary Survey

1. What was the budgeted percentage annual pay increase for the current year?


2. Actual average percentage pay increase for last year:


3. Projected average percentage pay increase for next year:


4. Do you have Step Pay Plans?

Yes'(60.00%) No'(40.00%)

4.1. If so, how are they structured?

4.2. What positions do they apply to?

5. Do you offer longevity incentives?

Yes'(40.00%) No'(60.00%)

5.1. If so, how is it structured?

6. Do you have a separate On Call Pay Plan?

Yes'(73.33%) No'(26.67%)

6.1. If so, how is it structured?

7. What type of medical plans do you offer?

7.1. Notes:

8. Is there a mandatory benefit contribution by the employee? If so, what percentage?


9. Do you provide a dental plan?

9.1. Notes:

10. Do you provide a Vision Plan for Employees?

Yes'(86.67%) No'(13.33%)

10.1. How much do employees pay for vision for themselves (%)?


10.2. How much do employees pay for vision for family/dependents (%)?


11. What type of retirement plan do you provide? (Defined contribution or Deferred Compensation)

Defined contribution'(73.33%) Deferred Compensation'(26.67%)

12. How many vacation days do employees earn for each year of service?

13. What is the number of paid sick leave days granted your employees each year?

14. How many paid holidays do you provide each year?

15. What percentage of turnover/attrition did you have last calendar year (resignation or retirement)?


16. What percentage of turnover/attrition did you have for your lineman job family last calendar year (resignation or retirement)?


17. What is the salary to benefit percentage? (i.e. gross salaries to health and pension costs)


View the Responses by Member or return to the Participant Directory

Questions? Comments? Send e-mail to Sharon Adams or call 321-239-1005.

This page was updated on 04/10/24

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