FMPA Salary Survey

Question 7.1: Notes:

Click on a participant name to link directly to their report.

Member Answers
Member A
Member B City pays 100% for the employee's medical coverage, 50% for dependent coverages.
Member C
Member D
Member E Our medical and dental plans have four tiers each. What is reported above for employees represents "employee only" premium share and for dependents, the "employee and children" tier.
Member F Employees pay different % based on selection. The City pays between 62-70 on Family plans.
Member G Used EE/SP Coverage for Dependents
Member H
Member I We have 4 tiers = EE, E+Sp, E+CH & E+Fam - I used the EE+Sp Tier for % FAMILY = 48.64%
Member J Calendar year out-of-pocket limit single: $7,150 Calendar year out-of-pocket family limit : $14,300
Member K
Member L
Member M
Member N
Member O Employees are covered at no cost family members have a cost associated basd on number of dependants

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Questions? Comments? Send e-mail to Sharon Adams or call 321-239-1005.

This page was updated on 04/10/24

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