Last week, the planned maintenance outage for Cane Island Unit 2 was extended. This week, new IRS standard mileage rates go into effect Jan. 1.
Last week, Jacob Williams met with state Representative Erin Grall. This week, the AROC will hold a special called meeting to hold an exit conference with FMPA’s external auditors.
Last week, Jacob Williams and Mark McCain attended the Kissimmee Utility Authority’s Board of Director’s meeting. This week, the second module of Series II of FMPA’s Excellence as a Supervisor training is Tuesday and Wednesday at FMPA’s Orlando office.
Last week, Jacob Williams met with Vero Beach Mayor Laura Moss. This week, Frank Gaffney and David Schumann travel to the Stock Island Generating Facility in Key West.
Last week, Jacob Williams and lobbyist Bill Peebles met with Sen. Jack Latvala and Senator-elect Debbie Mayfield in Tallahassee. This week, FMPA’s Purchasing Roundtable meets Wednesday.
Last week, the Market Research Task Force met to finalize the solar energy survey. This week, Jacob Williams and Frank Gaffney travel to Bartow on Tuesday for a member city visit.
Last week, Cane Island Unit 1 came back online after a four-day planned maintenance outage. This week, the Market Research Task Force meets Tuesday at 2 p.m. via conference call to finalize plans for the survey of retail customers.
Last week, Cane Island Unit 4 came back online after completing a scheduled maintenance outage. This week, Ryan Dumas is attending the American Public Power Association’s (APPA) Customer Connections Conference.
Last week, the Market Research task Force met for a kick-off meeting with GreatBlue Research. This week, Jacob Williams and Mark McCain travel to Lake Worth on Tuesday for a member city visit.
Last week, FMPA’s Board of Directors met. This week, Jacob Williams and Frank Gaffney travel to Tampa on Thursday.