FMPA Weekly | Jan. 21, 2020 | Member Edition

FMPA Weekly


A weekly e-newsletter for FMPA members


Jan. 21, 2020





Finance Committee

FMPA’s Finance Committee met last Wednesday and approved two action items: 1) annual audited financial report, and 2) risk management policies and compliance reports. The full agenda package is available on the Portal. Contact: Linda Howard


Board of Directors

FMPA’s Board of Directors met last Thursday and approved four action items: 1) guidelines for a significant amount of staff time for an individual member project, 2) external audit report and audited financial statements, 3) parliamentary procedure to suspend rules for reading resolution titles, and 4) audit adjustment policy. Action items for Solar Project I Poinsett PPA revisions and risk management policies were pulled from the agenda and will be considered at the February meeting. The full agenda package is available on the Portal. Contact: Jacob Williams


ARP Executive Committee

The ARP Executive Committee met last Thursday and approved five action items: 1) revision to cost spread reduction program, 2) depositing Vero Beach entitlement capacity sales revenues to rate protection account, 3) audit adjustment policy, 4) external audit report and audited financial statements, and 5) parliamentary procedure to suspend the rules for reading resolution titles. The action item addressing Solar I Project Poinsett PPA revisions was pulled from the agenda and will be considered at the February meeting. The full agenda package is available on the Portal. Contact: Jacob Williams


GEAR Up Project

FMPA and Keys Energy Services (KEYS) kicked off a Generation Efficiency and Readiness Project (GEAR Up) in May 2019. The team identified goals to increase reliability support to Stock Island and to ensure the plant is responsive within 45 minutes of a black start requirement. FMPA’s Power Generation, Engineering and Cyber Security teams meet regularly with the KEYS team to discuss progress toward project goals. Several of the projects are expected to be completed in fiscal 2020, and efforts will continue into fiscal 2021. Contact: Ken Rutter


Stock Island TARP Payment

FMPA made the final payment this month for the True All-Requirements Project (TARP) capacity charge related to Stock Island. This will reduce the All-Requirements Project’s (ARP) financial obligations going forward. Keys Energy Services (KEYS) joined ARP in 1997, and the TARP arrangement between KEYS and ARP was established in 2011. Contact: Ken Rutter or Jody Finklea


Windows 10 Security Update

Microsoft released a security update last week to address critical vulnerabilities in Windows 10 that create cyber risks. FMPA’s Information Technology (IT) team has been working diligently to install the updates on the entire FMPA system. Members are encouraged to install the Windows 10 update as soon as possible, and FMPA’s IT staff is available to assist members with questions. Contact: Carter Manucy or Luis Cruz


Power Sales

The All-Requirements Project’s (ARP) wholesale power sales to other utilities increased in January. A wholesale power sale to Winter Park increased from 10 MW to approximately 70 MW effect Jan. 1 and will run through 2027. Homestead began purchasing 15 MW of power in January for a seven-year term. Finally, ARP entered into a power sale agreement with Reedy Creek Improvement District to sell power overnight beginning last Friday through the end of January. Winter Park and Homestead residents benefit from ARP’s excess capacity, and the extra revenue for ARP helps reduce rates for project participants. Contact: Chris Gowder


Financial Statements

FMPA’s financial statements for fiscal 2019 have been posted on FMPA’s Portal and on


Monthly Technology Calls

FMPA’s Information Technology and Operations Technology teams have scheduled monthly Technology Calls to provide IT and cybersecurity support for members. The first call was last Friday to discuss current industry issues and share information. The call was well-attended with 25 participants. The next meeting is scheduled for Feb. 14. Contact: Luis Cruz


Cybersecurity Scorecard

FMPA helped a member last week complete the Public Power Cybersecurity Scorecard, an online self-assessment to evaluate security from cyber risks. FMPA encourages all members to complete the scorecard, and Agency team members are available to help complete it. Contact: Carol Chinn






Member City Visits

Luis Cruz travels to Key West on Monday through Thursday for an IT process review. Mark McCain and Mike McCleary travel to Mount Dora on Tuesday for a member city visit. Susan Schumann travels to Alachua on Wednesday, while Mike and Cairo Vanegas travel to Williston to discuss power quality tools. Jacob Williams travels to Winter Park on Thursday while Ann Beckwith and Navid Nowakhtar visit Clewiston to discuss financial planning support. On Thursday, Mike travels to Wauchula for a demonstration of hybrid trucks.


FCG Environmental and Legislative Meetings

Susan Schumann travels to Tallahassee on Thursday for Florida Electric Power Coordinating Group’s (FCG) Environmental Committee and Legislative Task Force.


All-Requirements Project Weekly Load Statistics

The weekly update of the All-Requirements Project historical load graph has been posted on the Portal. The graph is updated through Jan. 19. Contact: Jason Wolfe


Special Dates 

Congratulations to Carl Turner, who celebrated six years with FMPA on Monday, Jan. 20.


Congratulations to Hector Mesa, who celebrates 12 years with FMPA on Tuesday, Jan. 21.


Congratulations to Susan Schumann, who celebrates 22 years with FMPA on Sunday, Jan. 26.






Regional Crew Leader Roundtables

The first of FMPA’s semi-annual Regional Crew Leader Roundtables will be in New Smyrna Beach on Feb. 25, and the second will be in Blountstown on Feb. 27. These will be followed by roundtables in Lake Worth Beach, Fort Meade and Green Cove Springs. The roundtables are designed to provide an opportunity for foremen and crew leaders to meet with their counterparts from neighboring utilities. Attendance is free, and lunch will be provided. Registration is available on Contact: Sharon Samuels


APPA Safety Awards of Excellence

The deadline to apply for the American Public Power Association’s (APPA) Safety Awards of Excellence is Jan. 31. The awards are conducted annually to emphasize the importance of safe working habits, to recognize utilities that achieve safe operations and to share aggregate safety-related statistical information. Winners will be announced in April.






Federal Agencies Take Over JEA Investigation

Florida State Attorney Melissa Nelson announced last Monday that federal agencies would oversee the investigation of JEA. The State Attorney’s Office initiated the investigation of the utility in the aftermath of JEA abandoning an ill-fated privatization process. JEA’s Board voted to terminate former Managing Director and CEO Aaron Zahn in December, putting him on administrative leave while city attorneys investigate whether the separation will be with or without cause. City of Jacksonville Council President Scott Wilson said Jan. 3 he intends appoint a special committee to investigate the canceled employee bonus program and the privatization process.


PSC Hears Testimony on FPL’s Proposed Solar Subscription Program

The Florida Public Service Commission (PSC) heard testimony last Tuesday on Florida Power & Light’s (FPL) proposed solar subscription program. The utility filed a petition last year seeking approval of the program called SolarTogether. The program will give FPL customers the option to subscribe to solar from a utility-scale project. Participants will pay a monthly subscription charge and can receive a credit reflecting the estimated value on FPL’s system from reduced fuel, purchased power and carbon emission costs. The Office of Public Counsel has opposed aspects of the program citing the possible cost exposure to FPL’s non-participating customers and the cost-recovery structure for participants.





FMPA Weekly is published by FMPA’s Public Relations Department for all employees of the Agency. Questions or comments about this newsletter may be directed to Melisa Inanc or Melanie Arsenault.


Want more background on the names and terms used in this newsletter? Check out FMPA’s Glossary, which features some of the most frequently mentioned committees, companies, places and terms, or contact the person named in each FMPA story to learn more.


Have a story idea for the newsletter? FMPA welcomes all employees’ story suggestions including updates on FMPA business, employees’ personal or family accomplishments, as well as industry news suggestions. Contact: Melisa Inanc or Melanie Arsenault





Florida Municipal Power Agency

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