FMPA Weekly | Dec. 13, 2021 | Member Edition

Dec. 13, 2021

TOP NEWS                                                           

Finance Committee
FMPA’s Finance Committee met last Wednesday and approved Appendix N in the Information Technology Policy and Appendix O in the Human Resource Risk Policy. The committee also heard five information items. The full agenda package is available on the Portal. Contact: Linda Howard

Board of Directors
FMPA’s Board of Directors met last Thursday and approved three action items, including the St. Lucie audit report, insurance broker services and the 2022 calendar year meeting schedule. The Board also heard seven information items. The full agenda package is available on the Portal. Contact: Jacob Williams

FPUA’s John Tompeck Retires
The FMPA Board of Directors honored John Tompeck’s retirement from Fort Pierce Utilities Authority during last week’s Board meeting. John has served on FMPA’s Board of Directors for the last five years since his appointment as Director of Utilities at FPUA and will retire in January after more than 40 years in the electric utility industry. Join us in thanking John, who has been a great utility partner and advocate for FMPA’s mission throughout his years of service.

ARP Executive Committee
The ARP Executive Committee met last Thursday and approved three action items, including the Transco Pipeline capacity sale, insurance broker services and the 2022 calendar year meeting schedule. The committee also heard six information items. The full agenda package is available on the Portal. Contact: Jacob Williams

ARP Telephonic Rate Workshop
The ARP Executive Committee meets on Tuesday at 2 p.m. via conference call to review November’s ARP rate calculation. The full agenda package will be posted to the Portal prior to the meeting. Contact: Jason Wolfe

Safety Compliance Workshop
FMPA hosts the last session of the Safety Compliance for Electric Utilities Distance Learning Series on Friday at 1 p.m. via teleconference. The session will highlight requirements for de-energizing lines and equipment for employee protection. Contact: Sharon Samuels


Alan O’Heron | Dec. 14 | 1 Year


APPA Joint Action Conference
Jan. 9 – 11, 2022 | Destin, Florida

APPA Legislative Rally
Feb. 28 – March 2, 2022 | Washington, D.C.


President Biden Signs Executive Order for Federal Entities to Reach Net-Zero Emissions by 2050

Florida PSC Approves Modifications to Duke Energy Florida’s Energy Efficiency Programs


FMPA Weekly is published by FMPA’s Public Relations Department for staff and members. Questions about this newsletter may be directed to Rachel Ilardi or Anna Castro. Check out FMPA’s Glossary, for frequently mentioned terms.