FMPA Weekly | June 6, 2022 | Member Edition


June 6, 2022

TOP NEWS                                                           

Presentations on Energy Costs and Cost Mitigation Efforts
FMPA is supporting members with presentations to their local governing bodies on higher energy costs and the impacts on utilities and their customers. A handful of presentations have already been made, and nearly a dozen presentations discussing cost mitigation efforts are scheduled during the next month. Contact Susan Schumann if you are interested in a presentation for your local city council, city commission or utility board.

Florida Municipal Solar Project
FMPA has been meeting with Florida Municipal Solar Project (FMSP) participants to update members on the status of the three solar sites scheduled for the 2023-2024 timeframe. Supply chain issues and a recent investigation by the U.S. Department of Commerce into whether Southeast Asian solar panel manufacturers are using parts made in China that would normally be subject to a tariff are causing cost increases and project delays for many electric utilities. FMPA is also meeting with potential solar project developers to discuss pricing and supply chain issues that could impact Phase III. Individual meetings with project participants will continue over the next several weeks, with a FMSP Committee meeting soon. Contact: Susan Schumann

Finance Committee
FMPA’s Finance Committee meets Thursday at 2 p.m. in the Board room. The committee will consider four action items, including: 1) approval of the Fuel Portfolio Management Risk Policy, 2) approval and recommendation of the fiscal 2023 Agency allocation to the Board of Directors for final approval, 3) approval and recommendation of the fiscal 2023 budgets for the Stanton, Tri-City, Stanton II, St. Lucie, Solar, Solar II and Pooled Loan projects to the Board of Directors for final approval, and 4) approval and recommendation of the fiscal 2023 All-Requirements Project budget to the Executive Committee for final approval. The full agenda package is available on the Portal. Contact: Linda Howard

Annual Salary Survey
Results of FMPA’s annual salary survey are now posted to the Portal. The survey provides Florida-specific salary and benefit information to help utilities analyze employee retention. Fifteen public power utilities responded; however, all FMPA members are invited to participate. Members can contact Sharon Adams to submit responses.

Communication Services Bid for Emergency Notifications
FMPA is issuing a joint bid for mass communication services, with an emphasis on emergency notifications. The system should be able to contact all customers or a target audience. Service requirements include messaging via phone, text, email, TDD, RSS, social media feeds from a single interface, and have data backup. The FEMA process will be used to procure this service. Contact Sharon Samuels to participate in the bid.

Welcome, Manuel
Please welcome Manny Reyes, who joins FMPA on Monday as the new IT Specialist. Manny has 14 years of experience in providing IT support services. He holds several IT certifications and is pursuing a bachelor’s degree in information technology from Northeastern University.


Distribution Reliability Measurement Roundtable
June 29 | 10 a.m. | FMPA Orlando Office

FMEA Annual Conference
July 12-14 | Palm Beach, Fla.


FPL Points to 1989 Storm in Disputed Proposal


FMPA Weekly is published by FMPA’s Public Relations Department for staff and members. Questions about this newsletter may be directed to Rachel Ilardi or Ryan Dumas. Check out FMPA’s Glossary, for frequently mentioned terms.