July 11, 2022 |
Energy Central Podcast
Jacob Williams recently participated in a Power Perspectives podcast with Energy Central on the importance of “Keeping Electricity Affordable Among High Energy Costs.” The episode discusses how Florida’s public power utilities are working to provide affordable power, while ensuring electricity is reliable and clean.
Stanton II and St. Lucie Refinancings
FMPA on Wednesday completed a refinancing of the Stanton II Project 2012A series bonds with Raymond James Capital Funding for a savings of $2 million or 5.69%. On Thursday, FMPA completed a similar transaction for the St. Lucie Project 2012A series bonds with Bank of America for a savings of nearly $7 million, or 11.34%. A special thank you to the Finance Team for their efforts to complete these transactions. Contact: Linda Howard
Special-Called Executive Committee Meeting
The Executive Committee met last Thursday and approved the use of an additional $25 million from the 2021B bond proceeds to cover margin calls and deferred bond repayment from June to July. The committee will discuss a new repayment schedule at the Executive Committee meeting on Wednesday. Contact: Jacob Williams
ARP Rate Workshop
The All-Requirements Project meets on Tuesday at 9 a.m. via conference call to review project loads, costs and rates for June. The full agenda package is available on the Portal. Contact: Jason Wolfe
Board of Directors
FMPA’s Board of Directors meets Wednesday at 8 a.m. at The Breakers in Palm Beach to consider the approval of the Member Services Advisory Committee charter and elect Board officers for 2022-2023. The Board will also hear one information item, completion of the annual continuing disclosure report for fiscal 2021. FMPA will take updated headshots of the Board and Executive Committee members after the meeting. The full agenda package is available on the Portal. Contact: Jacob Williams
Executive Committee
The ARP Executive Committee meets on Wednesday, immediately following the Board of Directors meeting. The committee will consider three action items, including: 1) approval of purchase agreements for the Mulberry and Orange cogeneration facilities, 2) approval of the Cane Island Unit 3 outage resolution agreement with General Electric, and 3) election of officers for 2022-2023. The committee will also discuss natural gas risk management and hear an update on the discharge at the Stock Island Generating Facility. An updated agenda package will be available on the Portal prior to the meeting. Contact: Jacob Williams
FMPA State of the Agency
FMPA’s annual Board of Directors luncheon will take place on Thursday at noon during the FMEA Annual Conference in Palm Beach. During the luncheon, Jacob Williams will present on the state of the agency and how we’re working to keep electricity affordable. A video showing how FMPA’s efforts help provide a better life for customers will be posted to FMPA’s social media pages after the luncheon.
Policy Makers Liaisons Committee
FMPA’s Policy Makers Liaisons Committee meets Thursday at 3 p.m. at The Breakers in Palm Beach to approve the 2022-2023 meeting schedule and elect committee officers for the next year. The committee will also hear two information items, including a report on energy costs and a distribution reliability update. A virtual option will be available for those not able to attend in person. The full agenda package is available on the Portal. Contact: Susan Schumann
Electrical Metering Program Lab
The date and location for Tennessee Valley Public Power Association’s (TVPPA) Electrical Metering Program Lab has been moved to Aug. 15-19 at Orlando Utilities Commission. The five-day, hands-on lab provides training on instrument transformers, meter connections, meter constants, meter testing, meter reading and more. Participants should register by July 29. Contact: Sharon Samuels
Gary Fisk | July 12 | 12 Years
Shawn Szydlik | July 12 | 1 Year
Sharon Samuels | July 13 | 24 Years
Human Resources Roundtable
Sept. 22 | 10 a.m. | FMPA Orlando Office
Substation Maintenance Lab
Sept. 26-29 | Kissimmee Utility Authority
More Consumers Generating and Using Solar Power in Florida
Florida PSC Approves FPUC Mid-Course Correction for Higher Fuel Costs
FMPA Weekly is published by FMPA’s Public Relations Department for staff and members. Questions about this newsletter may be directed to Rachel Ilardi or Ryan Dumas. Check out FMPA’s Glossary, for frequently mentioned terms.